Page 94 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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.. ~--------------------------~---- page 2 .. May 15, 19.13 Dean Mak and Non-rehirement of Smith the house-sitters rouses student petition bv Cathv Nelson Last week. Dean Makosky received a Honorary The decision not to rehire Dr. Terry B. Smith as a students who didn't like my style, but there were Doctor of Letters from Western Maryland at In- member of the Political Science Department at some who did. I also know that students complain vestiture Western Maryland has aroused as much all the time about teachers. But the point is that no Being the season for this' sort of thing, we don't speculation among the student body as any other one told me what I was doing wrong or what I feel out of place expressing our personal feelings event this year. When the official reason for the should do about it. about Dean Makosky's retirement. (We probably decision, "rigid inflexibility as an instructor" was "They talk about being kind. How kind is it to let wouldn't feel out of place even if it wasn't the right revealed, a' group of students drew up a petition so~eone do what he thinks he is supposed to be seascnn He seemed to us a man of integrity, a man protesting the decision, and questioning the do~g and a~ the same time giving him the rope on with a sense of humor, and a !'(Ianof toleration and reasoning behind the decision. which he Will eventually hang himself? For I am judgment. We feel lucky to have known him in a The petition reads: r sure this is what happened." special way. "Whereas, Dr. Terry B. Smith has not been rehired Why then, if his first year performance was so One day over a year ago, we hit upon a possible by Western Maryland bad, was Dr. Smith rehired after the first year? Dr. summer job offer in our career area here in College, and David explains this by saying that the decision had Westminster. But we lived too far away to com- Whereas we believe, as members of his classes and to be made while he was in India; Dr. Weber, mute, and wouldn't earn enough to rent an apart- as concerned students . although aware of negative student opinion, did not ment. We went to see Dean Makosky. that he is fully qualified to teach at this in- feel he was in a position to make the decision. Also When we barged into his office, the Dean was stitution, and there was the feeling of both Drs. David and Weber surrounded by mountains of freshmen applications, Whereas, he has shown an increasing amount of that no decision should be made on the possible a stack of mail, and his ever-present pipe. personal concern for both basis of what might have been initial student Nonetheless, he welcomed us, and tolerated our the students of the college and the campus en- reaction toa first year teacher. So, Dr. David gave rather excited explanation for the visit. Maybe, we vironment in general, and the go-ahead for Dr. Smith's rehirement. suggested, we could house-sit for some faculty Whereas, we believe the judgement passed on Dr. members while they went on vacations, and save Smith's ability has been both II. An unjust decision? ourselves rent costs. Dean Makosky chewed on his unjust and untimely, pipe stem, and gazed at us over the bowl for a We, the undersigned, do hereby voice our protest of Whether or not the decision not to rehire Dr. minute. Then he took his pipe out of his mouth, the action taken against Smith the next year was "unjust" as the petition pulled a small file box out of the papers, and calmly Dr. Terry B. Smith by Western Maryland alleges, can better be discussed by looking at the \ gave us the names of several faculty members who College." college hiring and contract policy. At the time Dr. he thought might be wilflng to let us house-sit for Smith was hired, contracts were being negotiated them. We left his office emotional.mixtures of awe ThE! petiti~n' contains over 500 names including on a 1-1-2basis; that is, consideration for contract for Dean Makosky and excitement at no rent bills. students from all four classes, and at l~ast 80% of renewal came after the first year, second year, and Despite our completed schedule for musical the different majors are represented. ' fourth year. A contract renewal after the fourth housing, the job fell through. But our respect for Chief circulator of the petition is Kenny Bates. year generally indicated that there would be a good Dean Makosky grew that day. He didn't throw us Visiting each dorm, men's and women's, Kenny possibility of tenure. Since it is extremely difficult out of his office, although he may have wanted to do related some of the comments of students who to dismiss a tenured faculty member, the decision so. He didn't laugh at us, although he did chew on signed the petition and added a few of his own. at the end of the second year is a crucial one. Dr. his pipe quite a bit, What he did do was treat us' with \ "One student said he (Dr. Smith) is the best Makoskey, Dr. John, Dean Mowbray, Dr. David and respect and give us straight .answers. teacher he's ever had: Most students say he Dr. Wever each assert that Dr. Smith should have balances the department. He's got a genuine bee~ aware that after each contract has expired, 'And that is the essence of the student-faculty concern for the welfare of the college community. the Job becomes open with only a likelihood that the relationship we expect at a small school such as He's enthusiastic about using supplementary incumbent will be rehired. Dr. Weber admits that Western Maryland. Straight answers. Respect. material concerning his classes. And he's not afraid many new faculty members upon arrival at NWA/CCN to listen to other opinions even if they conflict with Western Maryland have a mistaken idea that one his own." Another student, Charlie Englemier, hired, they will be here for life. "You can look at the Bye bye seniors adds, "Dr. Smith gives the impression that he is terms of the contract and know that until you have tenure your position is shaky, but there is still that dedicated, that he cares for the students. There is a Dear Seniors, free atmosphere about his classes, and he is very misunderstanding. " It would be impossible for me to send each and honest about saying 'I don't know." In Dr. Smith's. case, the position itself was a everyone of you a special card or note. "The question most frequently asked by students tenative one. He was hired to replace Dr. David on I will miss each and everyone of you, I've grown signing the petition," says Kenny, "is, 'why is he sabbatical, but also as a means to determine the to know you all. Take care and the very best for you being dismissed?" demand for a third fulltime department member. in what ever you set out for. A more correct termtnorogy, however, would be, There was no guarantee that there would even be a God bless you. "why is he not being rehired?" "I want it clearly third Iulltime position after the second year. "I was Sis understood.v says Dr. David, department chair- hired here knowing that the third fulltime position (Bookstore) man, "that Dr. Smith was not fired. This was not was only a probability and not a certainty. I had action taken against him. The decision was merely confidence in my ability to draw students to my An apology to recruit another candidate for the position in classes and therefore create the demand for the favor of Dr. Smith." third fulltime position. This I did do, or at least it my doing." Dr. David thinks dif- was partially I. The official charge ferently. "Since he had been there for over a year, This letter is a public apology to Terry Smith for The official charge, "rigid inflexibility as an Terry probably assumed he had the inside track on the lack of public support he has received from the instructor," stems from Dr. Smith's first year at the job," he says. "But he should never have department majors. Many of us have talked to him WMC during which there admittedly were assumed this," and about him privately, but none of us have gone problems. Numerous student complaints about Dr. III. Was it untimely? beyond that. We senior majors should feel Smith's personal approach to teaching, mostly Timing of the decision was based on an AAUP especially bad. Supposedly trained in a field where from political science majors, reached the Dean of guideline regarding hiring of professors for the people have convictions and stand on them, many the Faculty, the Dean of Men, and Dr. Weber, then continued on page 3 of us have let things ride. acting department chairman (Dr. David was on Dr. Smith is the finest teacher I've had in my four sabbatical leave in India.) Students alleged that Dr. years at Western Maryland. There is no one less Smith (at that time Mr. Smith) was abrasive in the cold ,Bug rigid, less inflexible than he. Despite his con- personality, arbitrary in grading; and aggressive; servative political leanings, he is one of the most attempting to ram his own opinions down student's Volume 50, number 7 liberal persons I know. At first, I really hated him throats. May 15, 1973 as an instructor, but circumstances forced me to Although these complaints reached the offices of Editor in Chief - Cathy Nelson - take more courses from him. Luckily, I got the at least three people during that first year, Dr. Managing Editor· Nellie Arrington opportunity to watch him grow from an abrasive, Smith categorically denies that he was ever told of Sports Editor· Chip Rouse vocal hotshot into a poised, interesting and in- them. Reports of the complaints, however, reached Photography Editor . Richard Elliott terested teacher. Dr. David in India, via the department. "I began Circulation Manager· Debbie Dav There are many questions that the situation getting messages to the effect of 'we've got a mess raises. Why weren't we in the department aware of down here.'''' he says. Dr. Weber agrees, saying Advertising Manager· Bob Ramsdell the dissatisfaction with Dr. Smith until it was too "the run of students complaints got right heavy." St,aff . Sue Cocking, Cindy O'Neal, Sue Stalker, Charlie DebbiE! DaV, Anne Englemier, late? Why weren't we asked for our opinions? Does According to Dr. Makosky, several students were Bufter, Re9Qie Leo Stubblefield, Dave the department really care about our opinions? so upset so as to change their major. During the Speeial thanks to Ms Nancy Winkelman for press releases. course of one conversation they had this past Sylvia Brokos November, Dr. Makosky told Dr. Smith, "I've had Entered as second office, class IT1iIterial at the Westminster, post MarVland 21157. Second class postage bv and for the Published :~~;:.;.:.;;:-:.;.:.:-:.;.:.;.:.:~:.:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::~:::~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::.;.;.:.:.:,:.;.;.:.:.z: many complaints about you as any other teacher paid at Westminster. MarVland College., The opinions as students of Western :::~ Thanks to everyone who's worked with the :i=j during his first year." e)(pressed In this ~per of the college. reflB4 those do not necessarilv Yet Dr. Smith was never told during the first of the administration ;~: GOLD BUG this year, whether by writing, !=!: year, and dismissed the departmental justification ::;: talking, doing production, or giving moral ;::: that it was merely being kind in sparing him some Address all mail to ~o)( 3, Western Maryland ColJage, L.::,:,~:;~;:;:!::,::,;;::;;':~~~».~»;w..;~&J Westmlnst~, MarVland -. 21157. of .~~e.~?re unpleasant details. "I knew there ~,ere ..
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