Page 80 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 80
Page 4 The Gold Bug March 20, 1973 Follies are more than just a junior tradition by .Julie Mullen The Junier Follies traditionally has been a sound scheduled for their Senior pictures. The first ob- believes much of his original work will be "revised resource to which juniors have turned to help cover stacle faced by the class was the adoption of a main by the director and cast throughout the rehear- the costs of the Junior-Senior Banquet. But the theme on which to build the script. Having a choice sals." director of the Follies this year, Larry Lazopoulos between five ideas submitted, in November the Costumes are always a variable of debate and it believes' the main purpose of the Follies is to class as a whole voted to expand on Tim Meredith's is no different in the Junior Follies. During an in- "finance the banquet, provide a time for unity inspiration. From there, under the direction of John terview with Larry, discussion was overheard of between the juniors before graduation, and to have Clayborne, Chip Rouse, and Tim Meredith, a series the pros and cons of plastic bags for the flowers' fun." Chip Rouse and Tim Meredith, the writers, of scenarios were constructed which, by the third outfits. believe it to be " ...for a good time and a great week of January Term had produced a finished The main theme of this Junior Follies is as performance." Each year the question is raised, script with dialogues consisting of 14scenes with 12 complex as the amount of work involved in its however, as to what is the real reason for its sur- original musical numbers. success. Chip Rouse, one of its writers, believes it to vival. Problems were inevitable in a production such as be "life and love," while Gary Hanna, "Peter The planning for this event began for many while this and ranged from script writing to costumes. Moss," felt it was the "relationship of beauty and the freshmen were stilll in the process of becoming Troubles began even before tryouts when it was people," and Larry, the director, visualizes it as oriented to our campus, and the Seniors-were being realized a director was needed and all experienced, "different kinds of people who can grow together." capable juniors were unattainable. Along with that, Larry believes that "pray ...cooperation ...luck ...- conflicts of a date also were present. Fortunately fun ...and love" will pull the Follies through. He both were ironed out with the cooperation of Larry Lazopoulos, (a senior) and a date change. .hopes to enable the juniors to show "their personal Next obstacle to be met was tryouts. Held two traits in this performance." nights under the jurisdiction of Belinda Bonds and Laurie Ennis for dance routines; Nita Conley, Other than tradition, then, there is another Harvey Doster, and Linda Sixx for music; and reason for the continuation of the Junior Follies. Larry Lazopoulos and Chip Rouse for acting, a The financial reason is weak since it can always be workable cast of 75 people was composed. substituted by various other fund-raising events ...many requiring less time and devotion. In the "Practice immediately" was then the only com- merit. Another problem was writing a dialogue for Follies; the theme is related to someuung not 'ar- 75 people minus disjointed parts and making the tificial or reproduced but feelings that have grown script one of humor to balance the consistent inside of all involved in its production. It was not serious undertones. Tim and Chip felt a very supervised, written or acted by professionals but students, many of whom lack previous experience evident problem to be searching the imagination whatsoever in dramatic arts. The Follies, then, are enough to name the characters. They eventually resorted to the "Bird-Seed Catalog" in desperation. a form of release for attitudes-an indirect method This was Tim's first expe~ience with writing and he of "revealing ourselves openly and honestly to others in order to know our self." ~. -. I ~ . left to right.: Pussycat Demetrius Mallios salutes the Imperial Grand Vizier while witch Cathy Nelson magically drops her script; Director larry Lazopoulos advises Prince Ian MacFawn and Primrose Pat Teyker in it love scene; worried parents Mary Catherine DeRosa and Mike Johnston study the outcome. Honor Court lair? (continued from page2) Ridenou named Development V-Pres suspension from school. This may seem fair--as the. Honor Court foresees--unless you begin to define the word offense. If the offense is recording one false James F. Ridenou, associate director of data point on a lab (which is worth 1/ 3 of the development at Illinois Wesleyan University, has lab, which in turn is worth 1/ 12 of a test grade, been named vice president for development at in turn worth II 5 of the course grade--in other Western Maryland College, Westminster, words, 1/180 of the total grade) and the President Ralph C. John announced. student is flunked for this violation, the new proposal can hardly be termed fair. In- Mr. Ridenour will take office, Dr. John said, on cidently, the above hypothetical case is not July 1, 1973.He will be in charge of or~anizin~ and hypothetical. The offense, which could be directing a comprehensive college relations office ~t viewed as having the same value as looking in the college. This will include alumni affairs, public and fund raising. publications, Offices relations, the back of the book for a homework problem currently functioning at the college in these fields (and how many of you students have done will become part of the office of the vice president that"), was brought to the Honor Court a few for development. weeks ago-and the student was flunked. The problem with this case and other cases Connected with this re-organization is the is that the students do not know they are promotion of Gerald F. Clark, Jr., assistant violating the Honor Code. This being the case, director of alumni affairs, to director of annual many first violations should be punished by a funds. In addition to directing the 'college's suc- warning. Not all of them of course. Cheating cessful alumni fund, he will organize other similar programs. on an exam, test or quiz, which is a serious offense, where the student is aware of his Mr. Ridenour is a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan wrong doing, should be punished by an "F" for and received the M.S. degree from Illinois State the course. University. For 12years he was with the Armstrong We therefore recommend that students vote Cork Company in sales, personnel work, and ·public against this over simplified proposal. The relations. He went to Illinois Wesleyan in 1968and Gold Bug in its next issue will publish a organized both capital and annual fund efforts. Mr. detailed report on the "workings" of the Ridenour's particular interests are tax law, estate Honor Court. planning, and deferred giving.
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