Page 47 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 47
Cafeteria meets competition by Laur. K.idy Wine and Dine. a program set up to inform petlzer consisted of a broiled grapefruit half topped students on formal dining. is now in apparently with brown sugar, cinnamon, and a cherry. Next, successful progress. This Jan term project was the main course, stuffed chicken breasts, candied born from the suggestion of Mrs. MacDonald. the carrots, string beans, and cranberry sauce, was Director of Food Service, with the aid of Dean served with a chilled white wine. A fresh, crisp Laidlaw and Dr, Lightner. Interested students sign salad followed. (Contrary to popular belief and up to participate and then receive an invitation to according to proper etiquette, the salad follows the dinner they are to attend. A meeting is held rather than precedes the main course.) The prior to the dinner to discuss the "rules" of proper dessert, a creme de menthe parfait (green and etiquette. It is, however. almost impossible to white swirl of Creme de Menthe Jiqueur and vanilla correct all "bad" habits in a single hour so students ice cream), was followed by demitasse coffee and are advised to "follow the hostess, when in doubt." mints. Upon arriving the guests mingle in the reception The 'Wine and Dine' experience will be continued room where punch and a cheese ball starts off the next semester for those students who are in. evening. Dinner is served in the President's Dining terested. It is a perfect opportunity for meeting Room. The following described meal was that people and experiencing the intricacies of a formal served at the Wine and Dine of Wed. 16. The ap-: dinner. clinking around in ... your head A name. And after aU, 'what is in a calls his mental-spiritual process (manifested . these ten letters lives a mind through poetry) 'Alchemy' His first brook, Grotto. and creates occult-oriented poetry was the beginnings of Alchemy's first step. The far to transcend, the insight ex- first step is a tracing of his own -soul's progress> most of his peers. 19-year-old Glass sort of symbolic death - necessary to dissipate the Westminster area on the Glass horse ego before the next step can be ascended. Glass reading inMI06 on Tuesday the 15. feels that once his ego is removed. he will be receptive to writing more prophetic verse. He says .",~,tiyait;;;-;;hicl with wo~ :=!~wdS:S:!:~~ there is a place in the subconscious free of space and works. time, and he has been able to reach that spot oc- casionally through mind travel, "the best form of travel." Poetry is his form of notes-notes of mental journies-through which by manipulation one can be projected into another place. Ghosts? Occult gives images and patterns to Glass' words. "You feed on ghosts with repressed emotions and ideas you've forgotten. Ghosts clinking around in the back of your head are projected into 3-D." . No, he doesn't think he is a Crackpot. As far as .beliefs. go, he is for universal to1er~ce _arid relativism. After all, "everyone has his own in. \ terpretations of life ...but no one has the exact blueprints. " :~: ~::~:,:a~=~ Jesse Glass illustrates his poetry and paints as well. Some of-his paintings have been on display in the. emotional impact of his work can be exem- the .library. The ~' whether one understands ~~~~~~Ss~I::i::: fully_the occult anusions or not, is- full\ of easily thJ.s. is love! I While broken, brittle at the bitf~ They appreciated Imagery-and sound patterns. ~erhaps claw through haze and youth~ - Women. bounce. -into action by Leigh Rogoff A victorious Terrorette team emerged from Gill Applegate, he cagerettes built a 24--15bulge at the Gym on Thursday, Jan. 17 after a contest hosting half ..Good board work by Van Name and Dudderer UMBC. Leslie Applegate was deadly with her plus a tenacious defense highlighted the half. outside shooting as well as with her able directing The lid closed on the basket for WMC during the of the offensive flow while also contributing to the second half. Towson employed backcourt pressure team's fine defensive effort throughout. A break and a fastbreak directed by Parr. Sharon open game, WMC pulled away from the visitors in Spainhour took up the scoring slack for WMC with the fourth quarter of a previously close match to two baskets in the third quarter. end it 44-35. Holding a 29-23margin at the start of the final 8 The WMC women's basketball team lost a hard minutes of play, Western Maryland went ice cold fought battle to Towson State by the score of 3&31 from the field and the foul line. Parr was on January 14. Western Maryland relinquished a devastating with her driving layups off the break as lead which they had maintained until the fourth Towson led 32-31 with 2:57 remaining. quarter when cold shooting proved to be their un- The Terrorette starters seemed fatigued in the doing. In a well played contest, the team could last quarter as little prior substitution had occurred manage only two points in the final stanza, and a in the game. Questionable calls by the officials and mere seven in the second half. Lin Van Name paced costly turnovers hurt the home team as the action WMC with 11 points while the visiting Tigers fine got hectic. Since WMC could not buy a basket the playmaker Gail Parr capped scoring honors with 17 final outcome was 36·31 Towson. points. The story had much the same outcome last Tough defense by the home team and timely Saturday. A strong Frostburg squad was not denied scoring by Van Name forged a 13to 7lead at the end on their own court as they defeated WMC 2843. of the first quarter. Reeling off seven points to only Season record is 1·3 so far. The next home game two for Towson and sparked by;the play of Leslie will be against Lebanon Valley in Gill at 7 p.m.
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