Page 79 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 79
March 20. 1973 The Gold Bug P.go3 Water safety instructor wants to do counseling by Sue Cocking In February of last year, Western MaryJana aquatic shows at her pool, doing flying formations acquired a water safety instructor to replace Dean off a ie-meter tower. "I was lucky to live in such an Laidlaw, whose busy schedule would not permit her active area;" she says. "I guess the reason our pool to continue teaching the course. Her name is Mrs. was so active was that the manager was the 1936 Katherine Clower and she is the wife of Dr. Clower> Olympic swimming coach." However, Mrs. Clower WMC's director of athletics. Besides teaching didn't do too much swimming in college until after water-safety. Mrs. Clower is attending graduate she was married. She received her Red Cross school here for her master's degree in education trainer's rating in 1966 and has been teaching water with emphasis on guidance and counseling. safety ever since. . Mrs. Clower grew up in Ohio, but has lived in When asked how she spends leisure time, the Westminster for nearly 25 years. She attended the mother of two answered, "Working and keeping up University of Maryland for two years, majoring in a family does take time, but, when I can, I enjoy mathematics, then transferred to Towson State entertaining and going on camping trips with my where she changed her major and graduated with a family, also tennis, golf and bridge. Our long-term B.S. in physical education. After she was married, project right now is putting a woodland garden in Mrs. she attended two Red Cross aquatic schools, then our ten-acre lot. We're making paths to go water safety instructor. taught swimming for five years. Up until last June, throughout the lot with plants growing alongside she taught physical education at St. Joseph's them. It will take time, but we're in no hurry." Mrs. Psychology College in Emmitsburg, Md., which has since Clower is also engaged in tracing the family closed down. geneology and has found letters and photographs When asked how she became interested in dating as early as 1633. Forum forms physical education, she replied, "My family was In the future, she would like to find a job as a high pretty sports-oriented and we had a great physical school guidance counselor, after getting her The Psychology Department is pleased to an- education program in the schools in Ohio." She master's degree. "Through teaching physical nounce the formation of The Psychology Forum, a learned how to swim when she was six years old, to education, I became interested in getting to know club for all students with major or minor status in ski at age eight, to ice skate at age eight and to ride the students," she explains. "I would like to con- psychology. The goal of the forum is to promote horseback as early as three years of age. Swim- tinueteaching here along with counseling if it would academic excellence in the discipline while ming eventually prevailed as her favorite activity work out, because I really do enjoy the physical providing varied opportunities for exposure to because "I was just about the right age when a activity. The only drawback to full-time counseling current trends, research, and study. Among swimming pool was built two blocks from our is that it cuts down on the time you have for present plans are three speakers' who will be house." During her high school years, she par- physical activity." visiting the campus during the following weeks, ticipated in inter-city swimming competition for Mrs. Clower enjoys leading an active life, she has films, and attendance of state and regional con- the city of. Columbus and was the 50-meter free- no desire to retire anytime soon, but when she does, ventions of the American Psychological style champion for three years running and the 100- she plans to "settle down and enjoy life and give Association. The Forum hopes to end the current meter free-style champion for two consecutive more time to things I don't have enough time for school year with' a seminar in student research, years. In addition, she performed in Fourth of July right now." held jointly with other colleges in the area. All psychology majors are encouraged and in- vited to participate, especially freshmen and' Mrs. Belt is active in sophomores. While the Forum plans to petition for in in the national membership society honor psychology by next year, it is important to em- phasize that there are no academic standards for community, church membership this year. Interested persons should periodically check of the board bulletin the Psychology Forum in the library basement or talk with any of the following people: Dr. Howard bV Sue Cocking Orenstein, sponsor; Bill Geiger, president; Cathy Arriving at WMC first semester was Mrs. Sharon casionally has a jam session with her husband on Campbell, vice president; or Beth McWilliams, Belt, graduate biology lab assistant and daughter of the clarinet. An especially interesting past-time is secretary. Mr. Spangler, music professor. that of assisting her husband at home with the lab Mrs. Belt has lived in Westminster most of her experiments that he assigns to his biology students Honor Court life and graduated from Western Maryland with a .at South Carroll High School. She laughs, "He'd like degree in Biology. She. and her husband, Wayne, to put a lab in the house, but I really think it's too changes moved to Baltimore shortly thereafter,' where she small. Maybe outside, but..;" got a lab job at Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene. "I've been happy with my present job, but I'd like But Baltimore proved "too hectic" for the couple, to pursue other areas that I'm interested in" says Honor Court members have agreed there is a so they returned to Westminster to live. Mrs. Belt Mrs. Belt of her outlook for the future. "I enjoy need for uniform corrective action in Honor Court continued her job for awhile, but eventually quit doing lab work, but since I got involved in public cases. because of the tedious task of commuting. Her next health work, I enjoy working with people much As it is now, there are no set penalties for of- job was teaching 7th grade science at Sykesville more." She looks forward to having another child, fenses. Each jury decides the penalty after the MiddleSchool, but she "decided to have a baby, so I then going on to graduate school for a master's conviction. It is hoped that an established unifor- quit that." After the birth of her daughter, she degree possibly in either ecology or genetics. "I mity will mean FAIRER treatment of cases tutored invalid students at home for two years, guess I'm heading in the direction of genetic Establishing this uniformity will place the then applied to Western Maryland for a job because counseling. It's a new field and it involves responsibility of deciding the standard with the tutoring wasn't taking up enough time. She likes analyzing unborn babies for genetic .diseases and student body rather than leaving it to the Honor teaching lab because "it's more challenging and things like that. Working with family planning Court members. more fun teaching adults. With my hours;T can also really helped me get interested in that." For these 'reasons, the court is bringing the have time to spend with my little girl. I don't think I It was remarked that Mrs. Belt seemed very following proposal to the student body for a vote. could go back to teaching in a public school after independent and definitely not an advocate of the After much deliberation, this is the best uniform this." adage, "A woman's place is in the home." To this, correction action proposal the Honor Court has Full-time teaching would also hinder her active she responded: found. Any other proposal lacks fairness or civic life. Mrs. Belt is a member of the American "Well I guess you could say I believe in Women's uniformity. It is important to keep in mind that an Association of University Women, an organization Lib. to the extent that I don't feel that a woman with Appeals mechanism does exist. whose purpose is to raise funds for deserving little children needs to stay at home all the time ..A PROPOSAL: A student will receive an "F" in the women who want to attend graduate school and to woman should develop her potential and use her course if found guilty of a first offense of the Honor take stands on major political issues. She is also education for anything worthwhile that she can. System. A student found guilty of a second offense county chairman for the Mother's March of Dimes, Women should have something to do besides raising will be suspended from school. as well as a Sunday school teacher and choir children because that's all they'll have left after At present the Honor Court has the option of member of St. Paul's United Church of Christ. their children grow up. A family is important, but imposing the above penalties. Passing of the above Perhaps her favorite and most time-consuming that's not all there is." proposal insures that all offenders are treated activity is her involvement in a volunteer Family With the expense of. her husband's attending fairly and uniformly. Planning committee in conjunction with the Health graduate school and the care of her baby daughter The above proposal will be put before the student Department which is attempting to start a Planned her future plans will be deferred some time hence: body for a vote on March 21, from 9 A.M.-4 P.M. in Parenthood program in Carroll County. . But she is satisfied to take things as they come and the Grille and again at dinner. If you have any Mrs. Belt keeps very busy doing volunteer work questions, see Bryson Popham, Gayle Vaught, or in addi lion to her professional and household duties, to plan for the future. In concluding the interview, the Honor Court member who will speak to your but she somehow finds time to do a little sewing, Mrs. Belt was asked if she had any additional floor, sorority, or fraternity on either March 19 or summer camping and remodeling their new home. comments. She laughed and said, "If anyone has March 20. Students are reminded they signed a a two-year any suggestions on how to potty-train She also plays the cello, piano and flute and oc- old, please let me know." . contract to uphold the Honor Systein. . (please read editorial on page 21
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