Page 78 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 78
PAGE 2 GOLD BUG May 2, 1974 Editorial "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but involved with long-term senior projects would that it is reported there were major traces of nothing can be changed until it is faced" according promote the concept of building self confidence and buttonholing. The preliminary vote concluded with to James Baldwin, hitting the big times these days responsibility. the decision to refer the proposal back to committee on contemporary wall posters. Perhaps if one The committee further suggests that depart- on grounds of certain ambiguities. An alternative replaces "can" with "should," this quotation could ments could continue to administer UREs if proposal meanwhile has been sent to the faculty apply to the current review underway campus- desired,but solely for departmental evaluation-not suggesting a competency evaluation-each student wide. It also could apply more specifically to the as a grade for or against the students taking them. must show competency in his field sans the use of committee review of the present comprehensive questionnaires were sent out to undergrads, UREs or other standardized tests. This would at examination policy. alumni, faculty, and department heads earlier this best be only a slight alteration of the present A petition circulated by the class of 1973 and year concerning comps. 176 junior and senior un- system. Dr. Miller expects that this new proposal signed by 114 undergraduates and 33 faculty dergrads and 47 alumni responded. Perhaps three will "sort of take the life out of our proposal," and members was the origin of the comprehensive of the central questions and their responses are as believes that its introduction will force a com- review. From that somewhat Questionable follows: promise on the original proposal. beginning, the plot to overthrow the comprehensive "Do you believe that comps as currently prac- One of the biggest reasons for the split against the system (for want of a little dramatization) has ticed in your dept. are an accurate indicator of your committee proposal is an attitude difference, grown into committee form. Committee members achievement?" 23ug and 1~alumni said yes, 127ug wrapped up in the concept that comps are the mark to review the present examining system were voted and 32 alumni said no. of a superior college. If such a majority as in by faculty nominations, and include Mr. Miller, prementioned-lncluding faculty-believes that the Dr. Alspach, Dr. Cipolla, Mrs. Hitchcock, Miss "Do you believe that comps should be abolished? academic standard will be unaltered by the Quinn, and two students, Glen Mawbey and Linda 122 ug and 29 alumni said yes, 38 ug and 18 alumni overthrow of comps, then the question remaining Powell: said no. . is, where does WMC's status of superiority lie? If it The proposal set forward by the committee is that "It comps were abolished would the college-wide does not lie in its academic acclaim, then is the comprehensive examinations (henceforth comps) level of academic performance necessarily be status of superiority merely a flimsy concept? not be required for graduation from WMC. weakened14ugand6alumnisaidyes, 156 ug and 40 Perhaps it's something to think about; it may be Speaking for the committee and its proposal, alumni said no. Among the faculty members there trite, but really, shouldn't these halls of knowledge Chairman Dr. Miller says, "Comprehensives are not were 5yesses to 23nos on that issue. be held up by concepts of substance? C.J. O. serving a useful function." Many alternatives for It should be stated that all questionaires used comps have been suggested, including senior were extensive and left ample room for essay and theses, senior projects, and senior seminars, with clarification. As may be detected from this data, In an afternoon vote yesterday, the faculty the intention that each department ma~ choose the the majority of students would be in favor of an accepted the new proposal put forth by the :~i~":~~:~:~~~!~~~~i~c:~~~w~~ ~~~ ~:~U::a~~:' ~:!:~~~To~~~~~~J1isf~~~~ Comprehensive Examination Review Committee. One basic hope behind elimination of a one-shot must also be faced. With a still·split faculty, the final vote was 31-32 exam system is for the reduction of some anxieties When asked if comps should be abolished, 13 in favor. Departments may still administer evet- students have about comps. "Comps are scary-it's faculty members said yes and 14 nos. This split .uetive exams should they so choose, but with the unknown variable" (quoth Dr. Miller). became more than apparent at a recent the understanding that such exams shall have Voice box __ - preliminary vote where views were so adamant =9'::adu::ate::frD:::m:::wM:::c-==---- In addition, the independent work that would be no influence on whether or not" student will Dear Editor: say a few good words about something. For eighteen years of my life I labored under the Dear Editor: For those of you who attended The Maastricht false impression that I was happy. Yes, believe it or Easter Play you know what I am speaking of. It was Since this seems to be the semester for cafeteria- not, for most of the mornings of my first 18 years, I definitely one of the most moving, capturing, and cutting, Imight as well do my share. I don't want to awoke with a smile upon my face andlor a song in gripe about the quality of the food or the service but my heart! I thought I was enjoying myself as I grew well-done performances Ihave ever seen. From the instead about some of the unfair practices which up and shared experiences with my friends. I hush of the audience during the play, and the are being carried on in our cafeteria. Iwould say there are amazed whispers afterwards, thought high school was a blast! Little did I know few who would not agree with me. First of all, there are the high meal prices for how much fun life could be, until I arrived at I think we who enjoyed the experience owe a non-students. I think these prices are somewhat Western Maryland College. outrageous. Are the meals really worth this much? From the very start, I knew this place was going great deal of thanks and recognition to a group of Iseriously doubt it. When a student has a guest visit to be great. I fell in love with my clay-colored room people who worked more than very hard to make the college for just the weekend, the meals alone the moment I set foot in it. I equally loved the the performance all that it was. So, on behalf of the come to $6.50a day! And there are no discounts for student the choir, the body, I'd like to thank banging radiator pipes. But most of all, I loved the weekend meal tickets because they are no longer ratio of 1.5 toilets per zt girls (note: one toilet only musicians, the dancers, and most of all Mr. used. The story is that the food prices went up so worked half the time!) Yes, I was enamored of Spangler, and Mr. Tribby for their hard work. Our much that they could no longer offer discounts for W.M.C. from the outset. appreciation. weekend guests. One would think that with the meal Finally, for those of you who missed the per- My favorite part of the three-day freshman formance, my sympathies - you missed a unique, prices as high as they are that there is room for a "welcoming party" was my little jaunt over to THE discount. After all, college students aren't exactly ARENA. (Funny how I never hated that word until beautiful, one chance experience. rich and there are more things to a weekend than Thank you, I came here ... ) How neat it was to find that all my np.bbie Hosey eating! A price re-evaluation is needed now. courses were closed before Igot there! How equally A very recent innovation, which makes the neat to find that my advisor wasn't present to ad- Dear Editor: students feel real grown-up, is the restricting of vise me in this matter! How infinitely neat to see Earlier this semester there arrose a great cry of carry-out food service. Nice tactic! For grade that my final schedule was nothing like my original joy from the students - self-scheduling had finally school maybe. The cafeteria management thinks one! become a reality on the WMC campus. Inow submit that they can just smack the wrists of the students this "reality" is nothing more than a farce that has when they do something that isn't acceptable. I Ch!~~i~~e~:;t~1rli}~a;0~h~~~~i~~ :e~~'%:~~~h~ caused more confusion than that horrible system thrill to hear the Alma Mater chimed out by Big that has been with us for many years. Baker (sans one bell, but who's counting") every Alright - self-scheduling is new and, as yet, not evening and morn. How I really enjoy those cute ice well organized. But this change was planned far in the cold Bug storms you lay on us in the middle of May. I love advance. Self-scheduling was officially announced standing in a triple helix at the cafeteria so that I, to the students about a month ago (professors knew too may partake of the gourmet delights there. And previous to that), yet everything remains in tha't ocean of mud you so aesthetically placed right complete confusion. Most professors have no idea Editor·ln·Chief Cindy O'Neal in front of the Grille? Good job, W.M.C.! when they are allowed to give exams, much less, Associate Editor Gerry Philips o Western Maryland, your bounties are endless: when they will give them. Also, the term "self- dead rats strung up outside of Rouzer, Preacher scheduling" seems to be a great misnomer. Many Photography Editor Baron Tavler serenades Hell Week, streaking, snailing, exams cannot and will not be self-scheduled due to Ad,ertising Manager Steve Boyd Drop/Add Slips, conferences with advisors, -t-hour listening parts of an exam or the administration of labs that are scheduled for 3 hours, the smell of the standarized tests. Many professors simply do not Btodepartment, curfew, "quiet hours," etc., etc ... want self-scheduled exams. Others will limit self- Staff: Julie Mullen Gene Funk The list is too long to complete. But you know what scheduling to only a few pays. I'm talking about. Taking everything into consideration it seems Leigh Rogoff, Jim Massey, Deve Marple,. Thank you, W.M.C., for awakening me to all this. that very few exams will be self-scheduled. In Barry Watson Lori Grimes,Chip Wright I didn't know how miserable my life had been talking with other students it seems that out of an Oayton McCarl, Jack Tracev" Suzi Paglee, before I came here. I was totally ignorant of my average of 5 exams, most people will be able to former unhappiness. I just didn't know how to live schedule at most 2 exams. Unfortunately, too many Bill Voerman Bob Toner before I came to Westminster ....Oh yeah, just one students will not be able to self-schedule any of Published by and for the students of Western Maryland more thing: how come it never rains 'til after their exams! College. The opinions expressed in this publication do sundown around here? In any case, confusion reigns! Please tell the Debbi Robinson students (and professors!) what the plan for exam not neccessarilv reflect those of me administration. week is, soon. so that the numerous problems can We welcome your comments andlor suggMtions. Please Dear Editor, be straightened out between the professors and the "dress all mail to: Box lA, Western Maryland College, I realize this space is usually used as the local students! complaint department, so for a change, I'd like to Cindy J. Cline Westminster, Maryland 21157.
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