Page 33 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 33
....4 -~~-----~----~-------------------------------~ April 2, 1975 Wednesday Scrimshaw April 2, 1975 Wednesday ~ Scrimshaw Editorial ******~**********.****••**.***.*.***.* ,::.~ers to;;:~;;':~~~~'~'::::'iO:'1,,;' ~,,~;; ~7; Some four to six weeks .ago, television set. Both rooms were should be carefully guarded, and the community had keys to your security was a big issue here at locked when we left, both were judiciously distributed. ONLY houses, with the intent to steal who are attempting the zz:~D:/~ "?: WMC. Suddenly everyone became standing open when we returned. responsible persons with genuine from you, would you change your tJ::1t~e!e~j?::eu~~Et~fF~~d and not the oil companies and oil librarians, aware that perhaps we were all a This together with the fact that need should be allowed to carry the locks'? Administration is "squarely ~~~~r..that is ruining our coun- to build a library collection /, C-.~ bit too lax about the security someone flooded several of the keys to the PRIVATE residences of Until all the locks on this campus behind big oil"; At Houston, Texas Without their approval the. Arab worthy of the name with ~--:::~ situation. Steps were taken, ef- rooms here in Rouzer with the students of this college. There are changed, or at least all the ~f;~~n~:i~~d o~:s ~~~' ~~roe~~~! Oil Nations would never have limited resources available, to ~~ -:= =- I~~ _ fective or not, to improve the firehoses while we were gone, extant keys can be spoken for, we dared to blackmail us. Why are see these efforts partially 0<: ~ safety of students and their makes for a very annoying ~~~s: :~:s~t~: r~~s w:i~~~~ are all open to easy theft. said, "If we get gas rationing they untouchable'? We must nullified '~ belongings. The administration situation use them again. They may use u":: :;;€;....---_ -= =-. hired additional Pinkerton guards them while we are here, and not There is a quaint old European An~ Wil~~~;rer my d~~: o~~~~ demand a rollback of oil prices, It should be realized that E5 -=; 't~Il;;;~;. times for ~ and students became aware just while we are on vacation. Are custom that many Americans also cneered. The more gas consumed, and in-depth eXhtUS~~e- inti these are not easy fl~:cnec~~i~~: n~1I/~"L-~. enough to lock their doors when Many cases of theft here on the students of WMC expected to follow at Christmas time, that e~~cially at higher pribes, bring~ ~::i~r~~~o: t~f c~r~e~~ t::t ~~~a\ZM~ollfsge~o out. The situation seems to be campus are due to student stay in their rooms 24 hours a day maybe we should bring into use all ~ll~t~~~~t:nOfi~ -~fveniW~:at~: We know it is trite to say, "The Even a few thousand dollars Y 3' I s- much improved. negligence, these were not. It is to guard their belongings? Or year round here at WMC. Starting -= time we called for proper and would it perhaps be better if we all tonight, I'm going to leave a plate applause our oil ,preSident ~~t~:;:.'?k~~ft ~~~r;:~s it~ ~ ir~~ extra are pifficult to come by. ~ v:;;; 'i?__1.... . . careful judgement in the issuing of just carried our typewriters, of cookies, a glass of milk, and a "Repeated his call for an end to because only the students have the What with all the more urgent ::::::.. r--rt:' ~ There IS still a problem though. keys on this campus. The locked stereos, cameras etc. with us at all pile of all my valuables next to my federal regulation of natural gas," power to break up the oil lobby. We complaints lately editorialized ~ JI';:::' ( Too many.people have ~eys to -doors on "The Hill' are not very times? door each evening before T retire. this bill is now in Congress and if have supplied you with sufficient in Scrimshaw ecampus ~' student residences. I don t know formidable when even the ad- That way, the visitors that may be ~~~~~~~~7;'i~'a~F;~1r~~~J~~e~~~~~~:~:1:~~\ei~~!m~~~~::~!~7~:::~~~t~~~ . who, how or why, but someone with ministration doesn't know who all paying me calls in the night will not less than. adequate respect for the has keys to the buildings on A respectfully submitted be forced to stumble around in the rights of others, not only: has ac- campus question; Dean Laidlaw, Dean dark, waking me up and maybe- double the cost of heating homes. . d ed d Your help must be given to those ~f:t~~~:n~c~~~r~~O%eth~~~Ud:~ts ~:r~:~t over for library con- d~sd~l~~::~!' !~~~.the in-' ~~~:~~~ M:is~iIl~~~r';ao~~, ~~~ ;;~e!~rting themselves in the honest men in Congress who are had the perception to see and fight Dear Editor, Over spring break a th"ief used a Once again it is time" to call out authority necessary to effect this To bad old Santa never thought fighting this "Giveaway" for' many causes, but for some .. I am graduating this year, and ~key to steal my roommate's radio, f9r a change of ALL locks on lock change, if any of you had of stealing keys, it would save him legislation. The oil messages you unknown reason they ignored the Somehow there.s a mystique although this May seem a bit and my nex;?oor neighbor's campus. The keys to the new locks reason to belit: ve that someone in a lot of grief and cleaning bills. ~~~~~~;:~ ~I~l~e~:~~t~~s 2~~~ warnings of the flashing and :~~; ~~~~~r~:~e~~~n~~t~~~ ~:~~: a~g:~~~~ :~~~tI~~u~~ Honor System probl~m tackled - G.F. to President Ford, senators, blin~ng oil beacon and lost their as real property, and a 'per- improve college life here for most congressmen have create'd and labor unions and in ~~t~ titizens, Inc. manent is borrowing' really arrange- as of the women. admit that I am seen furor a must not I P.O. Box 7086 ment A committee made up of both and will be asked to attend a closed of the committee. . bemg felt ~)Ver the camp~s be ~:sh~rnOngUr~~ic~~,!r~c:~f~: -Hollywood Fl 33021 stealing. But that, in fact, is inh~rently clumsy, but I'm only ~~~~Zd at~d -r~~~e;ts th~as H~~~ ~~e~~~;; fro~~~L~:n~r c!~t av!~:~~e. ;~: Ho~or aJ~~~~t~=; ~~~~ff~:Ot~~~~:b~~~ ~~l~~:ti~ gratuities or favors from oil what it is. For ten books at one a~ong s<;ores who hav.e fal1~~ System and offer suggestions to the action is guaranteed to anyone be left as it is, revised or totally gncamp':l5.All~pl~areurg~to companies. Many are frantic. loday's average costs, .?ne ~; college community for its revision appearing before the committee, replaced. It is vital that the ecome mvo ve an r~spon to Watergate proved that no man, Dear Editor, cou.ld a dorm is infamous, having become . ~~ k· b or replacement: The committee either voluntarily or at the request dissatisfaction that is _generally I the problems we all face. regardles of high position or proJector, the rlp-of~ of which a Hirralayan crossing in the minds will conduct both open and closed Y· ea'r 00 s on sa e . again power, is immune from prison, and Thank you for bringing the most persons would Indeed see of much of the female population. of alumni Surely that meeting' during the month of Ap,i1 .' L---;::========1~=========;_j they fear will rise the up university problem attention of library of the book loss to as stealing. funds _or an allotmeJlt maintenance con- to come to some In order college the against, . population general clusions by the 1st of May Friday Baron L. Tayler them .. Although they literally community. I had hoped, Fmally, tne persons who are money could be used to correct this Open meetings will be held every Ever wonder what happened down on the drafts, and ~he rest ~n. saJea.Jo[ F·~~·bo\i~~~ control Congress and brazenly however, that you might have really hurt by the "great book potential and indeed proven. beginning this Friday, April 4 at to that yearbook you ordered had been burned durmg the avmg Pd l o~ a ~ r. Ok d 't ignore ~omplaints from senators, spent more time speaking to rip-off" are one's fellow hazard. I A,eommitl.eeoholuotee""It'fioe must be paid to the Housing congressmen and irate citizens, your fellow ~ students about students. Is it too late or !~~~~~t~,ieW}~~~t/1l ~~~eres!~ last year and never pick~d up? Scrims?aw ~meetings to bring ~~~r;h~r:ud n~~in:v~~~i~l~e~ei~t and Conduct Council within one In all sincerity, ministration are urged,to attend to The latest rumor had .It that the o.fflce temperature up to to the publicat~ons office any week or the persons will receive ~~r~~~~~~at ~~f:;e gr:atsiu~~~ lheir responsibilities in the utopian to suggest a'- moral with black & blue knees, Karin P. Beam express their views. The com- they. were burned m the freezmg. Wednesday, between 5;45 and one (ll administrative warning. uprising,J].0w right they are. Our matter. In the final analysis, it turnabout vis-a-vis the library, also encourages anyone phYSical plant t? save fuel . m 6:30, or any Sunday, between c~,.~_-:c__. ~.'"_ Failure to return the item within 24 messages sent them reeling really is not the library's or the or at least a truce? Ithink that interested to send written costs/, b.ut an umm'p~ac~a~le After pulhng them out fro 8:00 and Hi:OO p.m. If you want hours shall result in an additional against the ropes, but only the college administration's fault it would be safe to say that the suggestions, ~igned or unsigned to source I~ the: adImmstratt.on the cracks, and from under the to purchase one, just bring fine (five dollars each consecutive students can deliver the knockout that students elect to purloin library staff would really offer suggestIOns. They should be has. de~lled It. Further l~- furniture, the number left $7.00. dayl. punch. library books, and no amount prefer to spend their time and 3 All 'money collected from Now is the time for action, we of gadgetry, guards, etc. will resources in trying to build the ~eon~z~rD~B~~n~~~x~: ~~~~ ~~:~~~~:~~t:~~~~1fi~ee~ve~Pt~~ intact was 150, and 27 more in .If you haven't ordered a Rouzer Lounge Furniture Fines urge you to fan the fires of a grass really ever make a library Ii~rary 's collection and to mail. grille, where.some were being the form.of ashes. The ashes yearbookforthisyear,youslill shall be put into a fund to be used roots movement so hot and so secure (all systems are provide better services than to , Finally, s~udents faculty used to keep the desks and were spread out over the have time to get them. Just Slip for improvements to' Rouzer t~~~;;2;~\!:~e:i~~n!lie%~~~~ beatable) without the genuine waste energy and money and admml~tratlon may be chairs from wobbling. Others ,the cash, with a note, or a Lounge and handled by the Lounge but to act and act fast. You will support of the students of the matching wits with campus Committtee. ~~:i~!~df:rus~rth~e~~~~let!~ had been stuffed i~t? cracks in comm~nity pond, and the check for $9.00, under Baron have the support of labor unions, college. rip-off artists. , They will be selected Iat random the wal)s and cedmg, to cut remaining book" have been put Tayler's door, Rouzer 222. trade associations and millions of These are indeed in- George Bachman angry citizens, your thundering creasingly larcenous· times, or Librarian lagiarism released ********************************* This document contains Western Avenue embarked on hidden forces--and others too And it is by appealing to the same '~ta'ted~I~~"an'ioe ",h" ~?p!.:~~. same forces to foist himself and a frustrations o( the German central or supportive, for in- students' should check - with" the Maryland College's accepted "Motivational Research", Hitler dangerous for Madison Avenue to hidden forces--and to others too ,;c.::~_~ .1_ ;ar ~~a~~~~::a~l:f~proper Masses. It is by manipulating stance), but it is always essential instructor to determine his in- the originator, (e.g., yields, definition of plagiarism. This was systematically secret exploring and meddle with-that Hitler induced dangerous for Madison Avenue to "hidden forces" that the ad- to footnote another person's ideas, dividual interpretation of the product distributions, observed and the exploiting fears statement should be saved and the German Masses to buy meddle with--that Hitler induced footnote: vertizing experts induce us to buy words or sentence structure. definition. As in all other physical readings (temperatures, used as a reference when questions hopes, the cravings, anxieties, and themselves a Fuehrer, an insane the German Masses to buy Embarking on "Motivational their wares-a toothpaste, a brand Clarification of Plagiarism in the questionable areas, ask before you percent, times, growth rates), arise concerning honor offences of frustrations of the German philosophy, and the Second World themselves a Fuehrer, an insane Research," Hitler used the sub- of Cigarettes, a political candidate. Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and act. In the absence of an in- readings frpm chart recorders.) plagiarism. Masses. It is by manipulating War. philosophy, and the Second World conscious needs of the German And it is by appealing to the same Physics) structor's statement to the con- Procedures - method for per- The word "plagiarism" comes "hidden forces" that the ad- War. before Madison Avenue hidden forces-and to others too Plagiarism is defined in scien- trary, the strictest sense of the forming a specific analysis or induce us to buy from several sources. vertizing experts toothpaste, a brand 4. Unacknowledged close it e'u""d .. "ii,e':' make dangerous for Madison Avenue to tific disciplines as the act of definition shall be assumed to be in operation, how a particular their wares--a An unacknowledged Lexicographers trace it back to the of cigarettes, a political candidate. 2. with elipsis: quotation paraphrase: . W".._' ..oh ... ooo" soup by calling on meddle with--that Hitler induced representing the ideas or work of effect. reaction is to be carried out. Greek word "plagios" which Hitler did the the German Masses to buy another as one's own. Although this Laboratory Calculations - use of a particular means "oblique, crooked, or And it is by appealing to the same Before Madison Avenue em- Even before advertizers worked dOing this, Hitler themselves a Fuehrer, an insane is essentially the same definition Laboratory reports typically :ormula which is not common on why treacherous." The Latin word hidden forces--and to others too to barked on "Motivational carefully we buy things, Hitler a dictator, an philosophy, and the Second World which other disciplines use, involve the presentation of large knowledge. To clarify this, the Avenue dangerous looked into and used the for Madison "plagiarius" means "kidnapper." Research", Hitler exploited the and a War.1 stUdents in the sciences oc- amounts of information: data, formula for the area of a triangle is In modern practice "plagiarism" meddle with-that' Hitler induced hopes and frustrations of the fears and aspirations, the needs 2. If the writer for the sake of casionally ,encounter special procedures, calculations, and common knowledge, but the for- to Masses buy means incorrectly using the facts the German a Fuehrer, an insane German Masses by manipulating and hang-ups of the Germans. economy does not want to quote the problems concerning plagiarism conclusions. Care must be taken to mula for calculating trophic state themselves make their gathered, statistics computed, phjl$ophy, and the Second World "hidden forces". Manipulating_ Advertizers without us us buy knowing entire passage, he should; because of the diverse nature and properly reference (give credit to from nutrient concentrations is products and-or ideas of another person these advertizers induce us to buy a. incorporate a quote with his purposes of assignments or the originator) any of this' in- not. The use of another's computer without adequately giving him Wac toothpaste, Cigarettes, and exactly why, and Hitler used-these own material: Together with laboratory exercises. formation which has been obtained program without due credit is credit for his work; it also means political candidates. By appealing same dangerous techniques to sell "systematically exploiting the Difficulties may arise <;on- from Sources other than the plagiarism. and the idea of a master the improper- use (Le. without There are a number of Incorrect to these forces Hitler induced the himself to the German people. secret fears and hopes, the car- cerning laboratory exercises and student's own personal knowledge It should be noted that any in- race giving proper credit) of another ways of incorporating this (or any) German Masses to buy a Fuehrer '1.ngs, anxieties, and frustrations ~~:~ms to be handed in fOl:,' or experiments. Proper formation (data, ideas, writer's exact words, sentence material into a research paper-or and the Second World War. 5. Unacknowledged loose of the German Masses, "1 .Hitler documentation of sources not only procedures, calculations, and structure, and-or metaphors and any paper. Here are a few of them. 3. Unacknowledged quotations paraphrase: used the new electronic media to It is expected that all work done avoids charges of plagiarism, but conclusions) gained by consulting images. In short, plagiarism is 1. A totally unacknowledged sandwiched around legitimate A long time before advertizing influence German public opinion. also can lend credence and weight another's lab notebook or reports, trying to pass off someone else's quotation: . quote: companies set sail on b. include an acknowledged on problems will be the student's to the experimenter's findings. be they contemporary or from past work
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