Page 5 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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SEPTEMBER 26, 1972 1:HE GOlO BUG PAGE Flh Thoughts IIPerchance,images will spring... 11 from a prof by Genevieve Brunet Smith Students arrive at college with heavy baggage. In lCgative forces. The fascination he could exert on Thanks to analysis, it becomes possible to the right hand, they carry a seven volume en- ~r.owds h~d to come from a very unusual being, dissociate the structural elements and associate cyclopedia of family attitudes, their high school with special powers that bordered on the occult. them again, seeking a new structure. recipe books in the left hand, their environment in J'he world wonders what would have happened had For the most part, this is what the psychoanalyst the backpack. Dragged behind is a big trunk, full of Hitler's powers been turned toward positive goals. tries to do with his patient. But the basis is not prejudices. Too bad some of the paraphernalia ~VhereHitler's warped ideas became apparent was always clear, nor the dialogue always on the same can't be left at the campus gate. m his belief that the creation of a new race involved level. The cure is far from being guaranteed. If the No, most of the time it ends safely on dormitory the destruction of a part of mankind. restructuring process is taken face to face with shelves, where it watches over the slumber of the The two other figures are members of the race oneself a painful task -- chances of im- beloved stripling. Hitler persecuted. compatibility are smaller providing that the person But during this sleep, perchance, images will Both men went abroad to save their freedom is fully aware and entirely sincere. spring. Maybe recurring representations of their work and their lives. Sigmund Freud went t~ From this effort could emerge a new being, free, elements of the past, but also dynamic visions of a England. Albert Einstein to the United States. a creature of earth, light and air. A being for whom promising future. The life of tomorrow is a huge Einstein is probably the genius of the 20th century. the notion of class, nationality, or race would only complex of positive and negative forces, all welling ~ot only had he assimilated the knowledge of his have a historic meaning. from the same spring: Energy. Energy is in the lime, but he had the power of criticism and the gift Iwould call such a being a Free Mutant. The term universe. Energy is in us. There is, for each man, a of generosity. He pursued his creative work with is borrowed from biology, but I am speaking: of the double current circulating between the forces of the passion; indeed, it was impossible at the time of his whole being: his heart, his body, his mi. nd his unt verse and his own forces, comparable to the dicover-y to guess what could become of it. Although soul. physiological complex: breathing and blood cir- the bearer of positive forces, he became, because of The Free Mutant. The being who lives, without culation. more power forces alien to him by way of an energy borders, according to the principles of a yoga of the However, it is impossible to say that the universe he could not control, an agent of destruction. This soul and a permanent surrealism of the mind. holds-only benevolent forces. Raging winds are like haunted the end of his life. There are so many beings on this planet, and so cosmic anger; earthquakes and tidal waves, Freud's destiny was not so violent. There was less many factors accompany the coming of a new cosmic madness. Thunder is the roaring of a personal swerving in his mind, and more direct being, that it becomes more and more difficult for useless cosmic voice. In man, there is the same action. on his fellows. He managed to overcome his the individual to fulfill his potential. To fully exploit potential for malevolent forces. negative forces with his positive ones, and fuse the positive human forces within him, the in- Energy, when exerted in a constructive direction, them to help reach the goal he assigned himself: dividual must rid himself of anything acting as a is both the stimulus and the act. "Energy," William therapy and cure for the sick mind, and knowledge shield guarding these forces. Too often, his up- Blake writes, "is eternal Delight." The potential of the mi.nd itself. He was an explorer, a theorist, _ bringing is the primary cause of such a shield. energy inherent in man, when given impulse, an experimenter and a self-critic, within the con- This does not mean any upbringing is doomed to transforms "itself .into kinetic energy, which is text of middle-class, in which he remained. failure. construction and creation. The impulse does not But, more deeply, he was a linguist. Parents, schools and youth organizations are full always have to be found in us. Help can come from "Psychopathology of every day language" is one of of good intentions, and most of them do their best to outside. As the French philosopher Bachelard puts his important works. Before being an analyst of bring out the positive impulses of the young. Many it, "The great forces of the universe help shape the minds, he was an analyst of languages. He analyzed of these positive forces are acquired and, if rein- forms of courage ...The being has but to gain in most of the Indo-European language, and some forced, constitute a reserve of power-potential to be maintaining cosmic participations." others. The fact that the highly structured German used throughout a lifetime. The world of today is permanently shaken by a language. was his mother tongue, and, incidentally, It is not so much the acquired forces which are in conflict of forces, positive and negative, proceeding that of Hitler, Einstein and Karl Marx, gave him a question here. as how they were acquired. During from the same sources: science and technology. unique tool to assist him in his prodigious labors of the early years, sone condttionings are in- They bring knowledge and comfort. They also analysis. Freud discovered and developed a special dispensable. The acquisition of a goodly number of carry a certain lassitude, from which a feeling of sense, the sense 01 structure, which gave him the reflexes is desirable, to the extent that they sim- nonchalance is born. The marvellous means of power to bring the irrational a step or two farther plify complex actions directly related to survival, transportation and leisure, which allow man to forward, into the conscious mind. survival being the only need common to all created discover the earth and the moon, are shadowed by beings. the increasing number of individual or collective The man of today is a prisoner. Prisoner of his But it is evident that survival is not the only issue accidents due to human, mechanical or cosmic past, his future, society and himself. He evolves in a It can become so, at critical times, causes. limited universe, the borders of which he has not for humans. such as world wars, or in time of personal crisis. But no matter how economic progress intensifies, necessarily established, but the gates of which Ideology, often, conflicts with the craving for differences in faith, birth and brains give rise to could be knocked open if he applied the impetus of survi val, and college appears to be the perfect time social inequalities, hence continuous class struggle. his mind to it. and place for questioning individual ideological On a national scale, Ireland. On an international Whoever wants to organize a quiet little life under values. This is especially so because students are at scale, Israel and the Arabs. On a racial scale, the the sun today cannot find what he is looking for. an age where the conflict between the ideal and United States, South Africa. On an international in- Sooner or later, he is going to be threatened by survival has reached a peak. terracial and ideological level, Vietnam, After two negative forces, Man cannot hide. Of course, he has At college, each student must submit himself to world wars, the globe is continuously twitching with the option of neurosis, psychosis or suicide. an initiation similar to the primitive rite of passage. violence. There are better' alternatives. Confronting a new reality, the: primitive is forced It is science which gives the weapons; true, but it First, individual analysis. Of the past, with its into a difficult suuauon, not oecause ot jus elders' is also science which gives vitamins, incubators traumas and vacuums. The ego, with its surprises .sadism, but because of a tribal cry for the truthful and birth-control pills; which brings fuel and and re~istance. The future, with its unexplored test of reality, perhaps the most difficult test for pollution; the car and the crash. Science heals and possibilities. Then, determine to what extent the men to face. kills; it is a two-sided coin. You've come a long ego is headed toward negative forces, and why, Put 'lay, baby, you've got to go on. the mind toward positive directions, and maintain The dual nature of existing forces can be found at these directions at any price, even if it means Ms.Smith is a member of WMC's Foreign In individual scale. Three towering figures emerge unexpected expenditure of energy to compensate rom the spauc-temporal chaos of our century. The for unforeseen negative elements. This is the L~~~~~Pbu~r6~;\~oe~i'~a~'~~ ~d~~ri%~~~~:~ lame Adolf Hitler evokes images of aggression and structure of the present, which builds for the future. Jestruction. In fact, Hitler was a complex creature, If the past is not satisfactory, restructure the and staff chose pos.itive impulses were heavily dominated by past. Why accent the old structures within oneself? Octobriana from p. 4 possible communist customs men. When he Andre Malrik's 'Will the Soviet Union Survive Until changed them back, mistakes may have occurred. 19M?' and Svetlana A1liluyeva's two books Someone suggested darkly that the whole thing 'Twenty Letters to a Friend' and 'Only One Year.' competent, though sometimes their Slavic boldness was a KGB plant, designed to put all samizdat ...1am perfectly confident that the book is all that it verges on crudi ty. A certain unevenness of style is Miters in a bad light.ยทยท On the other hand, Sadecky purports to be." attributed by Sadeckv to the fact the strips were remarks in the afterword to the American edition: And Russian novelist Anatoli Kuznetsov, author build up from the drawings of many different "The KGB may well brand this book as just one of "Babi Yar", who defected to England in 1969, people. Sadecky himself was the expert on wild more attempt by the CIA or the British Secret believes the Octobrtana material to be animals, while at least three different artists Service to discredit the Soviet Union." Which is unquestionably genuine. "I am astonished ... by the sketched Octobrtana. But no one he knew, Sadecky about what happened: a few weeks before Oc- way the author has succeeded in penetrating so savs. ever found how or where the final magazine tobrlana was published in the U.S., the Russian deeply and has described it all so precisely. When I was produced. literary journal "Literaturnaya Gazeta" was living in the USSR I did not know about ppp Sadecky successfully defected with a stock of editorially disavowed any connection between the and its publications. But I saw many similar groups Octobriana material in early 1967. Cont.roversy U.S.S,R. and either Octobriana or a supposed arose when it was published in England in 1971. Soviet porno novel, "Moscow Nights," which was and people exactly like them in a wide variety of towns." The wellspring of such escapist literature Rumors that the twenty-eight- year-old Czech had brought out about the same time by "Lolita" _ is apathetic cynicism, "the dominant feature of the' made up the whole thing surfaced in British publisher Maurice Gircdias. average Soviet man, who no longer believes either newspapers. More brouhaha arose when three Octobrj~na's supporters rallied, however; in God, or the devil, or Lenin, or Communism, or in Czech artists claimed the cartoons were drawn in Frances Lindley, editor at Harper & Row, pointed anything at all." Which is echoed in the book by one Prague, not Kiev. and ominously pointed out out that discrediting is standard procedure for any of the most pathetic PPP members: "Life is an mistakes in the Russian captions. Sadecky replied critical book originating in the Soviet Union: "We absurd torment. ..We must somehow get to the end he had altered the writing to make it innocuous to witnessed the same attempt when we published ~f it, as pleasantly as possible .."