Page 76 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 76
PAGE TWELVE' THE GOLD BUG Lacrosse squad begins practic by Reggie Lea Practice began last week for WMC's lacrosse squad with about fourty men appearing for the opening drills. Much of last years' team was lost by graduation so there are quite a few spots open.' Despite the need to rebuild, the coaches are op- timistic and feel that the season will be a winning one. The schedule is tough with several games against teams who ranked in the natiort~·'top twenty teams. The coaching staff has been shuffled as two new coaches join Dr. Clower. Capt. Mekkelson of the ROTC department will handle the specialty teams and goalies, while Ron Athey, a co-captain of last years' team that turned in a 9-4 record, will take charge of the offense. Dr. Clower is responsible for defense. Quite a few players are out for the first time In- eluding several juniors and seniors who are im- proving with each successive day. Youth and inexperience in the goal appears to be a sore spot. Overall the prospects are good and point to a winning record. The schedule opens with a home game against Ohio Wesleyan on Wednesday, March 21 . Lacrosse schedule '73 Home Games Basketba II season ends; March 21 Ohio Wesleyan March 24 Kenyon April 4 Franklin & Marshall losing yet successful record April 17 Mt. S1. Marys April 25 Dickinson May 2 Widener May 5 Wilkes by Charlie Englemier May 12 Gettysburg The 1972-73Western Maryland varsity basketball Lebanon Valley installed a successful full team has recently concluded its season by posting a man-to-man press which proved to be the ntne-win-eleven-Ioss record. This record was the point in the game. Lebano Valley had the "Hairy Birds" split best since the 1964 varsity team marked a fourteen- advantage in quickness which was the win-eight-loss seasonal record. Coach Alex Ober ~~~S~h:~~osr~~u;~~S~~~8.T~~cfe'''a'tg:la''inea~ing~,q'~~dl nearly obtained his optimistic preseasonal goal of a .500 season, barely missing by one game; but this paced the Terror scoring attack with twentv-tour • by Robert Ramsdell past season has to beregarded as quite successful. points. The Western Maryland Rifle Team has met with Partly due to injuries, the team started slowly, but mixed results since reopening the match schedule finished strong, winntng six of their last nine for second semester. Against the University of games. Last week, the Terrors were dropped by Delaware, the "Hairy Birds" snapped the two Hopkins 66-61, lost to Lebanon Valley 80-58, and in match losing streak with which they had closed out the season finale at home- ousted Ursinus 82-60. the first semester. But a week later things went the other way in a tight loss to Johns Hopkins At John Hopkins, Western Maryland sought University, placing the overall record at 5-4. revenge for their previous defeat at the hands of Hopkins' Blue Jays. In Western game, the In the match against the University of Delaware on February 17, the "Hairy Birds" really stomped Maryland had many opportunities to shove away a ass with a winning margin of 113points, 1213-1100. constant eight point Hopkins lead, but failed to capitalized on these chances. The game was Dan Roh was the lead man for the team with a 253, marked by many turn-overs by the Terrors, with followed by: Lloyd Brown, 245; Mark Chenoweth, several occuring at key moments in the game, 242; Dave Fine, 237; and Annette Witt and Jerry when Western Maryland could surpassed Hopkins. Lowe tied at 236. That night the Hopkins defense concentrated their A week later at Johns Hopkins, the dice rolled an efforts particularly on Dan Stubbs, who was "held" eleven for Western Maryland. The "Hairy Birds" to seventeen points. Dave Cole produced his lost this squeaker by only 12points, 1214-1226.Dave seasonal high against Hopkins by tallying twenty- Although the team achieved its best Fine took top honors with a 253, followed by: An- one points. His hot shooting display was mainly percentage since 1964, Western nette Witt, 243; Dan Roh, 240; and Jim Geleta and responsible for keeping the Terrors in the game. sixth in the Middle Atlantic Bob Ramsdell brought up the rear with 239's. Division. Losing only two seniors, Several nights later, Western Maryland was. anticipates next year's team to be hosted by Lebanon Valley. For the first ten minutes Some individual and team . . of the game, the Terrors appeared to be playing total team effort to defeat Mt. .... VII.... Cue Lounge some of their finest basketball, and were leading six of their last nine games; Bob -r ..: in ".":-,. and Dan Stubbs=third assist leader; the first place Middle Atlantic Conference Southern 140lIiu.,. Shop"",, C.nter Division Lebanon Valley squad. After this however, Atlantic Conference scoring=zu.? average. BILLIARDS AND PINBALLS by Keith Proffen On February 18, the WMC Chess Team was host playing black, used his favorite Caro Kann to York College. Winning 4 of 5 games, the team as he easily trounced his opponent. expanded its record to 3 wins and 0 losses. Rick playing white, used the Queen's Spinck, .Mike Davis, Francois Derasse, Jerry Lowe, and was forced to resign in the and Keith Proffen played on boards 1 through 5 afternoon. Playing black, respectively. against the Bishop's Opening with the Playingb!ack, Rick Spinck used the Sicilian Mate Variation as he outmaneuvered his Defense as he obtained an easy victory over his in a game of only 19 moves. opponent. Mike Davis, playing white, used an At the present time, the WMC Chess Team irregular King Pawn Opening as-he outplayed- his : holding a tournament to determine the positions opponent before mating him.~ Francois Derasse, a .second team.
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