Page 6 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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PAGE SIX THE GOLD B_UG SEPTEMBER 26. 1972 New president discusses policy changes by Francois Derasse explanatory. This problem, according to Dr. John, as radical as it sounds since most students still sign has a negative effect on "the evicted roommate's," "I think the student center facilities are con- educational performance. "This is not fabricated," up for these courses; but a student w-ho has good spicuously inadequate," remarked Dr. Ralph educational reasons for not taking them does not have to. Candler John, the new president of Western ~eer~Oa;I~~S '~~ i~!:~~:-f~~:x&o~~en~i~i~'aU~nse:: "I think we ought to make an overt effort to Maryland College, as he relaxed himself in a chair difficult for students and dorm residents to handle. increase the number of black students on this in front of his desk. After having been on campus How about drinking? "I come from a campus for several weeks, Dr. John was able to comment on where we permitted it," said Dr. John. He added campus," stated Dr. John, "I am surprised that rri'any current issues and problems. that he thinks there are less problems with drinking last year we only had thirteen or fourteen." He Dr. John recognizes the fact that Winslow Student than with twenty-four hour visitation. explained the reasons for this;" first the academic Center does not stand up to the need of the students; "At Simpson College," he commented about the I~,:el .is high at Western Maryland; blacks, un- "The inclusion of the student center is a capital Iowa college where he was president before coming fortunately, tend to come rrom suo-standard component of the Long Range Planning Com- to Western Maryland, "we had done away with an secondary schools in the inner city; there is the mittee." He added that he wants to be careful about arbitrary pattern of college requirements which I economic problem; and finally, there is a great the kind of facility that will be built. His idea for a think is a defensible and worthy educational goal; it competition amon~ the colleges for the qualified able blacks. IS not fair to bring blacks to student center is a building that would include a is certainly a very discussable option." He said that "It student government office, lounges, meeting doing away with requirements such as English Western Maryland if they don't have a chance to rooms, and of course, a bookstore and a post office. composition and language provide more options to succeed--it would be immoral," Dr. John said. Yet Although Dr. John said he was not arguing students. "The Simpson program allowed students he recognizes that "black students need more black against the student center program, he mentioned to escape certain areas of studies if they wished," students here to ha ve an experience of black people." that centers are not extensively used because of the he added, mentioning that this new program is not change in life styles: "Student centers are pretty Empty places these days." When asked about the vending machines, he answered that they leave a lot to be desired, but that Convocation: What he said grules, unfortunately, seldom support themselves on small campuses such as Western Maryland. The Long Range Planning Committee has as one tiy Robert Ramsdell of its three principal improvement objectives for On September 14 Western Maryland College from ignorance ...from ignorance of ourselves, our world, and. the systems of our relationships," Dr. the next five years, the construction of a new gym. officially opened its 105th academic year with the John stresses that "We must have other types too, Dr. John is also in agreement but stated that annual Fall Convocation. Following the but a recredescent humanism must always be to "there are two schools of thought" regarding the Processtonar into Alumni Hall, Dean Zepp gym. On the one hand, there is the idea to build a said the Invocation and President Ralph Jolin influence the character and do part of the work of any civilization worthy of the name." .otally new building; on the other, ...ther-e IS the welcomed the faculty and students to the Fall Secondly, Dr. John underscored the concept of possibility to add to the old building. Dr: John is in Convocation. The new members of the faculty were the college as a community. He decried both the favor of the latter: "the presumption, from my then introduced by Dean Makosky followed by the stand point, is to build upon what you already have; announcing of various scholarshops and awards by external and internal factors which act to cause that's where I would start; to continue using what LTC Myers and President John. eli visive rifts between the different segments of the college community. the desire that He expressed you have." The Fall Convocation then got into the real meat the comment "contemporary colleges and There are, of course, many persons who would of things as Dr. John made his address, "Some universities frequently are academic institutions disagree with this philosophy. Recently, some Factors of Context", to the assembled college. Dr. connected only by the plumbing" is not and will not anonymous person was overheard saying John. chose not .to delve into the specifics of such become true of W.M.C. matters as the drinking regulations at this time but In his final factor of context, President John ~o~iJ~~ ~~tr~ee~~~\?,f';~~swii:ha~h~~~~~~~Oj~:~ rather to "establish some benchmarks lor tne emphasized the necessity that everyone maintain but yet, it expresses a certain feeling about the relationship-personal and professional-and for the their respect for the integrity of each individual. gym-and about the water tower! . future of the college." This he did in his "three Speaking of the polarizations in present SOCietyand One change already made during the ad- simplicities" of the conflict between different life-styles, Dr ministration of the new president involves a First he spoke of the need for a liberal arts John suggested "the possibility of enrichment women'sdormitory policy. Now, women can come discipline in today's world which seems to be through a pluralism of points of view, aesthetic and go all flight as they please. This is a step toward stressing professional and vocational education appreciations, and patterns of living" and called women's equality with men on campus--which Dr while putting the liberal arts on the defensive. for the" respect of the right of each person to be his John is in favor of having: "I think women should Defining liberal arts as "those bodies of knowledge, honest self- to find his own integrity-in sensitivity, have the same privileges that men have." taken separately and together, which liberate us of course, to the rights and freedoms of others." Dr. John stated that in the past he has approved I .of twenty-four hour visitation in the dorms, .although out of experience he has had reservations because of the problems it creates to some students. The main problem he is referring to is Bachmann: overtone of action that of "the evicted roommate"--which is self- bv Adele Moorman George T. Bachmann, a tall, rather thin man with paintings by a friend ofhis up on the walls, but will dark curly hair, and a ready smile, is the very be taking them down soon since they've been up antithesis of what a college librarian is often pic- since May. He hopes some of the students or faculty will agree to show their artwork. ~:-u~at~db~~~~~~~~~~sp~~~:,:J~a\~it~ ~'~~e~.~:~;i~1 Amazing as it may seem, many college students overtone of action was present throughout a recent do not know how to use the library. Mr. Bachmann interview. wouie like to change that by offering an in- When asked about the series of tapes he is doing on troduclory course on library use. By corning into a Engagement Ring the histor-y of WMC, he laughed and said it was class on the invitation of the professor, he would stage" yet. He has mostly in the "contemplative HEADQUARTERS, U.S.A. teen toying with the idea for quite a while, and show the students how to use such things as the card catalogue. the microfilm readers, the reference I '.!J~ of Baltimore! I would really enjoy doing it. However, there hasn't section. and other library equipment. This way, the been the time or the planning for it. He seems to feel student will be able to find and utilize more in- ... whose DISCOUNTPrices attract customers that the best sources for this project are Dr . formation, and thus produce better term papers. He from over a six state area! Theodore Whitfield, a professor of history, and feels this especially true for any seniors who are on more especially, Dr. Samuel Biggs Schofield, independent studies. The librarian would work with emeritus, who is the archivist of WMC. Dr. Schofield students in gathering any information they might had been teaching at Western Maryland since 1919, peed. This can only be done witiJ the co-operation of and presently is doing a series of profiles of all those the faculty. so students who would like' this sort of a .whc have been on the Board of Trustees. Mr. class should speak to their professors. Bachmann declared that he is a most interesting After this, Mr. Bachmann talked more generally man to talk to 'on the subject of \\fMC history. about himself and the library. He mentioned that he However, 'tne project may not get off the ground is a "film bug," and has ordered several film Youcan save up to 50% off Retail from one of the oecause Mr. Bachmann is in need of help and classics from the "Thirties" and "Forties" to be Nation's largest IMPORTERSof diamonds. Your resources for this undertaking. shown on a future date. He said he would like to get choice from over 1,000 different styles of engage. Mr. Bachmann then talked about future plans for a carpet for the library but lacks funds to do so. ment rings, discount priced from $54 to $6200. the library. He mentioned that the library is Surprisingly, Mr. Bachmann will be teaching a Greenebaum's has a Charge Plan, and also accepts major credit ca rds. panning a Book Sale for October 2-4. The Book Sale music course on Renaissance and Baroque music, is intended to dispose of all the duplicate gifts and with special emphasis on the recorder, a small. Free Parking non-usable books the library has, by giving the reed-like flute, during January Term. He would ,~OJ ES/ 1909 104 N. Howard SI. students a chance to buy them at low prices. The . also like to see the library get more publicity. In 727ยท4544 '~=-;J~ 2200 E. Monllment St. prices drop as the sale goes on. . fact, he said that although three members of the 732.()523 Mr. Bachmann is also interested inexhlbiting library staff were on the facult:y, they were not paintings in the library. Presently, he has some mentioned in the yearbook.