Page 5 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 5
September 25, 1973 The Gold Bug Page :.0 Where the carpet storts Reflections Elderdice and Forlines aren't the only by Cindy O'Neal places that got face lifts this year. Some "Terizness" is the password, and the place is seminary. Known occasionally as the "Angel philanthropic individual decided that Mc- third floor Elderdice Hall. "Where the carpet Factory" or "Sky Pilot Headquarters," the Pent- Daniel Hall deserved its big break. starts, the Penthouse begins." Most students think ho-rse still houses one pre-ministerial student. of Elderdice as merely the building in which to Those men who chose to live in the Penthouse did Our first inclination that things were dif- matriculate, register, or visit the deans. 'But this so generally for the privacy and peace. There is no ferent came on the Sunday before classes year with WMC's surplus of students, third floor ASSistant and the dorm is open 24 hours. when Nellie and I moved into the fourth floor Resident Elderdice, like the Publications House, has been The only rule that seems to apply to the Penthouse Swamp. As I staggered up the steps (they can converted into living quarters. is that of quiet from 9 to 5 when the administrative put men on the moon but they can't put an The Penthouse houses 17 men, only one of whom staff is at work below. "But at night we raise Hell!" elevator back into McDaniel) I heard Nellie is a freshman. The paint is fresh and the furniture is "We have our own kitchen. And a maid-Muffin-- cry out, "My god, there's stuff growing in new. There are 15 singles and one double-all of who vacuums the hall and empties the trash. " "You here!" Apart from our pet begonia which, them plus the hall are carpeted. The bathrooms can hear the pigeons fluttering around the win- indeed is spreading to the far corners of the have been redone "but we have to use the ladies dows." room, Ididn't see anything until I looked down room for showers." One of the rooms-the double-ts and discovered that my feet had disap- so big that "I had to use a pair of binoculars to see if There is a fire escape at each end of the hall that peared .. .into thick, plush, green carpeting. my roommate was up in the morning." the men use. There is also Elderdice tower, which, Well, it's changed all our Jives. I mean, now though_technically off-limits as a fire hazard, af- Elderdice was used several years ago as a fords a great four-windowed view of the campus. we can't spill coke on the rug and grind it in women's dorm and later as ROTC headquarters. with our heels. (Although creme de menthe J .iving in Elderdice appears to be quite a luxury. But one set of names that sticks to the hall derives Rut then, it is normal enough-after all as one blends in just great) What with the blue ceiling from the days when Elderdice housed the and the green floor, it really gives us that student said, "I have my own pet silverfish." woodsy, outdoor feeling. At times I feel like I'm living in a furry tent. That. carpeting Mystery surrounds forlines House really gives spread to its other and inhabitants. the chic the room class, feeling has Last night I saw two roaches crawling out Leigh Rogoff. One of the many changes which has occurred on from under the begonia. They both had on black ties and one was wearing a derby. were shocking. Changes noted in investigation campus since June involves the Publications The Office of Publications and Publicity and the However, Ihave a few complaints. When we House. This edifice is situated near Elderdice Hall several student organizations which together and has been the subject of some recent con- constituted the past residents of the structure had came in that Sunday, we were missing a towel sternation. Not one, but several American flags had fled. The name of the building was no longer the rack. We got the towel rack, but our doorknob suddenly sprouted in its windows and porch, Publications House - it was, get this, the Forlines broke. First we COUldn't get out of the room becoming the topic of speculation by quizzical House. Freshmen were actually living there in because of the doorknob. Now we can't get in. -bservers of the WMC scene. spacious comfort. With a fireplace in one room plus We would phone for help but the telephone's school of thought was that the ROTC ample closet and storage space for everyone. been broken since we got back, and the key's .Iflel>ari;ment, displaced from its prior offices in Dwelling in four units of two upstairs with a double with the phone company in Baltimore. Maybe had found a new home. This and triple downstairs, the students were basking in we can get one of the roaches to beat on it with reasonable. Another hypothesis stated contentment about their quarters. his derby. sympathetic to the John Birch NQt that the improvements are limited to commandeered the building. Hence, so There is great acoustics for the stereo system. the rooms. Now that our room keys open the of our glorious nation. Or maybe the Carpeting on every floor, covering the stairs, in front door as well, there is always the danger porch of the Publications House was every room. Even in a bathroom! And in this same that one of us will lose our keys and that some for some kind of pinko hippie- luxurious chamber is found a pencil sharpener for perverted phantom will get in. (Of course, so mystery concerning the the studious and very diligent. "Not so," you cry could Steve McQueen, but nobody thinks of 'f~li.;~~~:~'d:of the owner of these flags and his out in disbelief, "not so." this, we're con- II demanded immediate attention. More unbelievable is that when questioned about that possibility). To combat their housing as well as the school generally, the stantly confronted with semi-cheerful signs. students replied that "they liked it." And the As you approa,ch the outer door, there is the patriotic person when asked about his flags, an- one that says, "Don't forget to lock the front swered in the elegant and stirring manner door." This confuses you because you're "Because." So mucn for this mystery. outside at the time. Assuming that you can get in, there is a second sign that accuses, "Are you sure you locked the front door? Better check!" You're fallible and human, after all, so you turn around to face a schematic drawing of the mechanical workings of the lock. It tells you everything but how to get the damn key out of the door and I'm not sure, but I think it's dirty. If the phantom or Steve want to get in, they're welcome. If they're clever enough to get in the front door, maybe they can help us figure out how to get into our room. But I'm not one to buck progress. I don't care if they renovate Elderdice or our late, lamented Gold Bug office. I don't care if they turn Big Baker into' a massage parlor. All I want is a new doorknob and the assurance that all this change is for my own good. Meanwhile I'm trying to fit a derby on that other roach. Right now, he's lost in the carpet. CCN Involvement cont. from Rage 4 munication in this legislative body. Besides the representatives, other students are encouraged to come to all the meetings held every other week. "Knowledge is Power" so the cou.ncil hopes to the entire student body more Informed and in- terested! to WMC's own little population explosion, the college, much to its chagrin, found The first meeting was held on September 19 in the i . After rejecting the idea. of re-rentinqtha Inaugural Tent, our resourceful I leaders decided Senate room where several ideas for the coming the discussed. were Among them were year two not so unlikely places. And so, two buildings which started' out as housing for male possibility of entering the Marathon Football game changed back into their original ashes and dust. at UMBC or Towson, sponsorship of buses. to several away football games, and homecoming. Floor Elderdice and the Publications House (now known as Forlines House) are currently The next meeting will be held on October 3 and the executive council invites anyone who really cares two rather unusual groups of residents. After they read this, they may well wish to move. (or wants to care) about our college to come and get involved!
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