Page 35 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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NOVEMBER 7. 1972 THE GOLD BUG PAGE 7 News Briefs: People, exhibits, films 'coordinated by Nellie Arrington Western Maryland College faculty members Twenty-two students at Western Maryland A cultural history exhibition from The recently have been involved in activities away from College have been selected for Who's Who Among Smithsonian Institution opens at Western Maryland Westminster. Students in American Universities and Colleges. College on Saturday, November 11. Dr. F. Glenn Ashburn, associate professor of Selection for this honor is based on acacerrrre "The Frederick Douglass Years" will be shown sociology, spoke on "The U.S. Criminal Justice achievement, campus leadership and citizenship, in Gallery Two of the Fine Art BUilding. System: A Consideration of Major Problem Areas" and proficiency in "extra curricular activities. -, The Frederick Douglass-exhibit is divided into in September at the University of Maryland. Dr. Those selected for this year are: T. Russell Botts, four sections. The first deals with the years 1817to Ashburn was taking part in the 22nd Annual Law Joseph L. Carter, Jr., Joanne Chatham, William M. 1838,the time of the original European and African Enforcement Institute attended by representatives Corley, Vivian M. Crouse, Anne M. Ebmeier, settlers in America. The first black men were not of law enforcement agencies in Maryland and five Elizabeth E. Eire, Kendall R. Faulkner, G. Gary sla ves but a series of panels in this section deals other states in this area. Dr. Ashburn was the lead- Hanna. with the beginnings of the slave trade and focuses off speaker for the program which will continue Also, Donna M. Herbst, Patricia A. Herold, Susan on the early years of a slave-Frederick Douglass. through June. W. Horner, Robert W. Jacobs, Gary P. Kalber, The second section covers the years from 1838to Dr. Ralph B. Levering, assistant professor of. Barbara A. Kristiansen, M. Christine Meyers. 1872 and shows events surrounding the Civil War history, will speak at the Duquesne History Forum Also, Carl D. Petrucci, Joseph V. Prado, George and the war itself-the Abolitionist Movement, in Pittsburgh on November 2. Dr. Levering's. talk E. Snyder, Jr., Monika S. van der Berg, Margaret conflict, and early Reconstruction. Frederick will be on "Containment: First Germany, Then A. Wright, and Thomas H. Yates. Douglass played an active part as a recruiter of Russia." An estimated 1200students and teachers black troops and as ~n advisor to President Lincoln. annually attend the Forum. Meekins and Smith to display art The third area is concerned with the new life of The chairman of the history department, Dr. the Negro after generations of slavery, war, and Cornelius P. Darcy, has been accepted by the early Reconstruction, 1872-1895. Frederick University of Maryland for the National Science An exhibition of paintings and multimedia by Douglass was now a statesman-a United States Foundation Chautauqua-Type Short Course, "Cities Gaye Meekins and Nancy E. Smith is now open in Marshall, Recorder of Deeds, and Minister to Haiti. and People: a Demographic Approach." Gallery One. . The show the new home life and culture that In September, Mr. Wasyl Palijczuk, chairman of The public is invited to the exhibition and to the developed, depicts Negro concern with education, the art department, judged the Baltimore Museum reception for the artists from 7 t09 p.m. on Monday. and ends with a tribute to Douglass. of Art's Rental Gallery Fall Show with Dr. G. Long, Gallery hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays Frederick Douglass was the guiding light for director of Art education at the museum, In Oc- following the opening. many of the events and men told about in the tober Mr. Palijczuk took part in a special show by The two artists, both graduates of Western Smithsonian exhibit. His home, Cedar Hill in members of Artists Equity who are college Maryland, began their association as freshmen. Anacostia, is being restored by the National Park teachers. The ten members exhibited their work at Since graduation they have worked variously as art Service lo honor the great civil rights leader. the WCBM Gallery in Baltimore. teachers, models, waitresses. One studied theology at Drew University and both have traveled abroad. Beginning in the summer of 1971 they took part- Sigmo Xi lecture moved to new dote time jobs in New Jersey and combined their in- "Mutiny on the Bounty" scheduled terest in art using instruction and facilities at Montclair State College. The two young artists have concentrated on The Sigma Xi speaker scheduled to speak at process and media. Through work with process western Maryland College on Friday, October 27, (photo silk screen, metal welding) and media will speak instead on Tuesday, November 14. The original screen version of Mutiny on the (acrylics, pen and ink), they began to find a Dr. William R. Muehlberger of the University of Bounty will be ..shown Sunday, November l2. Texas will speak at that time on "Geological Part of the American Film Classics Series, the characteristic style. Results trom the Apollo Program." Recently Nancy Smith has been focusing on silk film will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Decker Lecture screen combined with photo mechanical images. The public is invited to attend the November 14 Hall. Season ticket holders only are seated until 7:20 She is developing a concern with tension and lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Decker Lecture Hall. p.m. Tickets at the door are available on a first come, first served basis after that time. calmness, order and unrestrained freedom. To do Charles Laughton and Clark Gable are considered this Nancy is working with grayed and tinted colors masterful in their roles in this 1935film. Laughton as well as those more intense and optically exciting. Tour of Russio ond Finland offered This fall she is enrolled at Pratt Graphic Center in plays Captain Bligh, captain of the Bounty, a New York City. British warship sailing from London to the south Gaye Meekins has become involved with the seas. Laughton is the symbol of vicious naval effects of hard-edged acrylics while still main- Dostoevsky, Tolstay, and Tchaikovsky did great discipline. Gable, playing Christian the executive taining a sensitivity to aerated color. Gaye places things in Russia! officer, portrays a man steeped in the tradition of So can you. Stroll in history-filled Red Square at Britain's sea power who joins the mutineers. They her emphasis primarily on color as opposed to night ...Visit the Kremlin's never-never land of set Bligh and a small group adrift in a small boat to form, composition, and subject matter. She feels medieval cathedrals and palaces ..Exchange ideas that it is of least importance to know that the forms make an epic journey back to England. Christian with Russian students at the Soviet-American proceeds with the rest of the crew to Pitcairn Island are derived from a self-perspective of the human Friendship Society ... Ride the Metro where each body. Gay is working toward a Master of Ftne Art and burns the Bounty so that there will be no degree at Maryland Institute and is teaching art at station is a museum of modern Soviet sculpture and discovery of survivors of the mutiny. the Jewish Community Center in Baltimore. architecture ..Enjoy the color and spectacle of a The film, nominated for seven Academy Awards, Russian circus ...Dance to the balalaika music of a won the award for best picture. Russian cafe. FINNAIR, the Finnish national airline, has 'put Chesl Club competes this month together four fascinating tours to Russia-the young way, inspired by Mademoiselle Magaztne-I'irned The WMC Chess Club will start team competition History deportment sponsors film in the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Chess. and priced to fit your schedule - and your budget - in League in November. A ladder game tournament is 1972/ 73.Two are nine-day tours and two are fifteen days long. currently underway wednesday evenings for team On your way home, delight in the great little board positions. All interested WMC students are -Thefflm. The Sea Gull, will be shown Wednesday, country next door! Finland ...Land of the Midnight November 8. eligible to participate. Sun, serene lakes, never-ending forests, beautiful Sponsored by the history department, the film, landscapes ...The Northern Bridge between East which begins at8:oo p.m. in Decker Lecture Hall, is SGA films for yeor onnounced and West. Relax with the hospitable Finns ...Shop open to the public without charge. Made in 1968,The for innovative Finnish designs in weaving, Sea Gull is in color. All films are free and mostwiU be shown at 7 and 9. glassware, jewelry ... Revitalize with a Directed and produced by Sidney Lumet, this is a pm. sauna ... Sample a sumptuous Scandinavian screen version of Anton Checkhov's classic drama Nov. 11 "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" smorgasbord. set in 19th century Russia. James Mason, Vanessa Dec. 2 "That Cold Day in the Park" All four tours promise to be eye-openers to two Redgrave, Simone Signoret, and David Warner Dec. 6 ''Little Big Man" fascinating and different countries. Those in- star. One reviewer commented that, "Lumet has Marx Brothers Festival: terested in Russia and Finland can read all about understood Chekhov's subtler nuances sufficiently Jan. 5 "Duck Soup" them in Mademoiselle's November issue. For tour to render them more naturally than they could Jan. 6 "Horse Feathers" information, the magazine suggests contacting the every be rendered on the stage ... " Jan.7 "Monkey Business" Mademoiselle representative on campus, Nellie The story concerns a group of wealthy people who Jan. 21 "Cool Hand Luke" Arrington, McDaniel 210, or writing to FINNAIR, are plagued by frustrations, unrequited loves, and Feb. 10 "Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here" Attention: Lirida Potter, 10 East 40th Street, New failed ambitions. The international cast has been Feb. 25 "Rosemary's Baby" Yo~k. New York, 1~16. said to capture the essence of Checkhov's Mar. 3 "Phantom of the Opera" characters. As Judith Crist put it, "All the outer "Hunchback of Notre Dame" trappings of Checkhovian drama-the listless Mar.4 "Lost World'! The next meeting of the GOLD BUG will be mistiness of his society and its surroundings, the Mar. 10 "Rachel, Rachel'" On November 8 at 6:30 in the Publications inner seethings of his characters covered by small Apr. 16 "Splendor in the Grass" House. New articles will be assigned. As talk, the major tragedies covered by the Apr. 22 Coffee House always, new enthusiasm is welcome! amenities ...all are there." May 16 "The Trojan Women"
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