Page 92 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 92
Page 8 The 'Gold Bug April 24, 1973 Batsmen drop 2 now stand 4-6. by Charlie Englemier The Western Maryland College varsity baseball team has played. eight games to date, recording four wins and four setbacks. The Terror_ baseballers swept both ends of a doubleheader from Washington College, was beaten by University of Baltimore, upended by Ursinus, lost two to Loyola, split a doubleheader with Johns Hopkins, and were edged in two games with UMBC. Coach Fern Hitchcock at the beginning of the season felt pitching would be the team's strongest asset. However, during the season, this has not been the case. Western Maryland's games have been marked by. an overall inconsistency; in one game the pitching is good combined with poor Terror hitting, and in the next game poor Terror pitching is coupled with good hitting. The games have generally been close affairs. If the season is to be highly successful the problem of inccnststent pitching shoul~ b~ _eliminat_ed, for good pitching usually carries a ball club, not good hitting. The Western Maryland. present squad is divided generally into two teams. split the doubleheader Western Maryland with Each team usually splits, playing one game in a Johns Hopkins. Excellent pitching was evident for Hairy -Birds doubleheader. Evidently the team has good depth. the Terrors as Dave Cole fired a two-hitter to earn a The Terrors opened their 1973 campaign at home ApriJ.:~with a doubleheader against Washington 3-1 Terror win. Bill Swift and Chris Hannaby finish 8-4 College. The first game witnessed an impressive collected two hits each for the Western Maryland ked by attack. pitching performance by Western Maryland's Stuart Lehman as the Terrors recorded a 5-2 win. inst the Western Maryland scored all five of their runs in only manage The Western Maryland Rifle Team the first two innings in an abbreviated five inning three hits as they were blanked by Hopkins, 10-0. closed out its 1972-1973 season with The Terrors dropped last Saturday'S twin games game. First baseman Dave Cole drove in four of the utive match victories to finish with a runs with a pair of doubles. In the second game, to UMBC by scores of .. to3. and 7-6. The two teams one of the better records among those Cole hurled a five-hitter as the Terrors chalked up were closely matched in the first game, which was the various intercollegiate' . for highlighted Western by Dave Maryland 6--2 win. Brian LeFew aided the cause by driving in Duquette's home run. In the first inning of the with only one senior leaving the three runs, including a two-run homer. second game, Western Maryland scored six times, for next year is very optimistic. Three days later, Western Maryland hosted the The most satisfying win of the University of Baltimore. Western Maryland was but were beaten when UMBC came back to get the match against Gettysburg College. seven runs and hold the Terrors scoreless for the held in check to two runs on eight scattered hits as remainder of the game. lost every previous match against the Terrors repeatedly failed to provide a clutch hit. was more than beautiful to see the score Fred Naarisma effectively relieved for the Terrors Upcoming home games in baseball include: April up a 1247 to 1226 total in favor of the Hairy April Mt. S1. Mary's and held the. final score to 6-2, Baltimore. 28, 1:00, (2), 30, 3:00, Dave Fine set the pace in this match with Dickinson, and May 3, 3:00, Randolph Macon. The Terror hitting attack significantly improved followed by Jim Geleta, 257; Dan Roh, 246; 17-3 romp. Hurler Mark Metzger received credit for Stick men troubled Mount S1. Marys played the perfect host against Urstnus as Western Maryland reeled off a Brown, 244; and Jerry Lowe, 240. the victory. Virtually everyone contributed in the season's end as tnc Hairy Birds crushed sixteen hit barrage. Buddy Orndorff's homer 1215, setting an all-time team scoring ~ecord highlighted the Terror offensive display. by early lapses process. Dan Roh shot a perfect l~ m the Away at Loyola the Terrors were bested i_!la twin position on the way to a team leading 266; bill. Western Maryland led four to two going into up by Jerry Lowe, 259; Jim Geleta, . the sixth inning but Loyola rallied for four crucial The lacrosse Terrors have been having their Chenoweth, 252; and Dave Fine. 247. runs to acquire a six to four lead. The Terrors troubles through the early part of the '73 schedule. In the statistics department, Dan Roh countered with two more in the seventh inning to Victory eluded the squad in their first four games team in overall average (249.3) for the tie, but lost it as Loyola edged one over to win it an as they were trounced by Ohio Wesleyan and straight year along with the top prone . inning later. Kenyon. Loyola simply outplayed the Terrors and (93.7) and kneeling average (8_8:0). Dav~ Fme Another heartbreaker, the second game of the Frostburg came back after to ~in. The top honors in the standing positron, e~glOg out Loyola doubleheader was lost as the Terrors lone win came against Haverford 10 the first MAC Geleta by the thickness of a bacterium (71.75 committed several errors to give .Loyola four game of the season. The next two games saw the 71.67). unearned runs and hand them a 4·2 victory. John Terrors revert back to their losing ways, as both .Council reports "Shar-p and Joe Prado each rapped out two hits for Mount Saint Marys and Lehigh won easily. Through the first seven games the team was . having problems on both offense and defense as Inauguration . they have been outscored 77 to 48. Three different successful year goalies have been tried and no one has been able to contmued from page 6 perform consistently. The team see,?s to suff~r mental lapses early in the game _which result rn by Nellie Arrington ~~~rd~n~o~::~;.p~~s~~ltu~~ i~:f::;,i:t;~~;~ deficits difficult to make up. Against the Mount, Men's Council President Dave Petrucci says for his topic. For Investiture a.nd Honors Con- they trailed by four goals in the first three minutes year's representatives have participated to vocation on May 6 the speaker Will be I?r. Earl J. and again early in the third period they gave up that body "a good foundation for years to McGrath, director of the Higher Education Center several goals as a result of poor play. However Dave also credits the Council's acheivements at Temple University. All three of t~ese men .have everything changed up at Haverford as the Terrors "good lines of communication between the Dean held numerous positions in the field of higher . jumped out to a 8-0 lead and never were thr.~tened. Men's Office and the Counci!." education and have written extensively on the A few changes had been made due to an injury to Among the Council's accomplishments this attackman Ron Staines. Mel Franz replaced Dave year, Dave lists new lights on the sides of the su~j:~~ert by the College choir under the direction Hoopes in the goal and Hoopes took Staines: pl~ce dorms, a candy machine in Albert of Oliver K. Spangler will open the week of event~. on attack. Both did well with Hoopes contributing investigations and trials to . On Sunday evening, April 29, at 7:15 p.m. the choir two goals and one assist and Fran~ holding the fireworks on campus, the new concert will include a choral work by Gerald Cole, Haverford team to two goals; shutting them out ; procedure which goes into effect chairman of the college's music departme~t. until midway through the third period. The entire incorporates squatter's rights and Arleen Heggemeier will give a piano recital the Terror attack was impressive as six different men two-man maintenance committee evenings of Monday, April 30, an~ Tue~day, May 1. scored goals with Bob Wolfing and ~ruce P:eston maintenance requests for men's dorms repairs. The Council is still working to The pianist will play at 8:15 p.m. in Levine Hall. having three apiece. The defense did the Job as The symposia are scheduled for Wednesdar, Haverford could manage but sixteen shots on goal, machines installed in all the men's Thursday and Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m. m with the final score being 12-3.. . The Council has scheduled elections for Decker~tureHan. Panelists will include faculty, Last Saturday'S clash with Lehigh was fairly president for April 30. Dave says any , ";"._.._._ students alumni and residents of the area. close at the end of the first quarter even though .the man interested should submit a letter On Saturday the interdisciplinary class will hold Terrors had trailed early. However the halftul!-e ANW 342 by April 27. The Council will its second annual May Day carnival. Campus score saw Lehigh on top 11--2 as they went on to WIn candidates April 30 before voting. Dave groups will present everything from cotton candy to 11-4. nominees review the purpose of Men's street theatre in the center of the campus from Leading Scores (Thru 6 games) stated in the by-laws: The Men's Council "Purpose: Name . Goals Assists Total 11~~e ~'~d~~f~~ef~::~ny of inauguration will take Preston 8 11 I. authority to ensure that the place at -2:00 p.m. in a l.arge tent on the back Wolfing 13 2 I. Western Maryland College conduct 15 campus. Taking part Will be delegates from Staines 8 2 manner befitting college men. It colleges and universities throughout the country. Hoopes 3 5 S be concerned with maintenance, Dr. Ness will be the speaker. Volrath 5 ° 5 generally well-organized living conditions in the men's residence areas."
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