Page 75 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 75
MARCH 6, 1973 PAGE ELEVEN Newsbriefs: Carnival, Civilisation, and a fast Once again the freshman IDS class is organizing the annual May Day Carnival to be held May 5, The entire Civilisation series, narrated by Sir The Fast for the Hungry will begin at 11:45 a.m. from 11:()('a.m. to 5:00 p.m., all over the campus. Kenneth Clark, British art historian, has been on Friday, March 16, and continue until 5:45 p.m. We have high hopes for this year's carnival; ten- scheduled for presentation at Western Maryland Saturday in Baker 100. Those who wish to fast can tative plans include another square dance, an art College. . register in the cafeteria during meals beginning show, the music of "Friends," Chaplin films, in- The first show in the series is this Wednesday, Monday, March 5. All money will be collected on a ternational food, and more. Any organization in- February 28, at 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. in Decker pledge basis and used to provide food for hungry terested in sponsoring or rur-nng a booth should Lecture Hall. During March, parts of the series will families in Carroll County. Activities scheduled for be shown on the 7th, 14th, and ztst. The public is contact any IDS member or Bill Tribby. If you invited. the 30 hour period will include an insight into would like to sponsor a booth but have no definite hunger by Dean Zepp, summary of hunger in plans, they have plenty of ideas that proved a great Civilisation was shown on national television and Carroll County by Lowell Haines, trust exercises, success last year like car wrecking, sponge throw, received critical acclaim. It also has been shown at and plenty of music and games. Participants are and horse rides. An additional highlight this year the National Gallery of Art which has loaned the free to use the time for their own purposes as well will be the inauguration of the President on the films to Western Maryland College. Civilisation is and no one is required to remain in Baker for the soccer field at 2:00 p.m. The entire day promises to being sponsored at the college by' the art depart- entire 30 hours. Fast with us, you will help some be as activity packed and exciting as last year's. ment. Each segment is about 45 minutes long. hungry people and may help yourself. P.E. Majors Club to sponsor meeting .... - -- The Physical Education Majors Club will sponsor its second meeting of the year on March 19th at 8: p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. The program will be a panel presentation on "A First Year as a Physical Educator." Recent WMC graduates who are now teaching in their first or second year in area schools will discuss their work and answer questions which the audience might have. All students in education, physical education, and anyone else interested are trongly encouraged to come out for this meeting. Tryouts for future drama productions During the month of March the Department of Dramatic Art will be holding tryouts for future roductions. All students, regardless of class tanding or major, are eligible to participate. uditions for U.S.A., a dramatic revue based on the vel by John Dos Passes. will be conducted onday evening, March 19th. Tim Weinfeld . .rect the production which includes 3 women en in the cast. On the following evening, Tuesday, arch 20th, tryouts will be conducted by Steve udd, Deborah Buck, Harvey Doster, and Sherrin oby for their Directing class scenes. Many parts re available for both men-and women. Those in- erested should consult the "Call Board" in Alumni all for further information "Tiny Alice" to be presented March 10 and 11 A production of Tiny Alice will be presented aturday and Sunday, March 10 and 11, at aryland College. The Edward Albee is being produced as an reject by two seniors. Jeff Karrr is director teve Judd is designer. It will be performed by tudents on Mainstage each evening at 8:15 p.m. in)' Alice looks at the nature of religious faith and nowledge. Tickets are one dollar at the door. The ublic is invited. Mr. Karr, a senior dramatic art major, has rformed in numerous dramatic productions at e college. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. arr, 1023S1. Dunstans Road in Baltimore and a aduate of Baltimore Polytechnic. Steve Judd, also a drama major, is the son of Mr. nd Mrs. Horace G. Judd of Gapland. He has been dive in drama productions and a member of the ollege's Honor Court. Mr. Judd is a graduate of oonsboro High School. New members of Omicron Delta Epsilon conomics Honor Society, at Western Maryland PhJsiea1 fitnĀ· eli6 Delta he The following Juniors have been invited to join Omicron Epsilon, National the is year: Kathy Blazek, Belinda Bonds, Nancy e~~.~ a""JTO _. Ishpaugh, Gary Hanna, Scott Kreuger, Jerry ~ ~ ...... urek, Tim Meredith, Linda Powell, Dan Roh, and , ernie Sherrard. Members must have at least a 2.0 verage in Economic and a high overall grade point verage and show a working interest in Economics qualify. Dr. Alton Law is the group's advisor. itiation ceremonies will be held in April. The time to begin is when you're your:lg. In school. Phi Alph bake sale, a success Like your children. Education program in your schools and to encourage your children 10 participate. Get to know your The Phi Alph Bake Sale tst Monday was a Because a regular program Of. physical edu~ation children's physical education instructors as well mplete success and the girls hope to hold another can ~o won.der.s for any boy or girl. When they re as the other teachers. e soon. They are also selling stationery and ask physl?ally fit, kids are a 101le58 prone '? all the C~ild- After all. it's just as important to educate their eryone to be on the look-out for a good bargain. hood Illnesses and ru~ny noses. Less likely to ~ISS bodies as it is their minds. he sorority also sells Avon with representatives in days at sc~.o_ol. More likely to perform up to their ch dorm. Besides trying to make money, the Phi nalural.ablilt.les. . . Iphs travel to Springfield Hospital every other ~hysIC~1 fitness ~an change Inse~ure, uncertain eek to make the patients days there a little children Into outqoioq, healthy achievers. And more The President's Council on Physical eerier. The sorority is now preparing for their than that, a regular program of exercise when they're Fitness and Sports rmal on March 17th .at Eudowood "Gardens. growing up can stand them in good stead as adults. uture plans include another car wash and another, 'That's why we urge you to support the Physical Washington, D.C ,20201 kesale. .' (, ._; '~ ! ,----I
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