Page 7 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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friday, September .2~3~,1!!39~77!.._ _:s'::.';:::m:::'h::a::w -;;:;;-:--;;-;;;:;-;~:;-:::::;:::;;::::- --,- __ -,-Pa"ge:_3:_ The Bathroom Wall The RIGHT opinion -Want a Better Paper-Write A Givaway.c.? Jeff Smith \ that It cannot In fact accommodate Dave langley since speeding up the presses degrading, especially when they A most controversial subject I the modern size naval warships Stop! Before you use this leaf to would cost more than the ad- were criticized. These individuals recently has been the transfe~ oflJThis is referring to thos~ line your bird cage or clean your ministration is likely to pay, the who fear criticism are probably the Panama .C.anal ~rom United propositions above), and so is not windows take at least a half- only obvious solution is to change the same students who are happy States a~mlOlstrab?~ to .the of much use militarily. However, heartedlookatthesefewlinesand the format of the paper. I would to quietly acquiesce to a Pa?amaman . administr-ation.. this ignores the fact that it may be see how you feel It seems that suggest that the paper be given to a professor's opinion and make no ~hile t~ere are several arguments enlarged if need be. what of other since college newspapers found larger number of commentaries attempt to form or voice one of- their beginnings these periodicals and represent more of a forum for their own. I must quickly question ~~~UI~~ngth~s ~a:a~:~~s!hO~~ I ~o~m~~~~I:~~[~i~t 0c:;~~.C~~~~~ have maintained little prestige in student opinion. whether these people get probably less. persuasive than dustry, hence consumers, to the eyes of their reading publics. O.K., conservatives, I can feel as much benefit from their th.ose of Americans who do not change the shipping routes? These readers, primarily the ~ you cringing and hear you saying education as those who don't w,lsh sur_render. . . So, perhaps the most con. student bodies of colleges and to yourselves, "What happened to acquiesce. After all, what good is Th~ pnce of oft~n troversial of problems, that of universities, never seem satisfied 'just the facts'." First off I would what you're learning if you can't menho~ed as .bemg exorbitant m "ownership," comes up. The with the articles written in their have thought the antiquity of such apply' it, in both forming and comparison WI~ ~e returns from proponents of the recent treaty school's paper. This seems to be a motto was obvious by now, but if verbalizing your own opinions? the Canal. But If 10 fact the Canal claim that the Canal Zone and the case at W.M.C. as much as it isn't let me say that I'm not may be enlarged, and thereby its Canal are the remnants of an era of anywhere-else, with the paper here advocating the complete disap- To those of you who possess military value enhanced, for our American imperialism. being read nearly as 'en- pearance of newsy stories from views that oppose mine on this security, price shouldn't become Arguments such as this could set thusiastically as yesterday's these pages. There is a certain issue I extend not only my too much of an issue. It would be quite a precedent. Many other menu. place for newsworthy items in any welcome, but also that of the rather ludicrous indeed to try to set areas of the United States of Having attended a small, private periodical no matter what the Scrimshaw to present your a price on freedom. America have also been acquired high school prior to W.M.C. and readership or environment in Opinion on this or other topics in a A second "argum~nt" for through purchase from the con- knowing what created the which it must exist. All I'm saying future edition of the paper. surrender of the Canal IS the fact trolling state. The examples are of dissatisfar;:tion with the paper is that the paper shouldn't be given David Cleveland course obvious: Gadson Purchase, there, I think I can venture a guess entirely to the'jiublication of that Louisiana Purchase, and Ala·ska. If as to the nature of the apathy which is already common we give up the American territory shown the Scrimshaw. It is a' knowledge. Then you ask, what is Is This Justice? in Panama in the name of "fair problem that results largely from newsworthy? Now you'll say that play," does this not extend claims the size of the campus and par- I've contradicted my theory on the America has never bad a better Critics cite as-objections to the on almost the whole of the country? ticularly from the size of the cause of reader apathy, and that chance than now, with the Panama . Panama Canal Treaty the Where do we draw the line????? student body. Here word of mouth there must be things to write about Canal issue, to show that our demands of national security and The area for the construction of the travels faster than the presses roll. that aren't already the talk of the national ideals are any more than the irresponsibility of the Canal was purchased from Even though this word of mouth day. Maybe I have contradicted ideals. Panamanian government. But the Colombia, just as the United States transport of news may often be myself or .maybe college papers, Let us deal with Panama with treaty establishes our rights to purchased areas from other rumor-laden, and the true story this one included, have a habit of the spirit of justice which has defend the canal. If Panama countries. It must be assumed might only come out later in the writing stories about which their characterised our national self- breaks the treaty, we can defend then, that we tend to think of an Scrimshaw, verbal news still has readers already know. I tend to image since before we won our the canal the same way we do now. area as dispensable if it is not part the effect of making written news think the latter is the case. independence. America claims to If some are still leery of turning of the continent·somehow it just seem old. My answer to this situation be a symbol of justice and the canal over to Panama, we isn't as important. Assume, if vou Will, for just a few requires some thought on the part freedom, but in the form of the could demand that it be put under So, in fact, the return of the moments, that my theory regard- of the student body, since if my Panama Canal Zone we are control of the Organization of Canal apparently is not supported ing reader apathy is factual. suggestions are carried out, some maintaining a colony in Panama American States. This move would by a clear majority of Americans, Then, ask yourself what is the of that body of individuals wouId against the will of the Panamanian both decrease Panamanian in- and the present treaty faces a very obvious solution? Since we can't need to put their opinions up for people. In the eyes of the world our fluence over it, and increase the tough fight in the Senate. stifle word of mouth, and probably both public debate and criticism. "freedom" and "justice" are feeling of international unity in this Americans just don't seem to be wouldn't want to if we couId, and Some might find this rather become rank hypocracv. hemisphere. willing to surrender any of our PUbl;,;~~ghtJ~in Faculty example for the world provide and an country. Perhaps, if we are to do to should America at all, it would best anything to follow. Let us not be small-mlndad bomb it, giving practice for our Air mean. We may already live in the .s'orce and helping to fill it in, and Dr. Ralph c. John, college earned his master's at Syracuse graduate of jne University ot best country in the world, but why let someone else have all the president has announced the ap- University and is working on a Wisconsin and is currently enrolled shouldn't we still strive for per. worry. Let's return it in the same pointment of eight new faculty n.M.A. degree at the University of in the M.Ed. program at Western fection? state we got it. and ~:.ry~~1:M:~~~e~hO°fro~ei~~CobbAttends Seminar j m~:~:SE~~i:~lldepartment, Ms. ~;.te~omas W. Martell Kathy S. Mangan joins the faculty Major John D. Shoop, assistant enrvruovU'e"'d",Y."af~alrdaua'kta, ~ntudd','nat"aOt ' as an assistant professor-and Dr. professors, join the department of "&" " the NEH, Dr. Cobb participated in Mary Frances Hamel will be a military science. Capt. Martell is a WMC. Eulalia B. Cobb, assistant the seminar, "Literary and in 20th Languages Philosophical professor - visiting assistant professor. Win Awards i~~1~~:;~~~~1t}~~~:iJ~~~~~":?~::7~~~:~i~~::!:::t;~ languages foreign of t~:~;~:;~f.,:,'~~~:~:~:1Students Ohio University where she Mary Hoyle Noonan Class of 1979; Mar~aret Endowment for the Humanities. Chapel Hill, N.C. presently is completing her doc- Western Maryland's annual fall Wappler Memorial Scholarship for This annual program provides Dr. Cobb is a graduate of Bir- torate in American literature. Dr. awards and scholarships were Applied Music-Sari Elaine Liddell opportunities for college faculty in mingham Southern College. She Hamel received her B.A. from the presented to their recipients at a Class of 1978; Harry Clary Jones undergraduate and two-year earned her M.A. from the University of Washington and her luncheon in the President's dining Scholarship (Chemistryl-Richard colleges to work in their areas of University of North Carolina and a Ph:D. ~rom Pennsylvania State room on Tuesday September 13 Steven Clark Class of 1978; Felix interest under the direction of a Ph.D. from the University of University. with parents and advisors as in- Woodbridge Morely Memorial distinguished scholar and to have Alabama. Formerly a professor at Yusif Farsakh comes to the vited guests. Award-Glenn David Cameron available the resources of a library the University of Alabama and n;ta.t~ematic~ department as a The awards and recipients are as Class of 1980. The Harry Clary suitable for advanced study. This Stillman College, she has been a :l~~~d as~~~ta~.~ro\~~. ~~: ~~~::~!:tTw~:~c~~~~~~ ~~:al~h~~~~:d f~it~~~!CSfa\~ ~~:~dl~ ;~m:S~p~f:n~:,;e~: ~~~ty member at WMC since ~encan lnternationa.1 C~llege, O'Loughlin Class of 1980; The awards but had no recIpient thlS~ broad areas of hwnanities studies :- --, his M.A. from the ~mverslty of ClydeA.SpicerAward-NancyRae year. including history, literature; ~;~;~h~et~,p~~~. ~ro~t:~ ~:~:~e~~~af~~~~-;~=i~k ~~ri~:::!~es:~~edtt~:a=~e~ ~~?:nu;;,e~g~i~~~~ti~S~llO~::! To a Pinball Machine statIstics at Amencan Umverslty. L. Smyth Class of 1980; Barry A. mcluded Dean Laidlaw, Dean sciences Dr. Samuel Harvey Bostaph Winkleman Award-Kevin Shaun McCormick and Dean Mowbray. One of 1,259 teachers selected by I slapped the crazy fool jOins the economics department as out of that machine h an assistant professor. He earned Barleyeakes is Forming d f G d reason swimming in a blurred his bachelor's degree at Texas Stn· 9 t e 11·'0_ 0 0 world Christian University and his M.S. of yellow lights and clinging bells and Ph.D. degrees at Southern" n I • following silver spheres til my Illinois University. semester the group, which by then This is how we got started. To eyes revolted .... Mrs. Margaret Woods Denman, Your first question is bound to totalled about twenty, felt God was find out how we came to be called I laid the flat of my hand hard assistant professor of education, be, "What is a Barleycake?" Your directing their outreach off· "The Barleycakes, Inc." you will against the metal side comes to Western Maryland next question is probably, "Why campus, into the -community. But, have to come to the meeting on and the ball bounced out College from Central Missouri form a Barleycake?" how was this to be accomplished? Tuesday, September 'El, in Big the flippers for a double bonUS State University. Her bachelor's Barleycakes is an ecumenical Someone suggested singing, but Baker Chapel at 8:30 p.m. don't know why that degree is from the University of Christian singing group that has the group was totally untrained crazy mother didn't have Oklahoma;-, her master's from ministry to community churches and had no background in this area No special talents or abilities are sense enough to tilt Central Missouri, and she is and organizations. The Gospel of at all. necessary. The only requisi~e is but I guess two of us working on her dissertation for a Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living Well, no more than thirty that you love to sing. We may seem tilted like that Ph.D. degree at Texas Women's Goo, is presented through a series minutes after we prayed about insignificant and amateurish would be a little much University. of songs and skits, and a sharing whether we should start a singing sometimes, but we go forth in -Nancy Menefee time. ministry, a woman called us God's Love, trusting Him for the Brent Eugene Hylton, assistant Barleycakes was formed fall saying she understood that we had ability and courage we need. And professor of music, is a graduate of semester of 1969, when two people a "singing group on campus," and you kiiow what? He has always Eastman School of Music of the began meeting for prayer. More she would like us to come to her come through, and people always University of Rochester. He people joined them, and the next church to Sing. Case~ closed. listen.
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