Page 50 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 50
PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG February 14, 1974 IN MEMORIAM commentary Jim Brant, sophomore and member of the Gamma Beta Chi fraternity, died on the morning of January I, 1974 from injuries suffered in an auto accident. While waiting in line at the gas station I began to doesn't exist while I wait in line praying I don't hit specific problems. I'll leave the former avocation to become appalled at the prospects of having to empty before reaching the pumps. the faculty members of the economics department. regard the appreciable delay as routine. For many In conclusion, the nation is confronted with some I defer on the' latter grounds to John Kenneth it is no longer a matter of inconvenience but of hard choices regarding economic reality: needed Galbraith. Nor do I consider the oil companies to be livelihood. And I don't look forward to queuing up in decisions that won't vanish from benign neglect. above suspicion or the marketplace to be the future for scarce supplies of other items, Ultimately, the reallocation of resources that is sacrosanct. However, it is getting to seem that possibly bread. Others in the long line somehow involved will affect everyone to the extent of there is a logical way and the government's way to shrugged off the bleak prospect of gasoline almost altering lifestyles. do things. The two should not be mutually exclusive unavailable for purchase at any price. One guy It is presumptuous of me to even pretend to be an of one another. L R even cracked that if gas was not to be found he economic sage like Milton Friedman or to proclaim would resort to fueling his car with Chivas Regal. truths of an unsubstantiated general nature to Motorists, as a part of the American public, have Voicebox------------------- almost come to. expect such results which have been nurtured by the inappropriate policies of their government. Rampant inflation encroaches upon (Editor's note: This is more 'Iike ttl But don't stop here-Keep Talking. Address/etters to Editor, Box 3A-Campus mail.) the pocketbooks of all: its fire is stoked by the rhetoric and actions of those whose responsibility Dear F.dito~: .. . .. r~~er than the reclusive pacifism of ordinary it is to extinguish the flames. Full employment is I would like to co:nment on a publication ISSUed crttaens. The latter is the result of a religious preached: but minimum wage laws cause the by the Y~ung Amencans For Freedom concermng cultural heritage, the former _ a result of unemployment and underemployment of those in the question or amnesty for persons who refused to negligence. whose name the legislation is enacted. participate in the Vietnam fiasco. Don Emerson Although we have all become quite disenchanted Widespread discontent (unhealthy for a society>, with the Watergate episode and the resulting in- unleashes frustration to public servants of mainly vestigatory proceedings, that very situation- good intent but poor economic rational. Policies threadbare as it has become-serves best to Dear Editor undertaken to solve problems only succeed in illustrate the possible results of sheepishly obeying In a period when nationwide emphasis has been compounding and exacerbating them, or at best orders, guidelines, suggestions or laws. (Judging placed on the prevention of pollution, its effect has obscuring the fundamental situation as did the by what truth has surfaced above the muck, it is seemed to by-pass altogether the student body of recent implementation of Daylight Savings Time. evident that many of the conspirators considered Western Maryland College. As thousands of dollars Witness the disaster of wage and pric.e controls, the the very word of some White Bouse personnel to be are spent yearly to encourage people to. "give a purpose of which was to combat inflation. It has law.) hoot-don't pollute" apparently our campus has not taken three years and innumerable Phases for been affected as various assortments of litter Washington to notice that controls haven't quite As a person, dropping aside all labels that may be ranging from empty plastic beer cups from worked out and that monkeying with prices can applied to my beliefs, I believe very much in in- previous keggers to unwanted "junk" mail cause problems. Serious problems. How else does dividualJiberty. I am also aware that a government decorates the area. con- Various students have become increasely one explain farmers killing baby chicks because it which displays a propensity to pick and choose cerned about this filthy problem as the litter seems isn't worth their while to raise them. Or the other those laws that it will obey and those that it will distortions which are caused principally by a disregard is setting a very poor precedent while to mount higher and higher, A campus previously government's willingness to meddle in the continuing to persecute those citizens who ignore a known for its beautiful clean landscape slowly has marketplace. law on moral grounds. Amnesty makes nowhere become replaced by one spotted with ugly crushed near the mockery of the concept of law and Coke cans, used Vendor coffee cups .... Although the government than the obscene display of deception college's maintenance staff and others endlessly These words express my own disillusionment and disregard for the laws of this country by its own try to clean up "the problem," their efforts seem to with what is occurring. Hearing the rising chorus of Vice-president! be futile as the trash spreads from Memorial to politicians espousing gasoline rationing and excess- Baker to Gill Gym to Harvey Stone. profits taxation is not exactly music to my ears. It is quite obvious what must be done. Our Common sense dictates that a firm won't drill As the YAF suggests, none can readily forgive solution can be accomplished as easily as how this expensive and risky holes in the ground without the anyone who performs destructive acts upon problem started. Instead of throwing that empty incentives to do so of higher prices and profits for another, but can our conservative faction excuse can, for example, just out of your reach, rather financing the costly drilling, Or would you rather those persons in government positions who per- become more conscientious to place it in a con- have the efficient and resourceful bureaucrats of sonally benefit through unlawful activities while tainer provided for it. Granted it will take a little our government drill with the tax monies Instead. hiding beneath the cry of "law and order"? I cer- inconvenience on your part but isn't a cleaner tainly cannot. Freedom has been the ideal of this campus worth our effort? Someday soon I hope to young nation for about two-hundred years. Have we hear while giving a campus tour not the present evolved to the point of persecuting those individuals negative comments but rather ones praising the America can no longer afford policies which who value life and freedom-solely for the "crime" appearance of such a beautiful and uncluttered grossly distort our economy. There was a time of non-participation in a war which they had the campus which all was caused only by total student when we were blessed with a seemingly limitless foresight to see was achieving little more than the cooperation at Western Maryland College. bountiful land that could absorb any mistakes elimination of some fifty-thousand men from our concomitant with marked increases in the people's country? Julie Mullen productivity and income. That time is no more. Americans owe their unprecedented standard of Those seeking amnesty have served their sen- tence of isolation and condemnation and have paid living to the soundness and vitality of their the price for following their conscience, as did King, r~"'iiie'·'·'6Did""'8Uii"'''''~'111 economy. This was not achieved by the frequent intervention of government in the regulation and Thoreau, and Ghandi - but let them see the positive control of the behavior of the firms and persons of results of-their sacrifice as did King, Thoreau, and this nation. Grandi. Are we helping to mend America's chasms by forcing families to remain separated by a mistake in world policy? I am afraid that the YAF Reinforcing the economic woes of the U.S. is the is grasping on to little more than a wispy dream if status of the present Administration. It is not my they so naively believe that preventing the person, purpose to attack or defend the President. I will say who has demonstrated an ability to think for that standing on the merits of the past five years it himself and to take action in accord with a strong is understandable that Mr. Nixon is preoccupied moral sense, from contributing to this nation's well- with the survival of his Presidency rather than being will in any way strengthen an already faltering concentrating upon complex and long-term morale. . problems facing the country. These require .,I.t,i~~;:!~'.I.':i:.: rigorous economic analysis and subsequent I suggest that the YAF has launched a misguided realization of policy recommendations. attack on the subversive elements in our society. ~. Qayton Mc:Cat1, Jack Trxey, Suzi PagI.. , Ad.e ::' Instead, I recommend they concentrate on the more realistic threat to liberty and order. The The leadership of this nation has been impaired. threat is not from a relative handful of moral 1:~~1?~~~1 It is not heartening that government officials try to dissenters who removed themselves from active gain acknowledgement of a fundamental problem participation in government-the true menace is which is either ignored or passed off by many as a corruption in and around the decision-making posts Please i hoax. Only don't teU that to the New Englander who which is directly affecting this country's future. If :~::We"come your comments and/or sugoestions. freezes his tail because he lacks adequate heating the YAF must oppose rather than find something to j~laddress all Box lA, Western Maryland College, ~ oil for the second straight winter. And please support, let them oppose this active corruption and :;: Westminster, Maryland 21157. :::; don't inform me that the "energy crisis" law breaking by persons in positions of authority .:*"~H.?:::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::::;:;:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':v:~:~:~:,:~:::::::::::::::::~::::::::::~,
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