Page 45 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 45
cold Bug VolumeS1 IN THIS ISSUE WESTMINSTER -'JAZZ BAND CONCERT BRINGS NEW ORLEANS TO Number 1 January 22, 1974 . .,JAN.ยท TERM HAPPENINGS First Communion In spring the ice will rot Psychology goes seeking Like Q frozen thought being remembered The fish will find the hole in your thaw For they sense when the ,Jun has eaten, by Gerry Philips And come to shure their orang!! lim, Among the many Jan. tenn activities, the with parasychology left many of its viewers And feel the air on deep green skin, Psychology Forum is sponsoring the "Search for amazed with mental supermen conquering in- The fird communion of the year. Sell" film series. The films are shown each Monday Harbinger c.t.r.j. in January, at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. in Decker. At the curable diseases. Perhaps the earth likes to ~IIOW student rate of $5.00 for the complete series or 1.50 There is stilI time to see "Films for the Senses" Piling on a skin as thick as the cold for each showing, the films are no cbeaper to see on January 28; in reviewing the other features it A place to hide slow blood and mud secretJ, than any feature at a commercial theatre. The appears there is nothing to be lost and new _4 folding meuage, the whisper of spring films are worth the money. for anyone interested in philosophies to be gained. by taking advantage of the films as a learning media, as well as for en- psychology forum's "Search for Self." You are so, MJ silent, Ijke the snow tertainment. Your eyes are skies 11,;thcloud jat:kf'tl. Each Monday feature is comprised of 2 or 3 short c.t.r.j. films based. on a central theme. The first group "Films for the New Age" presented. the viewer with Is music stronger than beer? an inside look at alternate lifestyles. At some points the presentation appeared idealistic and the films dragged, but the position of "mind over matter" Could the grille ever be crowded ...especially on a much coffee, and cookies or donuts they can hold. was proven by the end; through meditation it Monday night? Do students have to pay to "enter- Shows have included many guitar players, singers, seemed anything could be achieved. Technical their student center? Are people at WMC ",:"illingto a piano, and a banjo. The first coffeehouse added a terminology often bogged down dialogue, but anyone with even a vague interest in psychology pay 50 cents and not be served beer? film to its agenda; "Get High On Life," while people probably left with the feeling of having learned These are only a few of the questions the coffee-- still sought admission, despite standing room only. something new. house has stirred up. Sponsored by the freshman The Freshman Class sees the coffeehouse as its On January 14, "Films on Today's Changing World" included "Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler. class, every Monday during Jan. term, campus first financial success and also as an outlet for Demonstrating that knowledge can surpass talent is donated from 9 p.m. to midnight in the campus musicians. It is hoped by many that the wisdom, many of Toffler's conclusions, on film, coffeehouse be continued during second semester were frightening. The night's second film dealing grille. Admission supplies the listeners with as with the present amount of student support.
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