Page 7 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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SEPTEMBER 26, 1972 THE GOLD BUG. SUN MON lUES WED lHURS FRI SAT September 25 24 1 26 27 29 130 'GIGIS·lponlo.ed by 1'174 era .. Counlry-UMBC_ A·3:DO Cross Country'Wuhln,ton & Soceer-UMBC_A_3:00 Hockey_U, 01 Delaware- JV Socc"r'TOWIG~A-4'OO Lebanon VlnaY-A-l,lO HOck.y-GIUYlbu.g.A_3:30 A-l:30 Soccer-Wllhin,ton-H.2,OO Foolball-Wrden,r_A_Z:OO October 1 ArIClubm .. tlng·,Art 1 5 Bullepherd_ Hockey_Notre Dame·H·4:00 Oplnlnll-Dr. GrlJwold_ 1-1'3:00 ere .. COU:~;~~~IUrlOrd. Galilry One 8 10 11 12 13 14 "Going My Way", Decker·1'30 Soccer·LoYOII·A·3:00 Lecture-'"Slacks in Soccer-CathoHc·H_Z,OO Greco·Roman Antlquity'"_ Cro., Country.Loyola_ Dr. Frank Snowden_ Sorority SldiOut.12,OO Footblll.Hlmpt.On- A·3:00 Oecker·]:OO Sydney·A·Z:OO HOckey-York_A_3:4S Sorority Sorority Acceptance-S:30 Cron C<'untry_Geo. VolleYblll-CItOniwllle· Non-Communication VOlleyball·UMBC.H_7:00 M~ion-H·2:30 H-7:00 "Old Timlli"-Plnter. "Old Tlmu"-Plnter_ 16 17 18 Starts-9:00 19 20 Underslale 21 Understlge Homecoming FlcullyArt Show JV Soccer-Mercersburg 'H-3:00 FamllyPlcnlc-Hurlson H"useLawn·ll:30 SOccer-LycOmlng·H·3:00 CroH Co~_~~rloGallaudet. "Old TlmeS"·Plnte,. VOlleyball-EUIII_H.7:3D VOlleyball.UMBC.A.7:00 FOO!b~~~~~~:I;:ton Understa,e ··cra~.{I~':~i~~: ~gncert Newsbriefs Coordinated by Nellie Arrington ;S·GA BULLETIN BOARD IN CAFETERI~ SEMON SHOW OPENS The new bulletin board in the center of the MIDGE WRIGHT PUBLISHES Michon Semon's one-man show opened the fall- .cafeteria will hold SGA messages throughout the winter season in Gallery One September 18. Her Midge Wright, senior art major, recently had her year. President Milford Sprecher hopes this will work will be on display from 'to to 4 weekdays until paper "Sculpture' for the Blind" published in The improve SGA-student rapport by more com- September 29. Eye Catcher, publication of the Eye Research munication. Ms. Semon works in collage, specializing in flat, Fund. This manuscript was co-authored by Dr. McCay Vernon and developed from a term paper in HOMECOMI NG PLANS colored planes. She currently is artist in residence the Educational Psychology course. Blind students Current plans for Homecoming on October 21 at St. John's College, Annapolis. The artist has at Western Maryland College, Mr. Gary Legate and include a family picnic on Harrison House lawn at exhibited at St. John's, the Baltimore Art Festival, Miss Nina Melliot, made major contributions to the 1l:30, float parade, crowning of the Queen, and the Baltimore Museum of Art, and the Corcoran paper by sharing their thinking with Miss Wright court, football against Washington & Lee at 1:30, Gallery of Art. She also was represented in the and Dr. Vernon and cooperating in the sculpture and "Crazy Hourse" in concert at Alumni Hall at Chrysler Museum of Art's Irene Lee Regional experiment. 8:00. More specific information will be announced Exhibition and the Women in the Arts show at the' later. Corcoran. R~C ROOM CUSTODIAN NEE'DED Michon Semon is a graduate of the University of CLASS ACTIVI TI ES STARTI NG South Florida and received her master's degree If any student is interested in a job as custodian of Class activities are starting to get underway from the University of Maryland. Ms. Semon is a the Rouzer recreation room and equipment, please again. According to president Bill McCormkk, the native of Portland, Oregon see Milford Sprecher, third section, ANW. senior class goal is "to leave a nice gift" to the college. Bill Corley, junior class president, foresees ;'OLD TIMES" TO BE PRESENTED The "I Love YOLIFoundation" was organized in May of "many activities to bring us all together." The Department of Dramatic Arts will present 1972 to raise fLindsro explore the potential of Sophomore class vice-president Ned Aull says dthe Harold Pinter's "Old Times" on October 13, 14, 15, ~~~~~:~~~F~a~:;:'~ beA::!'t~:~o~~~~icatlon class has alot of new plans and new ideas." The among all people - deaf and hearing - and to form . freshman class has not yet organized. ~:~~~e~:d~:~;:tO~~~~ile~i ~~~ ~r:i~~et~bo~~~ a center lor study or communication and the Buck, and Barbara Rich. Tickets will be on sale in r;~~I~s~~~l;:~~~t~::':;ro: Of "I Love You" SIGMA SIGMA TAU the bookstore beginning October 9 and at the Box Sigma Sigma Tau will be selling ice cream Office each night prior to performance. sundaes throughout the- semester in alternating dorms. They cost 30¢ and come in two flavors, hot chocolate and butterscotch. Look for the notices MAILBOXES ASSIGNED TO DAYHOPS posted around campus telling the times and places. Postmistress Irene Young is pleased. to note Again this fall, the Sigmas will be selling birth- assignments of postoffice boxes to dayhop students day calendars. All proceeds go to CAHE. The for the first time. The extra service is due to the calendars will be on sale from October 16 to October expansion of box facilities by the administration. 27. This year there will be a new attraction! All Miss Young said the boxes should provide the ticket stubs will be numbered and at the end of the dayhops with the mailed notices they have sale one will be drawn for a prize. The prize is a previously missed. year's pass to have One ice cream sundae free at each sale! AREA ENTERTAINMENT .HONOR COUR.T MEMBERS NAMED FORD'S THEATRE: "Godspell" Tuesday- The 1972-73 members of Honor Court are: Friday, 7:30; Saturday, 6:30 & 9:30; Sunday, 3:00. 511 loth sr.. NW, Washington, D.C. Box Office 347- Chairman, Claire Euker,McDaniel; Recorder, 6260. Gayle Vaught: Seniors Debbie Bell, Bill Gossard, ARENA STAGE: "I Am A Woman" Tuesday- Show your support. Beltway ~=~~ Ed Hogan, Steve Judd, Linda Liggon, Pat Logan, Friday, 8:00; Saturday, 2:30 & 8:00; Sunday, 7:30. Bryson Popham, Chip Snyder, Larry Wild, Carol 6th & 1\1 Sts., SW, Washington, D. C. Buttons are S1 each. Make your check or money order Man to: to the "I Love You Foundation." payable , GOUCHER COLLEGE: "Alvin Ailey American ~~~~~e~nn~~~c;~r~~ft~ ~~:~r~at~~V~~rk~;i~~~ Dance Theatre" October 7, 8:30. 'One of the world's Squires. Anne Stubblefield, Chet Walker, Chris most celebrated dance theater groups presents the Wolford, Chip Wright; Sophomores Mary Lou legacy of the American Negro through the medium Schanze, Richard Tucker, Suzi Windemuth; and of modern Dance." Baltimore Exit 27 Advisors Dean Laidlaw, Dean Mowbray, Mr. Seidel. and Mr. Zauche. South. short distance on left of Dulaney Valley Road.
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