Page 43 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 43
December 11. 1973 The Gold BUg Page 7 Welliver rebuttals Dr. Dan Welliver. Only one person had the courage' Relay is here There are many questionable to sign his letter. ailments statements alleged which concerning November 26, 1973 seem to be reported as having occurred to someone First, we'd like to introduce ourselves. We are a Editor other than the writer. The facts often are em- group of social work majors who sent you a Dear GOLD BUG bellished or omitted in the retelling. It would ap- Person letter and asked you to fill out a survey at Western Maryland College pear that opinions are presented as statements of Registration (alone with everything else you had to Westminster, Maryland 21157 fact. - do.) In my fifteen years at Western Maryland as Our reason for all this harassment is only Dear Bditor-: athletic trainer it has been a special privilege to because we want you to be aware of a service we work with Dr. Welliver considerate, competent are creating here on campus. It is a volunteer in- I have been deeply concerned about the in- person, one worthy of the name Doctor. He has formation center for students and agencies in the terpretations of the situations formulated in the ~nswered our call for help at any hour and many surrounding communities. letters to the editor. At anytime I would welcome times on Sundays when he was not on call. He has We're calling this service RELAY CENTER, meeting with any responsible group of students and done the same thing for students at the infirmary, because that's exactly what it is -- agencies will explain the expectations of the student health eve? when the student was not an emergency case. relay a need to us, we give the information to the service. A dedicated man, but not a God. From a students, students in turn tell us of their interest At the present time I am in the process of monetary standpoint alone he could do better and we do the final part of the relay -- get the two of evaluating my priorities. If the consensus of opinion working in his office. you together. We will be operating out of the old of the student body is to feel that I treated students IOTE club room (ground floor McDaniel), starting in such a negligent and grossly abnormal fashion or cr~:~i~\:~~:~t;:::E!t~~c~~~r:i~~!h:e;:~~~~i:~ in January. We will be open Tues., Wed. and Thurs. for the motivations so stated, I would only be too basis of "facts" which may be libelous. Western from 2 P.M.-5 P.M. happy to resign. Maryland needs Dr. Dan. We already have a directory of agencies in need Very sincerely, I suggest that students at Western Maryland of volunteers ranging from heart patients & sr.' Daniell. Welliver, M.D. should appreciate the fine medical care available. citizens to day care and just being a friend. Some As responsible persons, you do have a choice. Select are located outside of Westminster, so if there's a Letters to the Editor any doctor that will agree to treat you or do you just transportation problem, we'll try to work Dear Editor: go to the infirmary because it won't cost you an something out. I read with much concern the two letters in the extra fee? To sum it all up - we ha ve the time, the energy, last issue of the Gold. Bug about the infirmary and Fern R. Hitchcock and resources to do the leg work for you. All we If you have any questions, need is your interest. Athletic Trainer come down to the center and see what's going on or SAVE s100N 3·PIECE REALISTIC AM/FM STEREO SYSTEM REALISTIC' STEREO CASSETTE CAR PLAYER WITH BUILT·IN ,.,.___ _. FM119;~IO ~ J~ • SR&LI. NE'I..!!lOIll·M~ReOITII. Q.1~f"iU)'DE~'l{ 'WMC COLLEGE RINGS FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORES INTERESTED IN SPORTSWRITING! I , KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS r C : EXPERT WATCH REPAIR The Western Maryland College Physical Education Department is looking E t~h~rji~~~;~~~~::::a:::Sup~~c~~ $~~~/~:.p GIFTS ... :~i~nn:~~e:7t~~a~:~~t~=~~~ Ext. 255. 0 Y * Please contact Dr. Clower if interested. *PUMI'T1lIj.GQUJD~.JIlCl:.MAfhTf.1:Z.1!la• C05e;' A'-L.E~.~* David's Jewellers; *i 41 EAST MAIN STREET ******************************* WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND
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