Page 85 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 85
Earth Onion portrays Liberation Movement as dr-ama; witch-bitches and "women 's.-potiQn:~' by Sue Stalker ·Earth Onion. The name of the theater group that entertained and provoked the minds of the many show entitled "Woman Potion". The show included Zonis appeared as a hip slinging, greaser slicked who watched them perform. Onion, a very essential six of the eight women who regularly perform and singer. Her movements showed the absurdity of the spice in the culinary arts, combines with Earth to . the material was drawn from their own lives and rock singers, as well as reflecting the teenage give us a completely different type of theatrical past experiences. tendency of the male singing idol. To present a phenomena. The group consists of eight women The first character to arrive on stage was a more serious side of the women's movement, two l brought together by the Women's Liberation witch. This witch represented all the indelible women acted the incident of a girl and guy parking movement who want to show women they can do thoughts and fears of ·magic and sorcery that where the guy takes advantage of the girl by things that are exciting and alive. women as witches were supposed to have stealing her underware. The tension of the audience A representative of the group was on hand to represented. She tells us the dream of the was greatly increased as the girl realized she was speak and direct Dean Zepp's Liberation Class. Liberation Movement narrating the first scene. in missing something and didn't know what to do Joanne Zonis helped the class to loosen up and which women are typing, looking pretty and about it. This was not a very nice experience to experience a new awareness. She told them to generally serving men. She cures the women of witness. Another comment about our society was select a partner and mimic a piece of fruit and to their fears when they deride to retire from this, the three women pronouncing the words "Viet simulate, as a group, the action of water. They also drudgery. Speaking with Lynn Glixon after the Nam" in different contexts. They sung it to the tune did a walking exercise that was supposed to performance I was able to get her opinions about of Sound of Music, used it as the sole conversation incorporate an identity and mood they felt at that the character of the witch. She feels that being piece at a tea party and applied it as the names of moment. Members of the class were led by other witch is different because the witches of the Middle two people, Viet and Nam. The audience didn'tlike members on a "blind man's" walk combining an ages were tormented and prosecuted. "The feeling this scene because it was to recent. They could element of trust in the other person's leadership for the witch comes from me" says Lynn and the laugh at the rock Singer and the witch because they and a new type of sensation of touching. Afterward, experiences the portrayal of the witch were remnants of another era but these last three the discussion disclosed some varying opinions convey "an aspect of my life that is painful to get scenes "hurted". about the exercises. Mimicking fruit left some rid of." Audience participation employed the witch's plea people with an impression -of strangeness while Talking with Karel Weissberger after the show, for suggestions for a skit. One member of the others felt it to be "wild" to witness so many she remarked about the witch's part in the play by audience up in the balcony suggested they do a different types of fruit. The blind man's walk was s{!ying "to be a strong women is to be called a theme about a senior girl in high school who wants viewed in quite a different light. Some people felt witch-bitch ..." Also the reason for having the witch to go to college but is told by her guidance counselor complete trust in their partners and a new sense of as the narrator or conjurer of spells was to have the not to go because she'll only get married. An awareness through the experience. Others felt a audience identify with the action on stage. The obvious outcome for this skit would be for the senior little awkward not knowing where they were going witch was the head cook because she mixed up the to acquiesce but our modern senior convinces him and a little Irightenedat the prospect of banging different: ingredients from the audience's response that she does have the qualifications to go to into physical objects they normally wouldn't bump to concoct and raise the spirits necessary for college. into. Another exercise involved the Improvisation of "Woman Potion". You may remember Karel as the The finale exploded into music .and dialogue five characters stuck in an elevator whose task devious male who stole the girl's underware in the accompanied by clapping from the audience to add involved getting out of the elevator. Archie Bunker scenes from Growing Up. substance to the magic potion they were brewing. The opening scene is scary. Clothes are strewn made this scene famous in his television series but about on the stage and four wotnen enter dressed in Each women contributed an artistically beautiful the characters in this elevator decided that the auto dialogue expressing the right she has as a human mechanic should fix it. Joe fixes the elevator by flesh toned leotards. Background music is played being, to express her own personality and pride. An tightening the loose screw in the switch box located and a singer describes the pathos of the scene in excerpt from one of the dialogues went something in the upper half of the elevator sitti_ng on Mik.e's which women are fighting over possessions, trying like this: . shoulders. This may all sound very normal but the to show themselves off to the best advantage "Do you see volcanoes in my eyes? Two million character Joe is a woman. This shows a definite culminating ina final break between those who are years are burning in my body. lam woman ..." truly liberated and the one women who does not change of ideas. Not too many years ago a woman want to be liberated. The audience really enjoyed the show as would have felt strange portraying a masculine Our moderator, the witch, returns to introduce us evidenced by the standing ovation and curtain call. role, even stranger if a woman were to occupy that to some new experiences in the section called The women enjoyed producing and performing role permanently but Popula-r opinion is changing their own show and Kathy Lee, who is the public allowing women to compete in these new roles -. ~~~~~g ~~i~f· ~~e ~bb:~~k~,s i!~yrir;il~~i~8 relations women for the group, told me that they Later that evening the group performed their are about to take a vacation in Boston and greaser singer. The audience roared as Joanne afterward put together a new show.
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