Page 91 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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April 24. 1973 The Gold Bug. Page 7. SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 29 30 May 1 Inauguration_May Weekend GOlf·MAC Tour.nam,!nt Baseball-Susquehanna GOlf-Towson & UMBC_H_9:00 Mau·LiItI~ Baker'IO:OO T~nnls·Olcklnson-H-2:JO -A-l tOO . Baseball-RandOlph Macon- Reglstratlon_GllI_g.1 Lacroue-Wldener.H·J:OO H-J:OO MAC Tennis Tournament Carnlval·Quld_II.S CMapel_Blg Baker_II :00 Ba~ea~~~~~~c~~'::.~~:l~go Track_York·A·JtJG MAC Track Tournament Bueball·Lebanon Valley -A'I:eO . CMolrConcert·Baker·7:15 Circle K.ElakerSemlnar_I:O Tennl.-U.ofMd._H_4:JG Lacrosse.Goucher·A_4:00 TenniS-Randolph Macon SympoSium-Oecker·7:30 Inaugurallon·2:00 "TMe Bed Years of Our Heggemeler Recital Symposium-"TheLlberal ·H-l:OO Lacro .. e-Wiles-H_4:00 Uv~s"'Oecker_':4S Arb: ASenle of Inaugural BaU'sponsored 7. Communlt ".Decker.7:JO Sympo.ium-Oecker·7:30 byI975,1976·8:00 10 11 12 MIss-LiltleBaker·lo:oo Chapel-Big Baker·11:00 Tennl s-UMBC_H_J:lO RO:~'::~:~I ~:~~ew- Spring Concert·Glee Club- Golf-Mason·Olllon. GOIf-Mason-Olllons Tennls·Getty,burg-H·l:OO Baker·2:JG sNEA_MeDaniel Lounge_ Lacrone-UMBC_A_l:OO JV Lacroue-Mereer.burg. Argonauh Inducllon 7:00 A·4:00 ·Little Ba'l<.er_4:00 FIll-Registration Tenni •. Getinburg_H.3:00 SGA·Sen.te Room_G:JO Convocatlon-Baker-7:00 Blanche Gym-7.10 Fall Regi.tratlon Fall Registration L.3cro.. e·Getly.burg.H.,2:00 SGA Concert·Tent·9:00 irele K-BakerSemlnar·,:oo _ .BlanceGym.7.10 ·BlanclleGym.7_10 r. Clas.MeeUng·M 106-8'0 13 14 15 16 17 18 U.s.A.·Malnstage·I:15 19 U.s.A ••Malnstage·':15 MasS·LitileBaker_10:OO Chapel_Big Baker.II:OO Circle K·BakerSeminar U.S.A._Main.tage_':15 -a.ce "The Trojan Women" - LanternChaln·9:00 Trumpeter Tapping.7:00 Tri-Beta'M~~~~iel Lounge. 20 21 22 23 24 - 25. 26 Mass·LlttleBaker_l0:00 Ellam Code I,X EKam COde 2, Y Chapel.Blg Baker·II:OO ---------- ~--------- ---------- Exam Code 3 EwamCodeP,8 EwamCode N, 7 Second Semester ElI3ms End Arrington Newsbriefs_: Clubs, Greeks, May Week coordinated by Nellie Arrington The Physical Education Majors Club held its last In connection with the Inauguration/ May Day Maryland Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta is regular meeting of the year on April IS. Miss Ginny Carnival at Western Maryland College on preparing to participate, in cooperation with over Brace, instructor at the Carroll County Outdoor Saturday, May 5, the Art Club is sponsoring an 1400the! chapters throughout America and Canada, School, presented a program, "Outdoor Education: open-air art festival on the campus. in Phi Delta Theta's annual Community Service What's It" All About'?" . The combination show and sale in front of the Day. Elections for next year are in progress. All library is open to student, amateur and . The concept behind the Community Service Day members ate reminded that ballots are due no later professional artists. Entries will be accepted in all is to put at least one day a year aside when the than April 25. The candidates chosen by the media, flat or three-dimensional--in fine arts national Iraternityas a whole undertakes to help nominating committee are: President- Dennis photography, and crafts. ' - the communities around which they are centered. Kirkwood; Vice-President-Larry Bocchese and Lin The show will be judged by Baltimore artists Maryland Beta will participate in its third GSD, Van Name; Secretary- Linda Kephart and Kathy Doris Rief and Charles Horst, with a special Best in this April 28th when it works at the Carroll County Roach; Treasurer-Roy Angtebetger and Dave Show award of $75 being presented by artist Otto Center for Exceptional Children. The brothers will Volrath. Eberspacher. Prizes are: first - $50; second - $35; paint, brush down an old furnace, and help improve The officers are also conducting a survey on third - $25; plus three honorable mentions. the playground. Brothers Fred DiBlasio and topics for next year's meetings. All members are Artists w!ll receh:,e eight feet of fencing on which Milford Sprecher were responsible for coordinating asked to complete these surveys and return them to to hang their art. Displays should be a minimum of the projects. one of the officers. two wqrks. Artists may register by mail in Earlier this month the pledges of Maryland Beta A camping trip is planned for May 12-13 on a advance or on the day of the show. The registration worked at S1. John's Church on Bond Street nearby farm. Any interested students are invited. table opens at 11:00 a.m. and closes at 1:00 p.m. improving the facilities as part of the pledge The campers will leave campus late Saturday when judging starts. Prizes will be announced at program along with helping to construct the set for afternoon and will return Sunday evening. Contact 3:30 p.m. to coincide with the end of the inaugural ~~M. - Dennis Kirkwood or Lin Van Name for ceremonies. On April 23rd, Maryland Beta will celebrate its information. Registration or inquiries should be addressed to second year as a national fraternity at Western Jim Sollers, art show coordinator, Box 1053. Maryland. The Aberdeen-Havre de Grace .Jaycees are presenting an "Open Air Festival" featuring five name rock bands from the Maryland area. The The Honor Court will be making decisions which Karen Moffett's article "Biases of Hearing festival will be held from 11 to 4 on Saturday, May will affect our academic life at WMC. Would you People" was published in the Illinois Advocate as 26th at the National Guard Armory in Havre de like to participate in them? Elections will be held in the lead story in their February 1973issue. This 106 Grace. Tickets are $3 each and may be bought on May. Any student who is enrolled for the 1973-74 year old publication of the "Little Paper Family of the day of the concert at the Armory or in advance academic year and has an index of 1.0 or better is journals in deafness is highly respected and Karen by writing Open Air Festival, Box 61, Aberdeen, eligible for membership on the Court. Simply was honored to have her paper chosen. She wrote it Maryland, 21001. submit a letter to any Court member or address it as a term paper in the Psychology of Deafness to Bryson Popham, Campus Mail, by May 7. You course last semester. Bookstore manager William Rudrow says seniors will be granted an interview and a chance to be elected by your fellow students. This is your ~~~~;~It!r~ckonu~a~e~r a~dPsCo~~en~~;~~t f~~ opportunity. Don't miss it! Any sophomore or junior interested in spending June 3 before 4:30 on Friday, May 4. The bookstore first semester next year in an exchange program at Gallaudet College, please contact Mrs. Elwell by will not be open on Saturday, May 5. Directing scenes are coming up inearly May. All April 3D. scenes will be performed in Alumni Hall at 1:00pm I Sigma Sigma Tau is holding a car wash on April on the date indicated. -The Symphony Society of Carroll County will 28 from 10:00 - 3:00 at Twin Kiss Snack Bar on Tuesday May 8th Deborah Buck will direct a present the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra at Reisterstown Road. Price will be $1 a car. farcical living comic strip concerning the life and Westminster Senior High Schoof on May 3 at 8:30 times of Ubu the King. p.m. Deborah Barnes, a senior drama major at Thursday May loth Sherrin Roby will direct an lVestern Maryland College, will present M. C. April Oriental suspense story blending the classical with The Carroll County YMCA is sponsoring a 26 and 28. the contemporary in which the audience must marathon swim at the college pool from 9 to 9 May Miss Barnes' performance is a tribute to musical supply the solution. ? Swimmers may swim from one to 200laps during comedy-Its composers and characters-. in scene, Tuesday May 15th Steve Judd will direct the this time, and do not need to meet age or ability song, and dance. The tribute will take place at 8: 15 finest play of one of our best known contemporary criteria. Sponsors are also needed. Any stroke may p.m. in Decker Lecture Hall on the 26th and 28th.. American playwrights which was brought to the be used, but swimming aids are prohibited. The senior student, who is creating this screen by Mike Nichols starring Richard Burton Achievement awards will be given. The marathon and Elizabeth Taylor. is in conjunction with the Baltimore ~~~~~~nacr~, ~illP~t a~!is~:~ ~r~:l s~t~~~!n~~ Thursday May 17th Harvey Doster will direct a Metropolitan "Swim for the Health of It" program. r;.,~eis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chaloner M. musical comedy based on marriage in the sterile Call the Carroll County YMCA office at 848-3660for fOarnes, of Oxon Hill. environment of New York City. applications.
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