Page 72 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 72
Thu~c;:Iay"March 15, 1979 Scrimshaw page 4 Fo.. Females Only Ge.tting Down Disco Craze Hits WMC to Business Helga Hein will also master twenty-six commented on the dynamic Tomi and Geri· "Say Jeff Robinson was looking Approximately twenty-six WMC variations of the basic hustle steps. character of the disco movement. Instructor Carol Geyer that one cannot predict noted that She stated Males, read no further. This for help and you volunteered him students have been participating in after the dancers have perfected how long the movement will article is intended for females use (your date). disco dance classes under the the various steps, they can develop continue or what new inventions only. This means you, Tom and "Tell him you're in the finale of instruction of David and Carol their own styles. will develop. Even within the eight Jerry! the play tonight. ' . Geyer, WMC graduates. Since the week time span of the class, new The Turn-Around dance is fast "Or try the proverbial "I have a start of the semester, the dancers Both instructors- have a steps will originate and prevail in coming and we're sure Tom and Headache." have been meeting each Monday background in dance and theater. the discos; changes are constant Jerry have been advising the male If you realize he's the one you evening in the Forum at 8 p.m. for The couple enjoys dancing from and unpredictable.' populace on tactics they should use want, GO FOR IT· after all, this is an hour which is both informative- both a teaching and participant Ms. Geyer termed the class a a Turn-Around dance. on us. But we think there are a few and social. perspective. In addition to disco success because of the enthusiasm things you should know. Here are Down to the Real The fundamental dance skills dancing, they have taught present in both learning and social some tips. Main Business taught in the course include four ballroom dancing in the past. aspects. Because of 'the success of 1) Remember - get'em to dress basic hustles, three line dances When asked about the current the course, it may be offered again up. After all, we're all glamorous If you're having a good time, and body language. The students trends in disco, Carol Geyer next fall. beautiful sexy women and we stay till one. If you're having a deserve the best they can offer GREAT time, leave ateleven. Scheffler, (Zoncert Band 2) On who picks up who, we Back at the room, you know what recommend that you pick him up. to do. You don't need the hokey to Perform Next Week That way you dO)1't have to clean tricks that the chauvenistic Tom ~:~i~~r &:~I:Irrl~;:~~:~~£~ on Stage r:~t~:~y ~~tsf~e ~v:v:n:::!~ ~~ts J:~eu~~~~at~~: ~~~~ Suzette Scheffler, a soprano, will Concert Band ~;e=~~~:t~~i:~[lv=fohl~~ ~~~:i~Er:~~o~~::C:~tI::::: The so-member College Concert Band of Western Maryland College YO~;V~~r~~~is may be a turn- ~; taQ~~~' ~e~~t~n,:c:ec~~~;~ CO~:~:~panied by Dr. Arleen will perform Wednesday, March 21 around dance but let's get unless you've been back since Heggemeier, Scheffler will sing at 8 p.m. in Baker Memorial nediculous. Don't get the idea you eleven. A good choice would be selections by Scarlatti, Handel, Chapel. by Carl Dietrich, the Directed have to take him to dinner. After James Taylor or Simon and ~~~%:;an~~~~~~li a~~C;':'se~~~ band annually performs in four concerts, as well as at graduation :~dy~~v~o~s~~ ~:~~ t~:e ~e:~~ ~e~~~~~il~g ~~t W~ll ~!n;~u ~:~~~. ~,C;~:f~~~t~il~rtp~~~a~~I!i,;,an;~ and programs in the local schools. ~~~e~~ ~~~~~: t~ ~C~::ard~~!~ ~~~ ~:;~i~~~ith Bread or Loggins which Carl Dietrich and Rick Some of the selections which will be performed include "Fidello Gino's. No matter what Tom and We won't tell you what to do, only p~e~~~i!~~in:i Julia Hitchcock, Overture," by Beethoven; "Crown ~~7m~~'d!i:ht~ac's are not a ~~:~ons~e~~t ::~~~~ro w~~ Scheffler is a dean's list student as Imperial," by Walton; "Hands Across the Sea," by Sousa; and 4) A small note about driving : that wise, old, but sometimes ~~~ir~s~e ~~~e~: ;i~~~~~~~~g: "Pictures at an Exhibition," by ~:~g~~id~r~~~eBc~r ~i~~:e~: ~~~~:n:?~~e:~~7i says "She percussionist in the College Band Moussorgsky. . She is also active in the Phi Alpha \. Dietrich, associate professor of music at Western Maryland, has ~:g~O~ ~~~e~~)ha~:~: (~!'l~~rd ~/c~~;~~~ft~!~~~ Mu sorority and the pom pom , been directing the band since 1967. mind on the road - unless you Tom and Jerry), contact us sq~ag~aduate of North Hagerstown Band members are both music distract and encourage him. ~~r~~ ri~~~i~~~~'gc!~~~ ~~ High School, Scheffler is the Suzette Scheffler will give her majors and students of other junior voice recital Tuesday Down to the Main correct place. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert disciplines who enjoy. . Women, beB::::S~t the dance. 1F===;~~"""",.,====,;:s~'hief~fle"i"~Of~c=ab",o~t.=,pa=,.====='fI Theglri IS12. 'r6e guy isittaxi driver. Makesure he's concentrating on GIRLS•••Are you looking for a :.ou~~~~e:%~n~;S ~:k::'k;~ summer counselor position? What happens to measures. If you like him, try the both of them will are now being considered pplicants -, slow dance. If you don't. ask him to e able to teach one of the following: for. the 1979 camp season. Mu~t shock you. Arts & Crafts Oil Arts & Crafts, get you a drink whlle you quickly make time with someone else. ctor, Dancing, Piano Accompanist and singing, Archery, Tennis, Tram I If, after the dance starts, you've oline, Gymnastics, Photography, Cheerleading, Riflery (NRA), Scout realized you've made a mistake, ng & Nature Study, ARC Swimming Instructor, Boating, Canoeing & COLUMBIA PICTURES pr<">ARTYAT FREE! .:J.1-~ ~e" ~~t ~eet Hamburger ~\ r;~\\ ~~W r;~\~~ (,o\~ OS & GINNY'S The Pit with purchase of Call Ahead roc Takeout Orde" 876-3550 Featuring "Mama Tried" Quarter with Cheese® .. House of Liquors . Drunk Rock at its best •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Pounder : : (with this coupon) • : Special of the Week • : March 17 2.00 cover We do it allJor you 452 E. Main St. Open Fo, Lunch 11:OOA.M•• 1:OOA.M. /\f\ ™ Schlitz 12·oz. cans IMCJo"\~M. '1.90 asfx pack COLD BEER 113 W. Main S1. COLO BEER "At the Forks" This Week's Special Westminster and Reisterstown only with _this eoupon ~ 'BeeIt 3.99 a/ron Valid 8:00 P.M. - 11 :00 P.M. oilet r¥II6 Saturday, March 17 through Ca....oll Plaza, Westminste .. 848-3466 ThursdaY,March 22 848·1314 3/31 !Limit one coupon per customer.)
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