Page 83 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 83
The Gold Bug Page 1 Tues Wed Fri Sat National Tuchen Exam TennJs-Washlngton-H·l:00 Track-Wuhln!ilton& Glliaudet.A_l:00 Golf·Gall"Lldet & Hopkins- H·l:DO Baseball·Franklln & Manhall·A·3:00 Go1f·Loyola·A·l:00 ChaPel·Bi9Baker·l1:00 Phi Alph Rush PartY'3:00 Track-Hopkins-H·3:00 GOII-Westchester & Tennls·HOOd_4:00 Gettysburg-A_l:30 Circle K-BakerSeminH- 'Le Teatre Campensino'· Deborah Barnes Recital· 8:00 Alumni·8:1S SP~i~!i;' ~~~~rr~~~~~ege Newsbriefs: recitals, fraternities, summer junior music majors will give a joint piano Wiley Daniels, a Baltimore newscaster, comes to Tuesday, March 20, at Western Maryland. Western Maryland on March 21 at 8:00 p.m. as the Summer studies in environmental courses at two Sixx and Nora Waugh will play at 4:00 p.m. ~~fe~~ speaker in the Gold Bug journalism sel'?inar field stations in upstate New York-oat Watkins Glen Hall. ..- ,.__J. " and in the Catskill foothills-will be open this will play: "Courante," Loellet; "Six Mr. Daniels works at WJZ-tv in Baltimore. A summer to undergraduates at Western Maryland . " Bach; "Waltz in A minor" veteran of the Baltimore journalists' community, College. ," both by Chopin; "Dr. he anchors the 11:23 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. newscasts. Coordinating the summer schedule of un- , "The Little Shepherd," and reports for the 5:30, 6:30, and 11:00 p.m. dergraduate credit courses will be the College " and "Gardens in the Eyewitness News shows. Center of the Finger Lakes consortium, in Corning, N.Y. Courses will be is a student of Oliver Mr. Daniels will discuss the reporting profession headquartered in two summer "tracks" so that an scheduled in electronic journalism and how it differs from undergraduate may take one or a sequence of working in other media. The seminars are run courses, in either track. informally with an audience participation format. "You have the option of combining fresh water While directed chiefly to those interested in a and terrestrial studies, or concentrating in just one journalism career, those interested as members of environmental field," an official said. Inland water the television clientel are welcomed by the Gold Bug staff. studies will be available at the CCFL-operated The seminars are held in the Publications House. Finger Lakes Institute on 600--ft.deep Seneca Lake. A field station and 65-ft. research vessel are based at Watkins Glen, home of the U.S. Grand Prix race course. Three points in an application most important to Courses at Watkins Glen will be Limnology, of- a summer employer are good references, training fered in two sections, July 2-20, and July 30-August and experience and special skills. He also should 17. each for four credits, and Fresh Water Ver- know dates of availability, reasons for applying and tebrates, June 11-29, for four credits. Terrestrial the applicant's attitude toward society, personal studies will be held at the I,I00-acre Pine Lake habits, and plans for the future. These are findings ecological preserve of Hartwick College, a CCFL from research in December among 150 summer member. Pine Lake is located near West Davenport employers throughout the U.S. by National in the northern Catskill foothills. Directory Service, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, Offerings at Pine Lake will be Bird Study in the publishers of summer job information. Field, June 11-30, for four credits, and Field Summer jobs will be more plentiful in 1973 in Biology. scheduled in two sections, July 2-27, and South Atlantic states, Michigan and Oregon, but July au-August 24, each for five credits. Inquiries less plentiful in the Mi.dwest, Maine and New York. about tuition and housing should be addressed to Salaries generally are about the same, with some Summer Director, CCFL, Houghton House, Cor- increases; many jobs include room and board, ning, N.Y. 14830. other benefits such as laundry, travel allowance, end-of-season bonus. Available now are "Summer Employment Directory of the U.S." ($5.95), "February Sup- plement to S.E.D." ($2.00), "Directory of Overseas ProfessorP. Lal will return to WMC April 17-19to Summer Jobs" ($4.95) from the publisher. These lecture publicly and speak to classes on religion and books include information on 100,000 vacancies in literature of India. the U.S. and 50,000 overseas. Professor Lal will lecture on "What It Means to -Onion Women's Theatre will produce Be Hindu" on April 17at 7:00 p.m. in Decker and on Indian Literature" "Reflections on Contemporary Potion," an original production, in Deborah Buck will present her Special Studies in in Memorial 106on April 19at 7:00 p.m. He will also on 11 at 8: 15 p.m. Dramatic Arts on March 22, at 8:15 p.m., on speak to the Asian Philosophy, Indian Literature, women. Earth Onion members Mainstage, Alumni Hall. Deborah's recital will and Indian Civilization classes. women's liberation movement in include All On Her Own. by Terence Rattigan, The Professor Lal has written several volumes of D.C. area. They have performed Waltz, by DorothvParker. poetry. A translator as well, he has transcribed Coast. Deborah is a Senior Dramatic Arts major whose several Hindu religious epics into English. scheduled in conjunction with Dean previous experience includes roles in The Father. A native of Calcutta, India, Professor Lal teaches . movement course. An admission Old Times. Camino Real, and Appollo of Bellae. at S1. Xavier University and edits the Writer's for students and $1.00 for others will be The public is invited and there is no admission Workshop there. He is presently a visiting professor charge. at Albion College in Michigan.
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