Page 8 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 8
Spikers face tough season by Chip Rouse Western Maryland's women's volleyball team will begin another season this year when it takes ~n Catonsville Community College on October 10 In Gill Gym. There has been a good turn O,llt of prospective players for the team, perhaps owmg to the publicity of the sport during the SUI?mer Olympics. The junior varisty team returned mtact from last year, providing good competition for positions on the squad. Returning players for the varsity team are captains Janie Watts and Libby Eife. Also, Robin Fornicola begins her third year on the squad. . Miss Fritz, coach for the team, grves a few reasons why the girls might look forward to tough competition in their games this year. "Many of the' 'f;~lfJf:s~~~YG:d~hS~~i~Sr;~b~ebt~eba~~i1g~~~n~i~~' volleyball seasons. Other places' probably are stressing the volleyball season more than we are." ; She named Catonsville and Salisbury as the team's intercept. Western Maryland liquidated Brtdqewater 36-0 last toughest opponents. Another main reason for concern among coaches Moravians maul Terrors for openers and players in general which has been a major problem for the volleyball team is the overlapping for their final touchdown. Moravian made a two- of sports seasons and coaching responsibilities. Moravian College trounced the Green Terrors 21- point conversion try good t~ bring the record to 21-0. Because of the move from spring to fall volleyball, o in WMC's season opener on September 16. The ball turned over agal~ WIth 39 seconds lett there has been trouble in scheduling games this In a game that saw very little passing and yar- when a Bricker pass was intercepted. Total yar- year. Miss Fritz commented, "Because of overlaps dage gained, the Terrors were effectively contained dage at the game's end was 130 yards for the in faculty coaching and overlapping of basketball by the Greyhounds, only getting within Moravian's Terrors, 286 for Moravian. Western Maryland had ten-yard 92 yards rushing, 38 passing. line once. In the opening kickoff, Odd and volleyball, the team must curtail its season in Haugen kicked the ball out of the end zone, setting The Terrors had never met the team themiddle of November." The juggling of seasons, players, and coaches makes competition t?ugh f~r the tone.for the rest of t~e WMC first quarter pu~~s, before. They were added this year to quah~y Wl\I_1C Western Maryland players. Team captain Jame all keeping Moravian WIthin their twenty-yard hne. for the Mid-Atlantic Conference championship, Watts says, "Athletics is becoming much more At the end of the first period, WMC had driven for since Western Maryland must playa rmrumum ?f specialized and with this specialization you can two first downs, Moravian one. five teams in the southern conference. The Terror s only really play one sport at a time. If you try to Second quarter action saw Moravian rally a good scrimmage against Tows?n State. Colleg.e on play two consecutive sports you will find it next to drive, as their defense forced Western Maryland to September 9 was a WMC VIctory, ,",:,It.han eighty- yard run by Joe Brockmeyer providing the only punt on the first series of offensive plays. An eight- impossible to do." yard pass secured the Greyhound's first touch- touchdown The players and coach are, how~ver. extremely down. When the Terror's Bricker-Brockmeyer duo R . .. optimistic about this season. Robm Fernicola, a osenswelg IS setter for the team, says the girls' main objective lost yardage on a third down, Odd Haugen went in will be to go after every hit ball no matter what. ~o:r~ f:i~~.g~a~s~!~~m~~r;f~~~ f~!:h~~~:l\::~ ~~~, '-. ' rccquet champ Robin cites teamwork as the team's most im- portant asset. roughing the kicker, and the half ended with the by Suzi Windemuth . The Western Maryland team plays power Terrors racking up fifteen yards passing, 54 yards Dr. Harry L. Rosensweig, l?rofessor of volleyball which stresses offensive spiking and running all told. mathematics at W~stern M~ryland, IS the Carroll Moravian attempted and missed a field goal from County Men's Tennis champion for .the.1972season. strategy. The players attempt to keep the ball the thirty during third quarter action. WMC was He defeated Mr. Jim Young, principal of North always in a position where it can be used of- fensively rather than merely getting it over the net. again forced to punt, with the Moravian receiver Carroll High School, with set scores of 5-7, 6-3, and Because Jastyear's season just ended in the spring, mce again held within the twenty. The Greyhound 6-1. The county tournament took place at the the skills should be fresh in the minds of the drive also resulted in a punt, and two plays later the Westminster Riding Club on September. 10. Dr. successfully Rosensweig f.our competed Terrors fumbled, the first turnover of the game. A players. . . . In The players will get a chance to utilize their of- [welve-yar-d run got Moravian their second touch- preliminary rounds before entering the final fensive strategy and teamwork when they play the ~own and the score stood at 13-0after they missed match. quite frequently, Dr. Rosensweig has Practicing University of Maryland for the first time. Western [he extra point. Western Maryland fumbled on the played tennis for approximately twenty years. ~e kickoff, with Moravian recovering at the WMC 31- Maryland is also scheduled to play at a tri-state invitational meet on Saturday, November 18 at yard line; but they were moved back 15yards when had played for 2 years on th~ M:I.T. college tennis Salisbury State. offensive holding was charged. team as well as 2 years for hIShigh s~hool team. At Another WMC fumble, with twelve minutes game Western Maryland, he works out ~Ith the ~chool time remaining, gave the Greyhounds the go-ahead tennis team when time allows. while pla~mmg to Booter team: ~~r~t:~~:?e ~~~~1a~r;~~~~:, i:~n~o~~~S:;i~n~~i~~~ by CharlesEngelm;e,bigger,better Girls" shockey: The 1972Western Mar-yland Soccer team hopes to t th t . better last season's outs~nding 9 wins .- 3 losses S reng ,s am Ina record. In pre-season scrunmages the te~m. has by Chip Rouse shown promise and has blended tog~ther to Indlca~e With spirits soaring as high as their plans for a it may better last year's record. Since the team IS victorious season, the women's field hockey team numerically larger than usual, Coach Homer Earll kicked off the 1972season on the 14th of September anticipates the developing of younger talent. to withover30girlsinterestedinplaying.Morethanhalf combine with the eight veteran lettermen forming of the faces at the first organizational meeting were this year's varsity squad. . . new ones, which coach Joan Weyers said was an Leading the Terror h?ot~rs Will be ~entor C?- encouraging sign. . captain Dick Hall and jurucr .co-captam Charlie The growing interest in women's sports IS Keil. Hall is a four-year varsity performer w~o manifested at Western Maryland by the fact that plays fullback. Keil's excellent defensive play WIll for the first time there is a second fall sport, bolster the ~ckfi~d. This yea_r's team intends .to be namely volleyball~ Ne! sport .has su~fere~ in more offenslv~-m.mded. ~eadm~ the ~ttl!'-ckWill be participation, and spint IS at an mcreasmg hIgh. Ed Bwalya, Jurnor; RIck Spmk, Jumor; Jerry Assistant Coach Sandy Cochar, a graduate McGaughran, junior; Remi I1upeju, sophomore; student here as well as a past Varsity Hockey star, Vernon Memmert, ~ophomore; and _Dave ~oopes, is most hopeful about the season. She notes the sophomore. Particularly, Rem.1 I1upeJu has excitement of the players themselves about the looked sharp for the offense. There IS a fIght for the schedule of games, and notices the skills of the new goalie position between senior Bob Buchanan and freshman and sophomore women. Few teams will freshman Chris Hanaby.. . have the strength, stamina, and skill that Western The Terror booters o~n their season .agam~t a Maryland's'72 team should have; this is partly due tough UMBC team. Their second game IS agamst to a few changes in the rigorous practice schedule an equally difficult opponent, Lorola. The Te~rors Coach Weyers has set up. This year a timed n:i1e are members of the Mason-Dixon and. Middle has been incorporated into the end of each prachce. Atlantic Conferences. These Conferences display a and though most of the players protested at the very competitive brand of soccer and schedules beginning, already there is a marked improv.emeI_lt there have been called brutal. The team appears in·theteam'sstamina. For reasons such as this, thIS ready for a fine start because recently they year's season should be one of the best yet. defeated the Alumni in a scrimmage. 4-0. _ '" < ••• ,
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