Page 51 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 51
February 14, 1974 THE GOLD BUG PAGE 3 Voicebox continued Dear Editor, treated as "possible dates" and girls merely as sex foreign language, but most students make an After reading your letter to yourself, I find myself objects. True friendships between sexes is un- honest attempt to do so. spurred on to do something I've been putting off - common, though, I think, a necessary part of many Living away from the dorm does not necessarily my last contribution to Western Maryland College. people's lives. Many of us are too unwilling to isolate you from campus life either. In fact, it adds I've spent a year and a half of my life here; not reveal ourselves, to let another person in. to your activities. Residents of the house prepare 8' really very long, is it? But in that year and a half Whenever someone confronts us with a sincere dinner each month for members of the faculty and I've learned a lot about myself and about other emotion-perhaps affection or a desire to get to other guests, and many an evening the group will people. Too much I didn't like. If this is a taste of know us better-we step back or attempt to make a get together for a psyche break and fix crepes or the real world, then it is crueler than Ithought. joke of it. We're not used to such serious talk, ex- tortillas. But I don't think people in general are like the cept maybe with people we've known for a long majority of people here. Are women all over the time. Most of our talk is very superficial. In addition to the opportunity of speaking the world viewed as sex objects first, human beings language and learning about the culinary customs second? Are male - female relationships so ab- I'm really afraid some people will read this letter of the country, a language house offers most of the normal in early adulthood that a date constitutes and say "Yeah, she's right," but won't do anything comforts of home. Who could complain about the public ridicule by one's "friends" common in to change the situation. I think something you can having your own living room, kitchen, laundry junior high school? Maybe I'm too optimistic, but Bo is to get a mixed group together and just talk facilities, etc? And even more important, the small the world looks brighter than that to me. about it. I'm willing to if anyone else is. number of persons living in the-house (approx. 6-16) Is this a utopia? I don't think so. The world Icome Maria Petrucci allows one to develop close, lasting friendships. from is a utopia: my friends, both male and female, see me as a person, and they are people to me. So, if you're a language major you will have the Growing men and women. Here I see a lot of boys, Dear Editor opportunity of spending some time in one of the and a lot of women growing more cynical daily. And Life in one of the language houses is something houses, and for those of you who aren't, if you can it's really a damn shame. Thank you. that no French, German or Spanish major should speak the language by all means apply for miss! The primary reason for taking up residence Lisa Miller residence in one of the houses. It will probably be in one of the houses is to improve one's ability to speak a foreign language. Truthfully, few people one of the most rewarding experiences you'll have Dear Editor, adhere strickly to the rule of speaking only the at WMC. Barb Anderson Most people are aware of the game-playing and other deceptive and childish things that go on between guys and girls on this campus, but does anyone want to change things? Mter observing the situation and discussing it with a lot of people, I've finally decided to write about it in the hopes that I'll be the first to admit I've played a lot-of foolish Christians versus Lions people will stop and think of what they are doing. and immature games myself and I'm not trying to point a finger at anyone in particular. I only wish that people would realize that they'd probably be better off and prevent a lot of pain and hurt if they were more honest with each other from the start. The time has come, I feel, for us as students Un-ion's wildest dreams. After all, support for (presumably in search for truth, and responsible defendent's rights should be welcomed from moral, social and political action) to unclog our whatever the source - even to the point of In case you're not sure of what I'm referring to, brains of the inane statements from the White withholding critical information. here is an exa(H~:erated example: A girl waits all House. Two weeks ago, the President gave his State In conclusion of the Watergate Mr. comments, week to be asked to a dance and even makes a point of the Union Message (also known in some circles Nixon said, "I will follow the precedent that has of looking her best in the cafeteria or library so that as the "State of Delusion Message"). Essentially been followed and defended by every president...of someone will ask her out. Finally Mr. Wonderful what the Congress and Nation heard, were the never doing anything that weakens the office of the calls (senior, jock, and fraternity member, of familiar slogans and proposals and campaign presidency." . course). It's the day before the dance and he ex- promises, desperately thrown together to present Too bad Nixon couldn't run for a third term. pects her to drop everything and jump at the the state of a hopeless administration. chance of going out with him. Even if she did have Beginning with, "America is a good and great ESL something else planned, she decides this is her big land," President Nixon described an America we (Responses to this column may be addreSSfid to Christians chance and so accepts the date and proceeds to tell all would like to live in, yet do not. One reason that vs Lions, Box 3A -- Campus mail) everyone in the world about her great fortune. The we do not is that we lack the leadership so urgently next day comes and the girl makes sure she looks needed to take control of the wavering economy, her best because she's got to make a good im- dwindling energy supply and the "helm of the Curriculum pression. The guy picks her up and they go and have government." In Richard Nixon there is no such a good time at the dance, joking around and talking leader. It appears that for the last year the about a lot of nice superficial topics. The guy brings President has been busily defending himself, like a in the think the girl back to his room for a few hours and then paranoiac, against the "Watergate charges." After walks her hack to her own dorm, where she stays up all why shouldn't he? For almost a year it looked as all night telling the other girls about what a great though President Nixon might have been guilty. time she had with Mr. Wonderful she's fallen For now the White House has evidence on tape that On Friday, February 15,and Saturday, February madly in love' with him and expects him to call her Mr. Nixon is innocent of any involvement with the 16, there will be a Curriculum Workshop in Mc- every day. The next morning the guys ask Mr. Watergate Scandal. These tapes are probably Daniel Lounge. The 'Workshop,' open to faculty and Wonderful, "How'd it go last night?" and he brought to us by the same people who brought us students, will be an attempt in dialogue to begin replies, "Great, just great!" whereupon they the "Rose Mary Woods Pedal-Pushing Stomp," and serious consideration of our curricu1um, and the assume a major orgy must have taken place and of the "18 Minute Buzz-Along with Bobby and Dicky." possible modifications that can be arrived at course Mr. Wonderful isn't going to deny anything. The "18 Minute Buzz-Along," intentionally erased, through such discussion. The 'Workshop' is not The next time he sees the girl he proceeds to ignore happened to be the long awaited "Jail-House intended to discuss the elimination of courses or her and pretend she doesn't exist. She can't un- Rock," with Bobby and Dicky. requirements, but rather to raise questions about derstand this. Why didn't he ever call her Another hit song, from the Nixon movie "If I curriculum change, and to attempt to discuss these back ...they were such a perfect match! Or perhaps Were King," is "There Will be No Recession." In questions in reference to WMC. the guy does talk to her later without any intention this prophetic song there are a few lyrics that need of getting anything started, and the girl thinks he examining. For instance, it is very hard for even There will also be two guests at the 'Workshop' must be interested in her ...another possibility is the most brill ant of economists to make unqualified who "have recently been involved with curriculum that the girl has no u1terior motives, but when she predictions as to the future of the nation's economy. reform. Sharing their experiences will be: Dr. Ann attempts to talk to the guy again, he thinks she's Yet the "Bank-Dick" knows something the experts Paton, Professor of English at Geneva College, and chasing him and tries to avoid her. Or...later on don't. He has looked into Tricia's Tarot Cards and Dr. John Linnell, Dean of Academic Affairs at when they meet at the next GIFIF or section party, hag.seen the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Grand Valley State College. Dr's. Paton and Linnell they'll be best friends but will ignore each other Strange Friedman, Samuelson and Wallch haven't 'will discuss their experiences and offer possible after that, until they meet again for another the same Tarot cards. (We must remember that the alternative models of curriculum change. weekend thrill term recession here is being defined by the same Interested Faculty and Students are invited to man who assures us of his innocence in the "18 attend the following program: Although the above example may be a little Minute Buzz-Along.") February 15, Friday, 7:30 p.m.: 1st part of the exaggerated, Ithink there is a lot of truth behind it Mr. Nixon also stated that the prosecution "has evening will be a presentation by Dr's. Linnell and and it's really sad that people are so afraid to be all the material needed to conclude the in- Paton; 2nd part of the evening will be an open honest with each other and get to know the real vestigation" and to bring it to a satisfactory close. discussion. person behind the mask. With all the gossip that Maybe not satisfactory to everyone, but to those goes on, sometimes contradictory, we prejudge who stand to lose the most. In the new song, "Law- people without making an attempt to find out what to-Order," Nixon has announced that a defendent February 16, Saturday, 9:00 a.m.: There will be they're really like. Why can't there be more in- can custom tailor the prosecution to his own taste. group discussions, followed by a report of each tersex relations based on a genuine liking for one It seems the same Nixonian people, who brought us group to the entire 'Workshop.' Lunch. Conclusion another's true self, rather than for "how much I can the hit "Law and Order," want to stretch the Bill of of 'Workshop' and responses of Dr's. Paton and get for my~ from this person"? Guys need not be Rights beyond even the American Civil Liberties Linnell.
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