Page 90 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 90
Page 6. The Gold Bug April 24, 1973 Classics es Dos Passos play is final comparative Iif drama production by Chip Rouse With the retirement of Dr. Ridington, the Classics The final major production of the dramatic arts to name a few, are brought up by the characters as program will become Comparative Literature; but department this year is USA, an adaptation of John the mood is heightened. Interrupting these stories students may major in Classical Civilization by Dos Passos' novel, by Paul Shyre and Dos Passos are what Dos Passos terms "newsreels" -- taking an interdisciplinary program of courses himself. Director Tim Weinfeld is enthused about headlines telling of events of the times involving the from the departments of Comparative Literature, the • for even though the cast is small famous and the infamous. The constant shifting of Art, History, and Philosophy. Because of t~e feels that it is a particularly character by the actors and actresses requires the interdisciplinary nature of this major, students will to direct. ability to assume new roles very quickly, for each find it easy to combine Classical Civilization with person may play anywhere from five to 15 different another major. roles. Tim considers it an excellent acting exercise Dr. Ridington will in fact continue to teach on a for those involved, comparing the effect of such a part time basis. His popular courses in Greek montage to that of Dylan Thomas' "Under Drama (re-numbered 223) and Classical Mythology Milkwood," which was previously performed here (re-numbered 104) will be offered next year. The at Western Maryland. The total effect of the two courses in Greek and Roman Civilization have performance depends on how well and how quickly been combined into Greek and Roman Literature the actors (Tom Blair, Steve Judd, Ed Hogan) and (C.L. 101) and will be taught by Dr. Palmer. This actresses (Patti Taylor, Sherrin Roby, Deborah new course will stress epic and lyrical poetry and Buck) assume their different characters. There is prose fiction. . no reason why any of them should have any Students may also major in Comparative difficulty doing this, so it promises to be an Literature (details in the forthcoming guidance outstanding performance. bullentin) or combine Comparative Literature with USA is scheduled for the 11, 12, and 13 of May, other programs, especiaUy English or modern Mainstage. Tickets go on sale for one dollar at the languages .. Classics 108 will now become C.L. 102 bookstore beginning May 7, or they can be bought at and will deal with European literature of the the door the nights of performances. Medieval, Renaissance, Classical, and Enlightenment periods, Classics 205 (Modern Continental Literature) will be called C.L. 205. A brand new course is C.L. 206 (Special Areas of Comparative Literature), which will normally be feels that it is more of a montage,' an amal- taught by members of the Modern Language gamation of sense impressions of the period, that of Department. The subject matter will vary from the first 30 years of this century, through President year to year. In the Spring of 1974,the topic will be Wilson and World War I. The plot follows the life of Latin American Fiction and the course will be a young man "getting ahead," working out the taught by Dr. Williams of the Spanish Department. American Way. From humble beginnings he Non-Western Studies 202 will be called C.L. 202, becomes a public relations man for the but it will still meet the college's non-western government, and we see him through successes and requirement. In fact, all of the courses in failures to his eventual demise. The prose and Comparative Literature (except Classical poetry used to tell the story is "rich and Mythology) count toward the college's requirement evocative. "according to Tim, and the music and of six hours in literature. For further details, photographs of the period which accompany the students are asked to see Dr. Palmer. performance also serve to-set the mood. At the same time, the audience is introduced to famous people of the time through the course of the story. Names such as the Wright brothers, Ford, Rudolph Valentino, and Isadora loo..,_. Inauguration highlights week long activities A week-long series of activities ending with carnival and the official ceremony will the inauguration of Dr. Ralph C. John as the Rose garden reveals president of Western Maryland College. The puolic is invited to attend all of the botannical beauty There is no charge. Dr. John will be . ~ . rr Saturday, May 5. The Somewhere between the splendor in the grass and concert the Sunday before and the glory of the clouds, the class of 1973 sang, piano recital, art shows, poetry danced, punned, and hammed their way through on the liberal arts college, this year's Junior Follies. A Spring at WMC without carnival celebrating both the the Follies can be as "dry" as a fish out of water. ~ Day. "We Never Promised You A Rose Garden" was Three prominent educators will unique in its colorful set, lighting design, terrific ~, Warren Bryan Martin, provost of the ~~~~graphy, and original music, with its catchy A joint exhibit by WMC graduates Dave Newkirk and Dhris Sonoma State College in California, . -The Follies inevitably always bring out many Spencer is currently on display at the WMC galleries. Here series of symposium discussions on the A Liberal theme--"The Arts College: dormant dramatic talents hidden deep within each Kendall Faulkner examines a piece of work in the Spencer Community." The inaugural speaker will be year's crop of juniors, and this year was no portion of the exhibit. exception. Prince Ian Macfawn, making his debut ~sp~:y~~ea~~iC~ir W~~ldd!fi~~t~~lI;e~~~c~~~:~ Choir to visit Temple Oheb Shalom royalty that kept him hopping throughout the production. Cathy Nelson touched up her role as The Western Maryland College Choir wiU sing wicked witch with a few Paul Lyndian sarcasms, during the evening service at Temple Oheb Shalom while Mary Catherine DeRosa and Dave Cole kept in Baltimore Friday, April 'J:l, at 8:15 p.m. the Archie Bunker humor running high. "Wimpy" Following the service, the choir will present a Volrath took some time off from the lacrosse field short program of biblical music, includng the and gave us a little soft-shoe fancy footwork, while following selections: "Salvation is Created," Gary Hanna learned that love in a flower bed is a Tschesnokoff; "In Thee, 0 Lord, have I put my far cry from love on a tennis court. Patty Teyker- trust (Psalm 311," Gerald Cole (Mr. Cole is and Dottie Hitchcock blossomed out in song. And chairman of the music department at Western Demetrios Mallios was one puddy tat that did more Maryland College); "0 Sing unto the Lord
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