Page 77 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 77
Loss Expected on Chapin Concert Sue Frost had been sold. Robinson said that Tom Chapin will be giving his he had "underestimated the second concert at Western number of people going home this Maryland College this Friday weekend." He had originally night, at eight p.m. in Alumni Hall thought that more people would His first concert here was in the stay for the concert and go home ·springof1977. _. for Easter on Saturday morning Complaints have been raised Robinson hopes that two hundred regarding the fact that the concert more tickets will be sold to both is scheduled for Good Friday. Tom college and community members Chapin's manager called Jeff before Friday. Even with two Robinson, head of the SGA Social hundred and fifly tickets sold, a Committee, to see if the school $900 loss is expected. This total loss would want Chapin for another will rise by $2.00 with every unsold concert. When here in 1977, Chapin ticket had been impressed with the Robinson estimated that bet- co!lege and its friendly people. The ween four and five hundred people only time when both the college's attended Chapin's earlier per- and Chapin's schedules were open formance at Western Maryland was this Friday He felt that "it was well-received." As of Monday night, fifty tickets J continued on page 2 WMCSlips in Admissions Rating Lowered in Barron's A.dministration Explains The listing is designed to allow Bill Byrne college bound HighSchool students Bill Byrne academic quality. He also ex- with their- test scores and other data. admissions In the newest enhon of Barron's to realistically compare them- "aepresentattves of WMC·s platned that while "we have to An interview with Registrar Profiles of American Colleges, a selves with the Freshman enrolled Admissions and Registrars offices conclude that admissions is less Hugh Dawkins. revealed another college catalog which lists colleges by the colleges in each category, offered many clarifications and competitive than five years ago, possible explanation. Mr. Dawkins and universities according to the according to the previously explanations when asked about the we are still accepting only those degree of admissions competition, mentioned criteria. - new listing of Western Maryland students who we feel are capable of challenged Barron's use of the Western Maryland College's In.the past, WMC was listed in College in the Barron's Catalog. doing well at Western Maryland proportion of acceptances a basis granted for as applications to description has been revised the category of very competitive Director of Admissions, Mr. L College." determining competitiveness. downwards from very competitive But the newest edition places WMC Leslie Bennett emphasised that Mr. Bennett went on to say that to ccmpeuttve r+). in the category of competitive with such listings were not a reasonable one of the reasons why WMC might Western Maryland has con- The Barron's Catalog compiles a a description of competitive (+). way of representing a college as a have been rated lower "on this list sistantly recruited only those list of colleges, placing them ac- Colleges with a t+) in the corn- whole. He said he would be con- was because many colleges have a students if felt would do well. It cording to admissions competition petitive category are those where cerned about the new listing if he tendency to "puff themselves up" might be possible to increase by encouraging high in the categories of most com- the median SAT is well over 500 or fell it was an accurate represen- for such reports. Since the in- applications students who would school petitive,' highly competitive, very the median ACT is well above 22, tattoo of the college's academic formation used by Barron's is probably not be accepted to apply, competitive, competitive, less th~e whi~h can ~dmit fewer than quality. But such listings are based based on the information colleges but the college has refused to competitive or non-competitive. lh of their applicants, or those on admissions information and send to them, Western Maryland mislead students in this manner The factors used in determining which have other admissions-sh1lUl'lrl5F'OSe·d as ~t-may ha-ve sugesed for being just to improve their image. the category for each college requirements making them more admissions competitiveness, not "straight forward and honest" were: (1) The median entrance competitive than the other in- S . . Al 1\T d d 1\T examination scores for the most stitutionsinthiscategory. ecurity J.~ot ,.ways 1vee e iiltsw~~~~ 0~las~I~S~2) r!~~ d':ci~~~~~ l ;;~~~t ~::~~!n of applicants and that (3) co~~t~i~eC listed in a category 100 before six p.m is unnecessary for admission, required been have approximately containing The proportion should the college and offered course should lists WMC with a 'Several were many especially when there acceptance to, colleges catalog Universities. The Jenifer Ulrey misunderstandings and since ninety percent of what problem the security arise, guard "then' of newest more applicants than could be <+) in the competitive category, questions have surfaced in recent happens takes place at night." One be called. It was added that off- given was that many accepted. . which contains over 600 colleges. / months concerning security on the other reason of the admlnistrationare campus people don't pose any members All ,. .. ~:~e~~e~~;~~~~e CS~~~~S·toT~: present on campus during the day security problems. on campus damage IS done that is reported Problems Facing ::o~t~~rw~:~~~~a~:~:~~. t: on weekends, in case any problem entirely by the student body. should arise. also questioned Fasano was spaces. parking the New KLe example, where are the security Asked about security at parties, about student parking spots were Many student guards at par-ties or before six p.m. on Saturdays? The answer is, not Fasano said security personnel recenlly reallotted to members of around don't want to become involved in the faculty. According to Fasano, Debbie Wooden communities, new religious groups There are no members of the student-sponsored parties. It is felt this has not been a matter of giving up student parking spaces, but of -helping Although for several years it has organize. security force available on campus Mr. that the people or organizations take in merely rearranging them should of the party until six p.m. on Saturdays. charge been relatively inactive and Since its organization in 1927, Robert Fasano, Head of Security, responsibility and police their Students have gained as many ineffectual, the newly reorganized the RLC has been an "active and spaces as they have lost. Religious Life Council (RLC) vital part of the campus," claimed verified this, saying that "Security parties t~emselves If any major promises to live up to its full Joan Brooks, former Chairperson potential Since the 1960'S, she stated that tbe .Gregory on Power The RLC is not another religious students have changed in that they group but rather an "umbrella are "not publicly aware and ac- group" for the rest. It consists of two members from each of the ~;e:;~~nt ~trJaanJ:cca~i~,dC;::~ Meg Hoyle when nuclear warheads and The next time someone starts a religious groups on campus in Jewish organization and newly Activist Dick Gregory was on earthquakes are mixed. Yet war, go to the old folks home and addition to three council officers. elected Secretary of the RLC, campus last Monday night, Gregory says that the United get the soldiers there to do the The members either volunteer or believes" there are "general speaking in Alumni Hall on such States has built 93% of its nuclear fighting, was Gregory's ttheory are chosen by each individual apathetic feelings all over cam- topics as the recent Three Mile pow:r plants on earthquake faults, Education today was another group. pus." Island accident, American south making such an event entirely topic on which Gregory had much possible. to say. He believes that it's titfte - The RLC's old purpose was to st~~~~~~~ldt~~ l~~~e~:;eet~~~ :~t~~h::~~~~~~. as well as the One question that Gregory asked schools stopped teaching students "assist and supplement religious needs of todays students. A Gregory broughtout a number of of the audience was "When will how to make a living out in-the real grow!h by: reorganization seemed necessary interesting points about the recent you young people in America wake world, and started teaching them to save the RLC. occurances at the Three Mile up to the power that you have?' how to learn to live in this world -encouragtng an atmosphere of Another reason for the Island nuclear power plant in Once the young realize and take The purpose of teaching is to mutual respect and cooperation reorganization concerned the nearby Harrisburg. One such point con~rol of this power. they. can educate, not to indoctrinate, he among all religious groups, members and officers of the I concerned the word games of- begin to make America work right, stated -providing an ecumenical council. Many could .not give full ficials play with the public at times because according to Gregory. it From grade school to high dialogue within the college com- commitments to the RLC, already like these. "Low-level radiation" hasn't worke? right yet. He.clam~s school, and on the college, students munity, being occupied with other groups means nothing to the ordinary that one major problelT_! With this are being prepared for life but -presenting programs that and activities. Members were not people. Few have any conception country is that most people won't rarely is one course offered on meet the
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