Page 12 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 12
PAGE FOUR THE GOlB BUG OCTOBER 10, 1972 Profile . This week's P_ROFILES are Carol Quinn, Stuart Barnes: more of Once again there are new faces behind those desks. Fishelman, and James Barnes. Quinn: good reference a conversation by Bsckv Williams Dr. James A. Barnes has come to WMC this fall Your first glance at Miss Carol Quinn WOUld as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry, classify her immediately as a "new student on temporarily replacing Dr. David Herlocker, who is campus" due to her long blond hair, slender figure, presently on sabbatical. and always present smile. Much to our surprise, Dr. Barnes has taken over 2 classes for the however, we find she is not a new student but the chemistry department - the introductory chem new addition to the library staff this semester. course and a senior class in inorganic chemistry Working previously as a Humanities Librarian at which has a total of three students. He observes the University of florida Research Library, Miss that this leaves him with the largest and the Quinn is very involved on our campus as she smallest of all the classes in the department. When teaches one course in library science and is in chrge asked which was the more difficult to work with, he of the entire reference service of the library which replied (almost painfully) that both are in their own includes "".aside from helping people use the way. In the senior class, the material is, of course, library and find what they want, handling in- at a harder level, but at the same time, the small terlibrary loans, government documents, con- ductin~ special classes for the purpose of in- size makes possible an informal type of class which and the lecture tends to be Dr. Barnes prefers, troi:hic1l1~rstudentsto the library in a general sense more of a conversation. or to special reference sources and research TheIntroductory (better known as "freshman") techniques in a subject area." chem class is, at its least, formidable; he is faced Receiving her masters in Library Science at the with 9O-some students at 8:00 (Dr. Barnes assures University of Minnesota and later completing her us thathe dislikes·the "X" code, too.) on four out of masters in English at the University of Florida, five weekday ,mornings. The class is definitely Miss Quinn is well qualified in her field. When heterogeneous and difficult to speak to. Dr. Barnes asked about her feelings on techniques of teaching senses strongly that each student is individual and in a college atmosphere and how proper student it is hard to lecture without boring or overwhelming attitude can be attained, her response was that " ... some of the students, In preparation, he usually classes should be dialogues between the instructor spends five or six hours on each lecture. Concerned and students and among the students with each other ..." along with " ...a certain amount of lecture that "If I botch two freshman lectures, I've wasted more man-hours than I could by not showing up at at times in order for the student to get the benefit of all for the senior c1ass...It's like having a vulture the teacher's knowledge." hanging over you." When asked if she had encountered any'problems Previous to his teaching position here, Dr. Barnes since her arrival at Western Maryland College, worked at the 'of South C
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