Page 73 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 73
Cheese and Pastry Shop Postponed Due to Funds Jenifer Ulrey The proposed Cheese and Pastry funds needed to run the Cheese and Shop to be located in the mall Pastry Shop are not available at between Rouzer and the cafeteria, this time. The opening of the Pub is another delay postponing the and the Cheese and Pastry Shop completion of Decker College will increase job responsibilities Center. The dining hall will be and will take time to organize. managing the Cheese and Pastry Because of the delayed opening of Shop in addition to the Pub, which, the Pub, the opening of the Cheese it is still hoped, will open after and Pastry Shop has had to be Easter. According to Mrs. Joan pushed back even further. . Nixon, Director of College Ac- tivities, the delayed opening of the Cheese and Pastry shop is par- The way things stand now. the tially financial and partially Cheese and Pastry Shop will organizational. probably not be opening before the Pub. It isn't likely that it will be completed before the end of second The cost of opening the shop semester, since setting up the shop exceeds the present budget and the itself has scarcely been started A.lcohol, Vandalism From A.nother Pro'blem BiUByme with the use of alcohol on campus, ween alcohol and vandalism and Dean Mowbray emphasized Dr. decisions surfaced. Students cited that the new Decker Center did not Western Maryland College "the basic policy is not being what might be done to control the John's earlier explanation that provide adequate facilities for all students had an opportunity to challenged." The open parties in latter. While not denying -that open parties in the clubrooms were open parties, and that the ban on discuss, question and debate the the frat clubrooms were ended alcohol and vandalism were always meant to be a temporary midweek parties was driving topics of vandalism and alcohol earlier this year, as planned, when related, he suggested that they arrangement until a more suitable students off campus on abuse with a panel of students, the College Center opened and both might be reflections of some location for them was available. faculty and administration provided a more suitable location ot.!!er problem rather than one He also indicated that the final weeknights. Complaints that representatives at a special forum for them. Dr. John outlined three being the direct cause of the other. decision to end the open parties in Western Maryland was becoming not an over- was held last Wednesday evening in major problems currently facing Dr. Seidel also said that while it the clubrooms and that he warned a "suitcase college" was also night decision McDaniel Lounge. Members of the the school: the destruction of life- might be ideal for students to both the SGA and the frats heard. The panel did its best to panel for this Forum which was safety equipment; the serving of respond to the questions by ex- at parties organized by the Action Com- minors from the community; and police themselves this is an unrealistic and themselves last year and at the plaining the reasons behind the other events, mittee, included College president the destruction of school property. solution to the problem. He beginning of this year that such a decisions which the students ob- Dr. Ralph John, Dean of Students Due to the serious proportions decision might be made if jected to. Although no new Wray Mowbray, and faculty which these problems reached this regulations concerning such representauve Dr. Ethan Seidel. suggested that vandalism might be solutions were brought forth, it is year, some .cl)anges were made dealt with .more effectively- by parties continued to be broken. hoped that this opportunity to concerning the use of alcohol on express opinions at least helped The Forum began with a few campus. lifting some ~ the responsibility During the question and answer the different sides of this con- opening remarks by each of the for its prevention from the session which followed, student troversy to better understand what panel members. Dr. John ex- shoulders of students and placing it ·frustration and resentment the other was thinking. plained that although there had Dr. Seidel then mentioned some with a source less susceptible to towards recent administration been some "disappointments" ideas about the relationship bet- peer pressur~. Selectrocution Hits WMC Selectrocution has come to Even if you get selectrocuted, Dave Williams will keep the party WMC! Sele"Ctrocution, the latest in you'll be powered back by the going with nonstop dancing! the Baltimore/Washington disco Dave Williams Disco Show. Remember, that's Saturday scene, will be at the next SGA There'll be rock and disco music, a night, April 7, 9·1, for some of the mixer on Saturday night, April 7, light show, a dance contest, record best music and dancing around from 9:00 to 1:00 in the forum, giveaways, and much. much more. and- Selectrocution! featuring the sights and sounds of the Dave Williams Disco Show. Choir to Tour South. SeJectrocution, for those of you not familiar with the term, is a great way of meeting people who are interested in meeting you. It Debbie Wooden according to Mr. Hylton. Their works like this. Everyone coming While most of us are home over fund- raising activities have ln. to the mixer will be given a tag at spring break, the Western cluded those adorable "Singing the door to wear during the mixer. Maryland College Choir will Valentines," a record raffle and Each tag will have two letters embark on a whirlwind concert chopping firewood to sell to local printed on it (ex. AB, CD); these tour of several southern states. residents. The firewood selling will letters will serve as your iden- Beginning in Camp Springs, continue even after the trip for tification code for the night. Maryland on Sunday, March 25, there has not been enough money the choir will give concerts in raised. From 9:00 to 10:30 -you'll be Augusta, Georgia, Charleston, The concert sites were chosen so r;~r~g~~~~~ou;~/~;~:t:~u~ •=: C;:;!~~, W~;:t0':t!~l:~: ~~l1~~e-~~~~i.I~~~~u~~:~~~Mo~ ~e to meet. Then ~t 10:30 you ~11l Virginia. were asked if they would be willing fill out Selectrocutton cards With Brent Hylton, Director of the to sponsor a concert, handle your lett~rs and the lett~rs ~f the Choir and Assistant Professor of publicity and arrange housing for of his active participation in four or five people you d hke to Music at WMC, explained that the the choir members. In the South, struggle for human . meet. purpose of the tour is to strengthen this year's tour site, yearly alumni Gregory served two 45-day the college name, visit alumni of gatherings are held to discuss and sentences. These cards will be taken to a the college, perform in front of an appropriate money to colleges. Gregory has recorded computer and crossmatched to audience and to see what is going The concerts are geared to show the ghetto of S1. Louis, albums, including The determine who is interested in you. on in other parts of the country. the alumni that their contnbutions became a high SidelThe Dark Side. He The letters of all the people who The choir has given some C
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