Page 46 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 46
PtgeTwo January 22,1974 Pier Five Is Struffin With Some Barbecue IIIIIr~..., musician to entertain others while enjoying himself clarinet. On lead trumpet was AI Straub, playing immensely. tromboe, Mike Poorman. John Spicer, otherwise An aura of informality diffused from the per- known as "the Donny Osmond of the Geritol Set", formers into the audience. The relaxed atmosphere plays bass fiddle or tuba. The piano player was generated by the musicians when coupled with Walter Marquaard. Maintaining the beat on drums their music brought forth a positive spontaneous was Tilden Street, a man with a classically ap- response from the audience. Swaying, knee- propriate name. Each man has a full time job slapping, and finger-snapping was common among raining from guidance counselor to clerk in a straights and freaks, young and old alike. There plumber's supply house. was little reluctance present in revealing feelings The Pier Five Jazz Band was initiated 19 years about a song or the many improvised solos which ago and has performed here in the past. Its received much applause. membership has a slow turnover rate as most of the The musicians explained and embellished upon group has played together for many years and thus the style and history of the music which they are now hitting their peak. Considering making a played. Each piece of music seemed to have a story recording, the group does engagements in' the unique to itself. A framework was constructed Baltimore area. coordinating the musical program with the course. Establishing a jaunty tempo in' the introduction, the band then reflected the heritage of marches as an early source of jazz by stepping 'lively into iN MEMORIAM Dixieland One-Step. Tin Roof Blues (musically an authentic blues), was played in a rather mournful Dr. Joseph Raymond Bailer, Professor of more deliberate manner. The Battle Hymn of the Education, Emeritus, passed away during the night of January 7. He joined the faculty of the college in Republic was followed by the social complaint 1949, served with distinction, and had many friends Black and Blue which considerably moved the on the campus and in the communitv. audience. A catchy tune by the master, Louie "Satchmo" Armstrong, preceded. a song of the blues feeling. enjoyable and News Briefs Turk Murphy's Red Flannel Rag featuring John Spicer on the tuba was animated, appreciated. It elicited a foot stomping, finger , snapping response reminiscent of yesteryear. Mr. Spicer, this time on bass, received another ovation ,/ byAi::n~;;:::was visited on Thursday, January for his part in the hymn Just a Closer Walk with Tryouts for And .Mlss Real'don Drinks A Uttle 10th by the Pier Five Jazz Band. Outside, the en- Thee. The Memphis Blues, hypothesized to be a will beheld on Tuesday, Feb. 5 in Alwnn.i Hall. ~m vironment was cold and dreary; indoors, the at- financial lament by its composer, possessed a Weinfeld will direct the play by Pulitzer Prize mosphere was bright and warm. The perfonnance driving powerful beat. winner Paul Zindel which Newsweek called "funny was in conjunction with the Jan term Study Tour of . After a short intermission the group took up and fierce and, w'ell, absolutely extraordinarr." the Culture of New Orleans taught by Professors where it had left off with the Ught and bouncy South - There are parts available for two men and five Dietrich and Stevens. Rampart Street Parade. Struttin!- With Some women. Scripts are 011 reserve in the library. Consisting of six members, the band launched Barbecue produced a clapping to the beat (though Anyone wishing to tryout should sign up on the into a_medley of jazz, blues, and general Dixieland. sometimes not the correct one). The frivolous I bulletin board in Alumni Hall. A buoyant audience numbering near 225 persons Ain't Goin' To Give &body None of my Jellybone Bottle Hill will be playing Jl two-set concert at became more and .more imbued with the spirit of spread good cheer throughout Alumni. the musicians and- their infectious music as the About this time everyone was caught up and the WMCon Jan. 25. The group comprises six players, base, guitar, fiddle, five-string string banjo, evening were on. It is debatable whe~er the band was really smoking so that despite the songs mandolin, dobro guitar, and hammered dulcimer. audience or the musicians hada better time. becoming Jess distinguishable individually their Dixieland originated around the turn of the collective impact increased. Closing with a mood The concert will include cuts from their "RUmor century in New Orleans and holds a prominent piece the performance was extended by a requested in Their Own Time" album plus original songs and niclt,e in American culture. This style of in- encore that 'culminated and captured the spirit. of '{o;c;ru~r:::e;:!~::ipation" is en~uraged with strU\nental. jazz characterized by improvisation with a fast, strongly accented second and fourth ~~,,::rina~c\ only ~emaining Orig'btaJ member of sing-a-longs, and a square, dance wh~ ww..-follow beat has~ver faded from the scene. It allows the the Pier Five Jau.,!;land is Gene Fr.anklin who plays the concert. "Bottle Hill is alive and well and living in the Catskill Mountains. ': ~ Letter to the Editor •• ~•••••••••••••••••••••• During the months of November and December, Dear-"Editor, six alleged violations of the HonOP Code were reported to the Honor Court. Of these sb: cases, five an~!\:to~~~"t:!~ o~f:ft~:; :!!t rr:: taken to put this crummy letter in. A\lilty verdicts and one not guilty verdict were The only "restrictions" are good taste. And that wh~ther they say so or not. WMC Utopia-you can't really shouldn't be a problem - if it is, come in and ~..r!8ched. Correetlve -action for all f.e guilty ver- miss-it, it's right under the water tower. Despite all talk to me al;Ji)ut how to say something tastefully. dicts was the recently enacted miniinum penally, the grief everyone, including me, complains about - (Maybe I can help.) Your contributions will pull ~n consisting of a zero od the piece of .work involved exams, deadlines, people who don't seem to care responses from other people - no kidding, it always and an Honor Court warnint; stating that any future about "me" - this is indeed a utopia. And for all works that way. I really want to give this paper to violation would result in a minimum action of the blah blah blah those older people say about you - it's yours, you've paid for it, you read it. It's a .suspension from the college for that student. college being the "best years of your life", there's trite, jerky thing to say, but now its up to you. This really more truth than blah to it. Sure it's an ln- isn't a high school any more, and apathy isn't in. dividua1 thing. But college affords perhaps the last fashion any more. Send anything - or everything ~ the·Sold Bug, chance for a person to express himself without the (poetry, commentary, articles etc.) to me at box 3A pressures of the outter world. Students are lured or else box 89(1. into WMC - but eventually they are spit back. A l;)t of creative potential is never manifested, despite Editor-in-Qlief CindyO"Neal the perfect opportunity. A Jot of time is completely wasted. And it really bugs me. Perhaps I should Associate Editor Gerry Philips know what I am talking about because I too a,u Photography Editor Gene Funk guilty. (I'm not saying that to get you, "the reader" . Advertising Manaae1 Ste,e Boyd on my side because I've admitted a fault. Simply it's true.) Now here I am writing a letter to myself. After all I am the editor. I figured that would be ludicrous enough to get some kind of point across. Staff: Mike Andrei, Julie Mullen r aaron Tayler You know, getting down to actuality, this thing Leigh Rogoff. Jim Massey. DlIYe Marple. Chip (which I have become master of) could become my ROII$8, Judy Gardner, Lori Grimes.Chip W'igh~f very own little paper. It's your voice box - but you're not talking through it. My staff (your staff?) ••• lIIIIIiII1''- aayton McCarl, Jack Tracey. Suzi Paglee. Adele is very small. That doesn't matter too much, but the Moormal'!.Barry Watson hosts of contributive writers is down to a grand and Published by and for the students of Western Maryland glorious handful. I suppose the voice box should be silenced. But that would be too bad. You see, you College. The opinions expressed in this publication do don't have to be able "to write" to write. Just spit not neccessarily reflect those of the administration. your ideas out - before your time is up and you get spit out yourself. Look at this letter you've been We welcome your comments ao%r suggestions. Please reading right now - and it is being read by more address aU mail to; Box 3A, Western Maryland College. people than just you. Surely your ideas, complaints, .1 _ feelings, or activitie:s deserve the space I have Westminster, Maryland 21157.
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