Page 79 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 79
Thursday, April 12, 1979 Scrimshaw page 3 aLC Can Thrive Iln!'-er New Leadership oontinuedfrompaget trustees, but no formaliz~ support community needs, such as helping groups form, and to provide for a group to get into action. "You can't into taking them, according to from the college. at local nursing homes, was dialogue between participating all of a sudden promote in- Maryanne Gordon. Officers must At the end of first semester of suggested groups. This organization will also terfaith," she claimed. be underclassmen since their this year, Joan Brooks, Bhair- make funds available to par- Kim Reeves, new Chairperson, terms run from January to person, halted all activities of the New officers were elected on ticipating religious groups under feels that the members of the RLC December. Only four un- RLC. She felt a need to look at the Tuesday, March '20. They are: Article 501·C3 of the Internal are a worthwhile group. "The will derclassmen were in the council at goals, purposes and direction of Chairperson, Kim Reeves; Revenue Code of 1954," and determination is there," she election time so they assumed the the council. Interested students Secretary, Maryanne Gordon; and claims. , positions. formed a reorganization on their Treasurer, Adele Whortman. As Joan Brooks steps down as Some personality conflicts own. Formally a fourth officer, Ac- Chairperson, she has great visions The biggest problem right now between members occured but tivities Coordinator was elected, for the newly reorganized group. according to Ms. Reeves is the according to Maryanne Gordon Ms. Brooks declared that the but the job was to big to be handled She feels the members are com- RLC's "undeserved reputation" they were "not the real hold up." RLC must "be flexible, adjust to by one person. That position is now mitted people who are hard- and the fact that many people do students where they are and not being filled by committees of working and see the council as not even know the council exists Another strike against the RLC take them anywhere ... meet their members. important. She envisions the new She hopes to "rectify" this was the loss of an advisor. Ira needs as they arise." RLC as "not quite a little lamb any situation before the end of the Zepp, former Dean of Chapel, The new purpose was devised by In an effort to reach all students, more." ' semester. advised the council until he suggestions of the reorganization Ms. Brooks stated that the RLC returned to teaching this year. The committee along with the results of would also like to have two ad- The former chairperson hopes Immediate plans for the future RLC is now formally under the a survey concerning religious ditional members to represent the that the reorganization will help are to sponsor a Blood Drive and advisement of Dean Mowbray needs on campus. The survey, student body. They need not be in a destroy the stereotype of the help Ha Maccabim sponsor a simply because they are an taken in February of this year, was religious group to qualify. religiously active person. She Passover Sadar. The Sadar, which organization. He informed the RLC given to 130 randomly selected wants to "show all we don't sit in celebrates the Exodus out of and all groups on campus that they students. Answers were given to The new purpose of the RCL is c our rooms with our Bibles and Egypt, will be held Friday April 13 must reorganize. The ministers on specific questions along with op- "to provide the necessary machine pray ...We like to have fun, too." at 4:45 p.m. in the President's campus do give the council some tional written comments. for funding campus-wide Ms. Brooks believes the RLC will Dining Room. All students are support and guidance. The new programs initiated by par- become known for its activities for welcome. constitution permits them to vote. The-survey indicated that the ticipating religious groups at the entire student body and not for Ms. Reeves would like to extend College. Maryland The' The RLC lost substantial funding students felt a need for more social Western of the organization is to its religious purposes alone. an invitation to any member of the function from the college due to the em- activities, particularly non- respond to campus religious needs, Maryanne Gordon also has high student body to attend the RLC phasis on the division between alcoholic, such as coffee houses, to provide inter-faith cern- hopes for "the future but realizes meetings held in the Leidy Room church and state, according to picnics, etc. Other comments were munication and sharing, to provide that it will take time for the new onTuesdaysat7p.m. Joan Brooks. The council does concerned with the need for the machinery for religious receive some personal tax- spiritual growth and religious education, to help new religious deductible donations from education. Also a response to ~--------~----------~--, Fulbright Scholarships Canceris Now Being Offered often The Institute of International country if they have been doing curable. Education .9pening of the ·1980-81· graduate or in that more country during for. six has announced work conducting that the or research official months the for competition grants graduate study or research abroad for academic year 1980-81. The fear in professional training and in\ the- are Creative 'required to have artists a and performing for fields academic not ofcancer creative and for May 1, 1979. It is is have four equivalent of professional degree. but they must bachelor's arts performing scheduled years 500 or expected experience. approximately that study isoften awards to 50 countries will be . at least two years of professional Social work applicants must have available for the 1980-81 academic I fatal. year. The purpose of these grants is to Social Work degree; the candidates of in after Master experience l increase the people understanding medicine must have an M.D. at the mutual between time of application. of the United through Selection is on States and other countries the exchange of persons, academic and/or based professional the knowledge and skills. They are record of the applicant, the provided under the terms of the validity and feasibility of the Mutual Educational and Cultural proposed study plan, the ap- Exchange Act of 1961 (Fulbright- plicant's language preparation and Hays Act) and by foreign gover- personal qualifications. nments, universities, corporations Preference is given to candidates and private donors. who have not had prior opportunity Applicants must be U .S. citize~ for extended study or residence at the time of application, who WIll abroad. generally hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent before the Information and application beginning date of the grant and, in material may be obtained from Dr. ~;.~.~~/:.;e:.~, most cases, will he-proficient in the William David, the Fulbright _,.,..,{ypeofNood language of the host country. Program Adviser. He is located in "B"t{lIethingaboolbl,>Od Except for certain specific 301 Memorial Hall with daily office ;S:;Idoe,n'{kecpyerylong Which m
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