Page 87 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 87
Apr~1 24', 1973 The Gold Bug Page 3 Honor court .eontinued from Pilge 5 The honor of your presence is requested what the Honor 'Court can do, according to Mr. '- Seidel. This brings an important point. In an at the (ol/owing-Inaugural Week Events editorial in the previous issue of THE GOLD BUG, it was mentioned that the student in question did not SundilY, April 29 Saturday, Mav 5 know that he was cheating. This is not true: the student knew beforehand. What was meant was OLLEGE CHOIR CONCERT: 7:15 p.m. Baker Me- MAY DAY CARNIVAL: Eampus 11:00 iI.m.·5:00 p.m. that he did not know what the Honor Court would do ~~riill Ehapel. Featured are a special choral arrangement Featured will be refreshments, booths from various to him if he were caught. or choir and electronic tape. Also; an originill compost. student nrganizatiuns, and the student art show. When a student sees another cheating, he should ion by Gerald Cole, music department head. INAUGURATION: 2:00 p.m. Dampus . walk up to the offender and tell him. he, or she, has RECEPTION: 3:30 p.m. Dampus 24 hours to turn himself in. Upon failing to turn Sunday MilY 6 oneself in, the accusor should contact a member of AMERICAN CLASSICS FILM SERIES: 8:45 p.m. A CELEBRATION OF SPRING--CONCERT: 2:30 p.m. the Honor Court and report the infraction. The Decker lecture Hall Bilker Memoriill Chapel. The Women's Glee Club will chairman of the court (Bryson Popham this year) present a concert feilturing solos by Nita Conley and then appoints an investigator to advise accused and STUDENT ART SHOW: 2:00 p.m. (opening) Fine Art Julia Hitchcock. one for the accusor. The recorder (Gail Vaught this Building ARGONAUT Jr';OUCTION: 4:00 p.m. Baker Chapel year) sets the datejor the hearing with a jury of ARGONAUT RECEPTION: 4:30 p.m. McDaniellounge three members. Each investigator then goes to the INVESTITURE ANO HONORS CONVOCATION: 7:30 respective student and obtains each's version of the Monday, AprilJO p.m. Baker Memorial Ehapel. The ceremony has changed incident (the investigator, of course, informs the accused of his rights and of the charge). The tlANO RECITAL· DR. ARLEEN HEGGEMEIER: B:15 somewhat from previous veers. This year. only those candidates who have ilctuillly received honors will be hearing jury then decides if there is enough ~~m. Levine Hall. Selections will include works by Bach eonvoeeted. evidence for a trial. nd Hadyn, as well as a special presentation of works by The trial jury consists of five student members of Erik Satie, featuring Dr. Williilm Tribby_ PLEASE NOTE: ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITEO TO the court. The chairman, one advisor (either Mr. ATTENO ANY AND ALL OF THESE EVENTS!!! Seidel, Mr. Don Zauche, or Mr. Sapora), and one dean at least should also be present. At the trial, the Tuesday, MilY 1 investigators first give the summary of the two versions of the offense. Witnesses for the accusor IANO RECITAL· DR. ARLEEN HEGGEMEIER: B:15 and then for the accused are brought in, one at a .m.Levme HUI. The Trustees. Faculty. and Students of time. The accusor and accused are also brought HO~OGRAPHY SHOW: library Western Maryland College separately. The jury does the questioning-there is request the honor of your presence no cross-examination by the accused. The jury then discusses the case and votes.Tt four out of the five WednesdilY, May 2 at the inauguration of find the accused guilty a penalty is then decided upon by the five members of the jury. If less than YMPOSIUM: The Liberal Arts College··A Sense of Ralph Candler John four find the accused guilty the accused is innocent. Community "Oistinguish In Order to Unify": 7:30 p.m. Two witnesses needed Decker lecture Hall Panel: Miriilm Brickett, Michael Bryson Popham commented that any verdict of Mock, Edith Ridington, Michael Rudman, and Ira Zepp. as president of the college guilty is beyond the shadow of a doubt. One on Saturday afternoon. May the fifth measure which does insure this is that two Ihursdav, MilY 3 nineteen hundred and seventy-thrso witnesses are needed to prove someone guilty. He at two o'clock stated that he is sure that at least in the time he has SYMPOSIUM: The liberal Arts College··A Sense of been-on the court no one was found guilty who was Community "Curriculum Options and the Spirit of The Campus not guilty. Community" 7:30 p.m. Decker lecture Hall. Panel: Westminster. Maryland "I think the Honor Court has come a long way," Bernice Beard, Steve Kettells, WrilY MowbrilY, RilY said Mr. Seidel. This is due to the more diverse Phillips, Cathy Schultz, Midge Wright. membership of the past few years. The more diverse the membership, the more representative is the organization. Students should keep that in Friday, May 4 mind since the court is taking new members soon. Mr. Seidel also believes that the present SYMPOSIUM: The liberal Arts College-·A Sense of controversy is very healthy for the Honor Court. It Community "Community of Convenience and Dum- brings attention to the previously obscure munity of Conviction" 7:30 p.m. Decker lecture Hall. organization and makes students think about it. Informal reception following the ceremony "If the Honor Court deteriorates, the honor ~:~;~::;~;!1,~~~~~~e~~tWo;o~:~~~o~o~n~ilr~~~hJ~~ May Day/Inaugural Carnival before and after the ceremony system deteriorates!" explained Mr. Seidel. Schultz -Women seek self understanding Propaganda theatre IS unbourgeois by Cindy O'Neal The purpose behind the women's movement EI Teatro Campesino will present La Gran Carpa today is to help women understand themselves. Cantinflesca at Western Maryland on Tuesday, theater, but it borrows from Mexican folk humor to With this in mind, the American' Association of April 24, at 8: 15 p.m. in Alumni Hall. such an extent that it is 'propaganda' salted with a. University Women (AAUW) sponsored "Accent on The Chicano theatre group will also present a wariness for human caprice ... In a Mexican way, Women," a seminar in Decker Auditorium on Sat., workshop with performance from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. we have discovered what Brecht is all about. If you April 14. that afternoon in Alumni Hall. Both the workshop want un bourgeois theater, find unbourgeois people Activities for the seminar comprised speakers and performance are free. . . to do it. Your head would burst open at the sim- and group topic discussions in order to "explore the The Western Maryland presentation will be the plicity of the act, not the thought. ... Real theater changing patterns in our lives and the new ideas only one by EI Teatro Campesino in the Middle lies in the exciteu laughter (or slience of confronting us in .our Future Shock society of Atlantic Area. recognition in the audience, not in all the today." Lois M. Rodabaugh, guest speaker, talked Theatro Campesino began as propaganda paraphernalia on the stage." - . on "Where are We Coming From?" and "What are movement on picket lines of the California Mexican One reviewer referred to a Teatro performance Our Priorities?" Asked one point she would stress, farm workers. -The strike plays, in which workers as, "what might be labeled as kind of Labor she said, "We need the radical women to do wore papier-mache masks and signs, are still in the Happening that revived strong echoes of the Group something about women's rights but unless we the repertoire. But the Chicano theatre has added new Theater of the '30's and Clifford Odets' Waiting for middle class, middle-age women do something, it themes about life in the barrios (inner cities) and Lefty." will never get off the ground. We're too satisfied." also sings and mines playlets based on folk ballads Speaking on the "Early Maturing Years," Mary of northern Mexico. La Gran Carpa Cantinflesca is Ellen Elwell pointed out that women must realize a multi-style production focusing on the past, the choices available to them in life. She said that present, and future of Chicanos. Part of EI Centro "a woman should investigate various interests or Campesino Cultural of San Juan Bautista, careers in addition to that of wife and mother so California, the group is directed by Luis Valdez. that she may strive for her highest achievement. In At first EI Teatro players stood on roofs of cars at the discussion of "Families and Careers," _the the edge of vineyards and orchards shouting their importance of both were I:)rought out. It was' said lines or speaking them through megaphones. that she who works both inside and outside the During this phase, El Teatro was home has a duty to work each facet with love and used to educate the strikers and lift their morale. consideration-·"if you bah bread with "Comedy became an important factor," Valdez indifference, you bake bitter bread." Emotions of says. Then in 1967 EI Teatro broadened its focus the senior citizens were discussed through audience and moved out of the union's headquarters town of response to Fran Mickel in her talk on "Joy in Delano. Retirement." Director Valde£ sees his group as somewhere The seminar ended at 3:30 after discussion group between Brecht and Cantinflas. It is, he says, "a reports and a final talk by Lois Rodabaugh. farm workers' theater, bi-lingual propaganda
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