Page 13 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 13
OCTOBER 10, 1912 THE GOLD BUG PAGE FIVE The truth about "athletic" scholarships bv Nellie Arrington Are there really athletic scholarships at Western Obviously it is. the same as students in music, Maryland College? where we didn't have any students for a long time, two criteria; the student is academically strong on Not specifically under that title, but various the same as outstanding scholarship. the same as the basis of such standards as board scores, or the student will make some other type of contribution student-athletes and administrators seem to agree any unusual feature or strength the student might to the college. In addition, "AU aid is based on athletic ability and recommendations from the be able to exhibit. ...In every case, you must first need." He supported Coach Jones' statement that athletic department may help in gaining financial establish need. Now. if you had two students who members of the athletic department could assistance from the college funds. both had the same need. and we only had enough to recommend to the financial aid committee "people Four student-athletes were recently interviewed: award one. then we'd have to make some sort of who they feel are going to help the athletic program two are presently on the football team, one plays distinction. At that point. I'd say yes, athletics. the here ....The determination of athletic ability rests basketball. and one went out for football for less same as other things. may make a difference .... lf entirely with them." He noted there have been, to than two weeks in his freshman year before you went down the people who are receiving his knowledge. no women recommended for dropping the team. All four reported they had good financial assistance, you would find a predominate financial aid on the basis of their athletic ability. high school academic records and college board number of those are because of outstanding When asked to comment on the situation of the third scores. and all four said they had been scouted in scholarship in combination with the need. more student described above, Mr. Getty stated, "I think some way by the coaching staff here. than any other factor." A study of college financial that, whoever the student was, he's being a little Two of the students felt definitely there are no aid beneficiaries made by the Dean soon after he dishonest in accepting the money (while able to athletic scholarships as such here. Both stated their came here in the mid-Sixties showed the per- finance his own way through WMC) when he knows aid was due to need and their academic records. centage of coltese assistance to WMC athletes was Neither could have come here without financial we have a great number of students who are not able to receive aid from the college, and that may assistance. One receives not quite half of his college very well have knocked someone else off our list." expenses from the college. The other receives Ho did explain amounts stated on the college approximately a sixth of his expenses by college statement. used until the PCS became grants. confidentia! estimates by the standard this year, are arbitrary In a third case, a student who receives about family. He made no comment on the involvement of thirty-three percent of his college expenses from the former member of the administration and WMC funds feels his athletic ability is directly related to his financial aid grant. He said he could coaching staff in this case. "No student at Western Maryland College has financial aid he does not have come here by his own financial arrangements. need ., He did substantiate the fourth student's He explained he was above average academically report. "A student. it was made very clear, was in high school and had good board scores as well as given his aid. which he needed. because he was being superior in his particular sport. According to going to participate in athletics, did not participate, the student, he was approached in tenth grade by a and wrote and signed a statement that he volun- former member of the Western Maryland ad- tarily gave up his aid because he realized his ministration and coaching staff who was interested in recruiting him for a sport here. The student said committment was to the athletic department and he wasn't honoring it." his parents completed the necessary confidential Arc there really athletic scholarships at Western statements for aid, then added about his grant, "He Maryland College? The answer seems to depend on (the administrator-coach) sort of put it that it the definition wasn't athletic but it was athletic .... It wasn't purely on my academics. It was like need, but also for Newsbriefs basketball and I guess for coming here and playing continued basketball, not just for academic work." The fourth student, who was once a football player, originally received $1600 grant from the Dr. Royer to speak college after he was scouted through films his high school football coach sent to Western Maryland. Dr. Isabel Royer, professor of biology at Western Because he came to feel the brutality of football Maryland College, will speak on deterioration of the was against his moral standards, he gave up the enviro.nment Thursday, October 19, in Atlanta, sport after less than two weeks on the squad. Ceorgf a. "When I decided not .to play football anymore I Dr. Royer has been invited to take part in a talked to myoid coach and he was very upset and conference on The Environment and The Quality of my folks were very upset and all of them thought I Life. Her topic will be "Industrial Expansion should give up the scholarship. r really couldn't tha tLeads to the Deterioration of the Environment." understand why, because my understanding of it was that Western Maryland didn't give athletic The confE} being sponsored by the Fern- bank Science Center, the Environmental Protection scholarships. When I came to school I knew the Agency, and The Georgia Conservancy, all located athletic department had had something to do, my in Atlanta. athletic skills had something to do with the fact I'd The Conference will look at the topic from five been given some money, but I didn't realize how different approaches -- education, the power crisis, much depended on it. I kind of thought I'd gotten it la.nd use, industry, and economics. Other speakers basically because I was an all-around person. I'd WIll be from North Carolina, Missouri, New York, gotten pretty good grade averages in high school. and Georgia. So I caned up Dr. Shook to talk about it and he told me over the phone that the admissions office, the financial aid office, had never seen my application' less than the ~rcentage received by the total PE majors form club for scholarship; that it had gone straight through student body. He noted about sixty percent of the Gill Gym. And that's been my understanding ever college men are involved in inter collegiate sports. since; that in some way, I don't really know how, He said he would protest removal of a scholarship if The Western Maryland campus this year is but in some way that scholarship came through Gill the student decided no longer to engage in a sport or witnessing the initiation of yet another' organization. Gym and it was basically an athletic thing." The an activity, if such a case would occur The Physical Education Majors Club was born on student dropped the scholarship on his own written According to Coach Jones, the athletic staff September 25 in an organizational meeting held in request. "When I talked to Coach Jones he said that recruits men who are not only athletically endowed, Englar Hall. Officers were elected and the results I'd been brought here to play football. So I felt that but also meet the high academic standards were as follows: Dennis Kirkwood, president: Cathl even though the scholarship wasn't an athletic required of any applicant to Western Maryland. He Waiters, vice-president; Lin Van Name, secretary scholarship in name, it was in intention so I really stated a prospective student who needs financial and Jan Zimmerman, treasurer. The first meeting kind of felt I had to give it up, which I did .... " The aid must go through the financial aid channels of drew 25of the estimated 45majors on campus. feeling I got was 'you kind of wasted our money. 'Ye the admissions office and qualify by the ap- The objectives of the PEM club are to further the brought you here to play football ... .' The student propriate confidential statements. Asked if the interest in the physical education discipline, to now receives slightly less in campus aid. athletic department ever urges the financial aid investigate areas of relevance not covered in the theory current and courses, promote to Three members of the administration and committee to issue a particular student a grant, professionalism in the undergraduate. Lectures, faculty, Dean of Men Wray Mowbray, football Jones reported, "We can recommend .... If a boy is coach Ron Jones, and Assistant Director of Ad- going to contri bute to the college community ...then discussions, and panel presentations are planned as missions and Financial Aid Greg Getty were also the financial aid people are going to be more sen- well as numerous activities and trips. Any physical education major who missed the recently taped during interviews on this topic. In sitive to their needs .... Then based upon all the other first two meetings urged to attend the October 23 substance, they denied the existence of athletic factors necessary, they will help, or try to help, the meeting. Anyone with questions concerning the scholarships, but did comment that proficiency in a boy." He also noted, "There seems to be a great certain area such as athletics, music, or some other illusion that certain things happen here (in the activities and purposes of the club should contact any of the officers for information. It should be skill would help a student who is up for financial athletic departmentj.. that if you're an athlete, emphasized that the club is still in the formative assistance against other applicants with similar you're automatically going to get financial aid. stages and helpful suggestions will be appreciated. academics and financial need but no extra skills. That is not the case." He also feels standards have They emphasized the necessity of establisnment of financial need e:~v~0~~~r\~~0~~~I~t;:nt7~~oC:nn~~t:r~~t~~~;'~~~ .r-W-A--N--TE--O-'-"'-'-"-"-'-t'-d,-n-t t-o-W-O'-k-P'-'t-t-im-,-"-,,,-,-p,-n-to-'" Dean Mowbray stated, "There are no athletic ~V~~t ~~~~t:~ea;~n~o~~~~~~~\ b:~~1h~nO~~v~~t~~ hours. Contact Gilbert -Reese, 374 _-~f654, scholarships ... Are athletics ever a consideration'? Greg Getty explained financial aid is granted on 1... :~~:~'p~Yli9ht -1
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