Page 8 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 8
September 25,1973 5 miles in colored underwear by Leigh Rogoff The 1973 Western Maryland harriers will open their season at home against UMBC on September 26. This year's team will be under the guidance of Captain Henry and Captain Mekkelsen: A sq~a~ of seven will seek to improve upon a disappointing record of the past year. Scheduled for 10 meets, the team invites the student body and faculty to ven- ture over to the beginning of the course near the 9th green, and catch what promises to be an interest~ng season while taking in some sunshine and fresh air. Returning to the team are Lee McConnell, cap- tain Steve Vaughn, and probably Frank Jahnsson. Joining them are freshmen Tom Farrel~, Charles Ollis and Gary Frank plus sophomore Jim Darrs. WMC griddeu tied 0·0 with Towson in this scrimmage, but made some mistakes against Bridgewater last weekend. The manager is Paul Shlitz. Any other students who desire to compete this year are urged to contact Terrors drop one to Bridgewater either of the coaches or any team member. Cross country is under the misconception of being solely individual competition whereas it is actually by Mike Andrey a team sport. Scoring is done on the basis ~f the top 5 finishers for each team so that depth IS of the Despite a lot of optimism concerning this year's stronger, better athlete. There is a distinctly utmost importance. Each runner is given the score squad, the Terrors dropped their first game of the positive attitude on the team. The team spirit is a associated with his finish relative to all other season to Bridgewater College by a score of 13 to 7. very competitive, hustling air. Also, the younger runners with the first place runner being given 1 The game was scoreless until the second quarter, boys are pushing the older boys hard. The~ want to point, the second p~ace runner 2 points, the fifth when Bridgewater drew first blood with a 20 yard play, and they're going to let everyone know it." place runner 5 points, and so on. The scores ... touchdown pass. WMC came close to scoring on The outlook is better than in past years. The team assigned to the first five runners on each team are several occasion, but failed to go all the way. In- never had a scrimmage as complete, well-played, totaled with the team having the lowest cumulative terceptions hurt the Terrors, as did 4 fumbles, 2 of and well-executed as at Towson State on September score being pronounced victorious. which were recovered by Bridgewater. 15.Although the two teams played to a scoreless tie, So take a change of pace one afternoon and stroll WMC finally rallied to score in the 4th quarter there were no offsides penalties at all by the on out to the golf course to watch a meet. Not only after a scoreless third period. The touchdown came Terrors, and mistakes were cut to a minimum. psychology majors should be curious a~ to .wh~t on a 20 yd. pass from Mike Bricker to. end Andy This is also the first year for real depth on the motivates a person to run a grueling 5 miles in his Keefer, and was the only score by Weste.rn Western Maryland squad. With the larger number school's colored underwear. WMC's course winds Maryland in the game. Bridgewater scored a~am, of boys, there is more versatility at each position, around the golf course for 5.2 miles and takes. ap- on a 28 yard interception return of a Mike Bricker and more players hack up the starting man. Ac- proximately 35 minutes to complete. To a bred pass for a touchdown. It was the final score of the cording to Coach Jones, this depth will tell as the WMC runner doing so, the vocal encouragement of ~~~:~!~~e;.r0ved to be the winning margin for season goes on. The inevitable injuries will be less fellow students may be inspiration enough to spell crippling to this'team as opposed to past squads. the difference between victory and defeat. The This year, more men came out for the Western "The offensive line is good, solid. And the athletes will appreciate your support, indicating to Maryland Green Terrors football squad than ever defensive line is bigger," beams Coach Jones. them that not only they know a cross country team before. "We have two potentially great punters in Steve exists on this campus. According to head football coach Ron Jones in a Campbell and freshman Rick Rosenfeld." pre-season interview, possible reasons are the "The linebecking, hurt by the loss of senior Ian increased freshman enrollment this year and the MacFawn, is good, also. Freshman standout Jack retention of a greater percentage of students. Powell has great potential at this position." Whatever the reason, Coach Jones won't be "On offense, we've got four year starter Mike searching for them. He will, instead be busy Bricker back at quarterback, coupled with the working with the wealth of football talent that has biggest backfield we've ever had. The starting come his way this season. backs of last year, sophomore Rick Heritage, junior "This team is developed more, at this point, than Mark Yurek, and senior Dennis Keen are back and WMC squads of past years," states the coach. they'll be helped by freshman Kendrick Weaver "We believe that this is a result of several fac- and senior Joe Booker." tors," he continues. "What we have now is a "•••we shouldn't lose a game rr Western Maryland's soccer team will open its Hickey, and John (Slug) Armstrong, the team season against UMBC at home tomorrow, working practices at 5:30 daily. Coach Armstrong has an on a five-game winnng streak. optimistic outlook for the season. He said the of- The past week, most rigorous in practice, served fense looks particularly good-as though the team to straighten out various problems such as members know each other well and have played as becoming accustomed to new rule changes, less- a team before. than-perfect cohesion, and minor injuries. According to Charlie Keil, "We have enough "If everyone's healthy, we shouldn't lose a talent to be the best team in the league. Offensively game," predicts co-captain Charlie Keil. Nine out we're better than last year. I don't think we'll have of eleven starters are back this year. Fifty men any trouble scoring." The team looks so promising altogether are out for the team, approximately 16of thai there are enough men for platooning-forming whom are freshmen-the best turn out of freshmen almost two complete and balanced teams of equal in several years. talent to spell each other on the field. ~ Ed Bwalya, senior, Vernon Mumert, junior and ~WMCmeets Washington College, the current top co-captain, and Chris Hannaby, sophomore, are team in the Mid-Atlantic league in an away game perhaps three of the top players in both the Mason- on Homecoming day. The displacement of Dixon and Mid-Atlantic leagues. Other members of Washington College along with victories from all the team include co-captain Rick Spink who was - other contenders in the Mid-Atlantic league would voted the team's most valuable offensive player, mean the championship for the WMC team. Of co-captain Charlie Keil, who lead the team in course right now, that is only a possibility. The scoring last year, Dave Hoopes, Remie I1upeju, team will concentrate basically on keeping up the Dennis Kirkwood, Steve Koster, Bobby Sam berson, present winning streak and hope. to get a lot of and Jay Markanick in his first eligible year after support from the spectator field this year. As far as transferring from another school. New players the general attitude of the players is concerned: include Bruce Keil, Jim Martin, Sam Tressler, "We can't wait toget started!' Charlie Wagner, and Steve Schonberger, a transfer from Frederick Community College. Steve Koster attacks the ball in soccer practice. The Under the tutelage of coaches Homer Earll, Bill first game is tomorrow against UMBC.
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