Page 70 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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PAGE TWO THE GO,LO BUG' MARCH 6, 1973 Students are Organizations offer diversions citizens now by Gail Bruder Higgs and Mark Phenecie Bible Studies, and to work with Although liberal arts colleges are often accused Western Maryland students are gradually of maintaining an idealistic aloofness from gut- have informative in organizing these activites. The other campus obtaining more rights; in other words, they level problems in a rapidly evolving economy, Religious Life Council, with Suzie Squires are being treated as private citizens a little ecology, and culture, students at W.M.C. in the past president, also welcomes new members interested more every year. Recently in the December have begun various organizations whose aim is to in helping to coordinate service groups on campus. 12,1972issue of THE GOLDBUG, Dean John bridge the gap between speculation arid action, The Foreign Relations Club, sponsored by Dr. Makosky wrote about the old days at Western between intellectual inquiry· and. purposive per- Darcy with Bill Corley as coordinator, has just its purpose Maryland. He described the students of the formance. These organizations' accomplishments begun meeting this semester, between people's is to to foster better understanding 1920's as being treated as children in com- range from the endeavors of Hinge, which reach ~ut present programs that give insight into our world parison with today's standards. "We have to a world apart from college culture, to the !D- problems, and to give some assistance to those teraction between nations' which is reflected on a come a long way!" smaller scale by. our exchange students on campus. inter,ested in careers in foreign affairs and in- The recent change in college policy, con- ter:national business. . in the past, 'and Because these' organizations cerning the use of alcoholic beverages on hopefully in the future, have achieved this fusion of. On these Same lines, the German club, sponsored campus, was another gian~ step ~~ward college and community, the Goldbug wishes' to by Herr Zuache, include such activities in its recognizing students as private citizens. publicize a random sampling of illustrate program as a trip to' a Hofbrau Haus (German President Ralph C. John is pleased with the this point and encourage new membership. restaurant). The club's purpose is to promote an February 19change in policy, adding that "it The .Inervarstty Christian Fellowship interest in German culture. CircieK has been accepted by the students in the Organization with .Chip Wilford as president and Circle K is the college branch of the vast service ~ mature way that it should." Mark Gole. as chairman, will welcome, any new complex of Kiwanis, Circle K, and the Key Club.. members to their meetings on Wednesday's at 6:30. Dean Wray Mowbray also seems optimistic The primary ibjectiveof the three organizations is about the new policy. He stated that the ex- Their purpose is to glorify. Christ on Campus, to service to the community, school, and church. The pectation of student behavior is now higher, WMC Chapter of Circle. K is affiliated with the though, as far as property damage and the ,-----------'-----"'7'-.., Cs:~~j~~!s:~f~ho~;i~~~~n~z!~i~~~~~~n:~dertaken annoyance to other students are concerned. ~'.rrJU ~ ~ 50t!!. Dean Mowbray will now find it easier to go in this year include assisting the Westminster the halls because students will not have the Kiwanis Club with their annual Pancake Festival, apprehension of being caught with a "drink". organizing and running the penny-a-point game for If college regulation is not adhered to, though, the Heart Fund, selling posters, and many ethers. Groups in. need of free manpower should contact Dean Mowbray will not hesitate to take action Kurt-Jacobson, Tom Seiffert, or any of the other - ranging from a warning to suspen- members. Meetings are Monday night at 8:00 P.M. sion-treating each case individually. in Baker Memorial Basement. Any interested male is invited, and encouraged, to attend. As of January, the Gold Bug entered its Tri-Beta fiftieth year. Needless to say, _Western Ti-i-Beta is the honor society for biology students Maryland has seen a lot of changes since 1924; at WMC. Aside from being just an honor society, changes in focus, policy and attitudes. however, the organization has undergone a Beginning with the next issue, and for every vigorous, extensive campaign or collecting glass issue thereafter in 1973,Gold Bug will look containers. The club has placed containers around back on the history of Western Maryland over the residence halls for students to place any old soft the last 50years, as recorded in the campus drink or beer bottles. newspaper. We hope this will be enjoyable for ...:J::..JvLJ Membership in Tri-Beta 'is very selective. To be campus nostalgiacs and current students. L_-......:---!!...._----~---CJ'{-J~i;:~~~f:aj~~i:eh~~;S~~:::~f~t~Jt~~fe~s~~s~~~r~ Letters to the Editors in the biological sciences with an average index of 2.00 or better in the biology courses, and at least a 1.75as an overall average. This average must be in Sex education services are available the upper 35% of the ~lass. more or course aside from these and many service organizations, clubs such as the Argonauts, a major scholastic honor society, help to foster To the Edi tor, Planning information'. This includes abortion academic .success on campus. Members are Re: the Letter to the Editor in the Feb. 20, 1973 referral, availability of contraceptives, and a selected by the faculty. Also departmental honor GOLDSUG expressing a need for birth control general counseling service. societies such as Delta Omicron with Dr. Arleen information on campus. For your reference, the Due to the many requests of students for Birth Heggemeier and Mrs. Gerald E. Cole as its ad- Carroll Co. Health Dept. has both day and evening Control information, the Carroll County Health visors, help to foster- more specific interest in birth control-family planning clinics in constant Department has established an evening Family scholastics. Delta Omicron is an international operation. In particular, there is an evening clinic Planning Clinic, the second Wednesday of each music fraternity which holds two annual recitals the second Wednesday of each month which begins and which offers a fifty dollar scholarship every at6:30. The Health Dept. facilities for this clinic are ~~~~hti~e ~:~ts ~~: ~:i~~s::!dt;~o ~:t~~~J:h ;~c~h: year. to a deserving music student. located in a wing of the Carroll Co. General center on campus. These plans have been discussed- Finally, the Honor Court With Bryson Popham as Hospital, Memorial Ave., Westminster. at Women's Council meetings which are open to president, strives to promote academic integrity on The writer of the letter does recognize a real need everyone and should have been reported to you by campus, To become a member, your name must be' for both men and women. A number of us in the your floor representative. We hope that. all. inc subm itted to the president and voted upon by the community have had training in family planning- terested students will attend these, meetings and student body, birth control counseling through the Health Dept. contribute their suggestions as well as, 'I'his is just a. brief sketch of some of the active. and Planned Parenthood and would be glad to .Sincerely, campus clubs, and organizations. If you find cooperate with those on campus interested in this women's Council yourself with time to spare, find one and join. matter. If the sex education given by schools, peers, parents and others is insufficient and/ or inac- of '74, died on February Cristi M. Bill, class curate, NOW is the opportune moment to do after an illness of several months. Over a year age, 15, ·the Gold Bug something about it. Understanding and use of birth he came into my office to. tell me how anxious' he 'control methods depends upon having a good background in sex education. Men and women was to finish his requirements in orde-r to begin a_ a"d'Fra"coi. should realize it is the responsibility of both to career as a history teacher. This was not to be. he Edlto'5-Cathy·Nel.o" Nellie Arrington. Dera ••e After receiving treatment Editor· spring, Ma"-a,i", -Iast prevent unwanted pregnancies by both being in- returned to Western Maryland to work as hard as' formed. It seems as if fraternities, sororities, Photography Editor; Richard.Elliott dorms, and other groups could do their members he could to complete. his courses. With much spirit Circulalion Manager. Debbie Day he continued on In-the fall: At·the end, he. was still great service by organizing opportunities to gain battling. Father, Morrison was so ri.ght, w~en h~ Advertl,i"gMa"ager.Bob·R·amSdeU some needed information. You may be the world's noted during the tunerat service tnat.Crtsti wanted Staff. S~e C'oC·ki~g. JudY' Gardner. Gail Higgs, Julie' • greatest lover, but if you aren't sure what hor- MUllin.,. Chidy O'NOI, Linda Powell. Sue Stalker, Blucher. mones are all about, then even you could use more to complete his education, more than anything else . Beeky William" ·Suzi'W!ndermulh. Mark Rich Phe"icie. • Charlie •. Reggi.e .E"gelmil'r Lee, information. in the world. . Keith, 'p,,~"en, Chip Wright. Cristi was .a member of -the Society of Out- Sincerely, standing High School Students, the National Honor ,Speci~llhar:ks t.o M,S"N~"cy Wipkelma" for prEISS releases. Mrs. Samuel Alspach Society, anda state-scholarship.student. His father, e"teredassecond'classmattl!'ia;llIttheWestminster, William ·M, Bill; isa member, of our music depart- o.ffice, 21157 r .Second class postotge Feb. 26, 1973 pai!iatWest.mi,,~er. Publ!shed by and_for the .. Dear Anonymous, ment. studentS'of West",r" Meryland Collegl!, The OPIniOnS A memorial service is to be Little Baker at In response to your letter in the last edition of the . expr~ in this paper do not n.ecessarily reflect those ofthaadmil)i~\ Gold BUi!. Women's Council would like to inform 7:30·on Monday, March.5 ..Dozens of fr·ien·~s'have you and other students on campus of the plans being contributed to a memorial fund for this stubborn Address 'all mail 10 Box i Western Maryland Coll~e, ,,:Dr. Cornelius fighter. Darcy. made to diseminate Birth Control and FamIly Westminster, Mar~la,,~ 21157. >\ .... 1'''1
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