Page 54 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 54
PAGE6 THE GOLD BUG February 14, 1974 The Course thot psyched Ollt on seeking People course by Matia Petrucci The January term catalogue described "The very peaceful and relaxing and were surprised that body language. Finding Is in the Seeking" course as involving they did not even feel themselves being lowered to Learning to become more attentive to people "disciplines in the human potential movement, the floor. Several other exercises involved physical including meditation, gestalt therapy, trans. contact and awareness of ones bodies. Often when they talk, students. did not just hear words, to When instructed but they actually listened. actional analysis, guided daydreams ... " This arriving at class half-asleep, everyone in order to repeat verbatim what another person had said, description left participants wondering what to wake up patted themselves from head to toe, first they realized how difficult it actually is to listen to expect of the month ahead. On the first day of class softly and then increasingly harder until they felt people. . they found a certain amount of security in keeping tingly all over. There were many situations where the seekers close to their friends. Moving from one activity to formed small groups of six or more people and another, many laughed embarrassedly, feeling Other activities included nonverbal com- experienced different ways of acting in a group, foolish, and unwilling to be the first to volunteer. munication, listening exercises, learning about Students hesitated to do some things, but once they group processes, and becoming more aware of our depending on its purpose and its members. They observed which people were forceful, quiet, sup- did, they seemed to realize that it was not so bad senses. The 'seekers' attempted to convey such portive, or trustworthy, and in addition frequently after all and was even a lot of fun. One of the first feelings as anger, depression, or concern non- developed a feeling of community and sometimes exercises involved a group of about ten people who verbally by using certain facial expressions or by even pride in a particular group. An optional part of raised one person from the floor and rocked him walking in a certain manner. They became aware the course involved the "Labs for Interpersonal back and forth before setting him down again. of how one can pick up subtle hints as to how a Growth" which were similar to encounter groups. Many thought the experience of being cradled was person is feeling simply by paying attention to his Here, and in class itself, students learned to be open and honest with each other, expressing thoughts and impressions about one another in a con- It scares you but you love it anyway! structive, supportive way. of the senses, par- more aware To become ticipants took each other on a "blind walk," where one person led another around campus. Without the sense of sight, they were forced to rely on other by Dave Marple senses and also to trust their partners. During January Term, six WMC ROTC cadets landing. For the most part, the students found it fun to stop Jim. Anderson, Wayne Cassell, Bill Corley, Jim The third and final week was called jump intellectualizing for a moment and once again Geleta, Bob Ramsdell, and Bill Tanner took part in week. All the techniques they had learned in the participate in such childhood games as freeze tag the 24th class of the AIRBORNE School at Fort previous two weeks with all the simulations were and musical chairs. They discussed adult "games" Benning, Georgia, for three weeks of intensive finally used. A six-minute plane flight brought the too, and even\ transferred male-female roles in training in parachute jumping. students to an attitude of 1250ft. and over the drop acting out a real-life situation where men and The three-week course was divided into·3 one- zone. The first two jumps were made individually, women frequently interact, in this case, a GIGIF. It week sessions-ground week, tower week, and jump that is each jumper was allowed to pause before was interesting to see that the girls thought the week. Ground week was the toughest as far as being jumping. The last three jumps was made by mass guys were really stereotyping them and that the physically taxing since the physical training was exit. The successful completion of these five, he guys thought the same about the girls ".The role the most concentrated during that week. Following qualifies to be a parachutist. playing and the discussion afterwards pointed out the 5:30 a.m. revtue, the morning PT (Physical Despite all the rigorous training that they had to how few people actually do conform to our Training) consisted of push-ups, sit-ups, knee go through, the six WMC ROTC cadets all felt that it prefabricated stereotypes. bends, and a three-mile run. This was in addition to was indeed a worthwhile experience and they were With the greater freedom and time available any extra PT the student might draw for not im- glad that they had participated in the program. Jim during January term, students had an opportunity to sit down and think, to try to evaluate and im- mediately given a correct response for a direct Anderson went as far as saying he had a good time prove themselves. As contrasted With the first day, order. This was part of the conditioning to make the though he "really wouldn't want to go through it student react instinctively to any order given, a again." Wayne CasseIJ felt that even though he was by the end of the course people were less inhibited practice which is mandatory in an operation as given a lot of extra PT he didn't feel he was being and more sensitive to their own feelings and the dangerous as parachute jumping. The rest of the "harassed for harassment's sake," and that there feelings of others. The seekers generally learned a day during Ground Week was spent jumping from was always a good reason why he had to do the lot about themselves, made many new friends, and the Mock door (which simulates an aircraft in extra push-ups. Bill Corley said that parachute simply enjoyed the time they had together. Perhaps flight), the lateral drift device, and the 34foot tower jumping could be compared to a roller coaster, "It Dr. Miller will offer this course again sometime and which Simulates the actual jumping out of the scares you but you love it anyway." Bill Tanner give others a chance to do the same. airplane and initial shock of the parachute opening. said that the entire experience was fantastic A typical day ended at 6:30 p.m. thirteen hours although he didn't like the idea of not being able to Jaques Brei after reville. walk during the time he was there, "everything was doubletime, "Bob Ramsdell said the training was The second week of training was called Tower "superior" and that he "learned alot about him- Week. More jumps were made at the 34-foot tower, sell." Jim Gelaten expressed the opinion that while made them cry the swing landing trainer, which simulated the the camp was "interesting," "it wasn't any fun and landing of the parachute, and the 25o-foot free tower that the main reason behind the toughness in the which hoisted the cadet and his parachute and course was "to keep you from hurting yourself and clapped them off to simulate the actual f1!ght and the people around you." by Lori Grimes The musical revue, Jaques Brei is AUve And Well and Living In Paris. is an outstanding and inspiring collection of lyrics and music that many enjoyed Under stage-Alumni Hall February 8th through the 11th. The revue was originally to be performed only through the 10th but because of great demand, the show was carried through Monday night. "Jaques Brei" was originated as a special project for Harvey Doster who directed it. Then along with the help of the superb cast of Max Dixon, Susan Geyer, Tim Meredith, and Connie Thorn, and the talented people who worked with the choreography, the band, and the set and light design, the show was a hit. Some said" Jaques BreI" made them cry, and others said it made them feel uneasy or angry, but most everyone said it really made them think about themselves and the world around them. That's what Jaques Brei wanted and that's why the - . musical revue was such a fine performance . •..•.......•......••....• ~ TRYOUTS OPEN TO EVERYONE for FI DDlER ON THE ROOF ------------------ February 25 Singing February 26 Dancing February 27 Acting WATCH FOR FURTHER DETAilS IN YOUB~AllBOX Jim AnderlOn, Wayne Callell, Bill Corley, Jim Geleta, and Bill Tanner: ROTC Airb(M'n! *************************
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