Page 30 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 7, 1972 Dreams becoming true Reflections by Franeuls ". ..if one advances confidently in the direction of increased to accomodate the extra students. (The Nixon will win his dreams, and endeavors to live the lire which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unex- ~:it~EUn~~~~:fII~~~:~r. *~r~:f~:~~~af:~il~~~~i~~ pected in common hours." committee feels necessary are a new student -Henry David Thoreau center, a new athletic center, and a new fine arts Today, Richard Nixon will win on this For the past few years, two committees have center. The committee then suggest to renovating campus. T~e Mc~overn delegation, albeit been studying the development of the college, and the vacated buildings - and other buildings - to vocal, IS still a minority. Why? What punc- existing programs. accommodate have come up with plans which will serve as guidelines for the betterment of the institution within This building and renovating, of course, costs ~~!~? The Great Liberal College Student the next decade. The Ad Hoc Committee on Com- mo~ey. This money will have to come' from mittees, headed by Dr. Ralph B. Price, compiled a "friends of the college" according to Dr. Price. The Fi~t, take a look at the makeup of students report on "Faculty and Student Governance Bodies LRPC report has 10 million dollars as their capital on this campus. At least two-thirds are on and Committee Structure", which was adopted by funds goal. Therefore, the committee recommends partial or substantialscholarship. This means the faculty on October 5 of this year. that a major effort be made to increase annual at least two-thirds reflect a family income 0 !he Long-Range Planning Committee, a com- ~~~. . somewhere in the neighborhood of $9000-$15000 of faculty, alumni, Trustees, and ad- The work of the LRPC did not just end after a year. Working, or middle class parents. ministrators also headed by Dr. Price, studies long- "putting-out" their report at the beginning of last Granted, there are exceptions, but to qualify range developmental issues and recommends year. The committee is still probing into possible for a scholarship you have to meet certain guidelines to the President of the College and the problems. Th~ latest inquiry involves the library. financial standards, so the figures would seem Board of Trustees. The guidelines set by the The LRPC Will appoint a sub-committee that will to hold true for the majority of those committee were accepted by the faculty on October answer questions such as: .Is the library adequate? 19, and the Board of Trustees on October 20. Dr. Are there enough books? Should there be structural scholarship holders. This income bracket Price commented that the report of the LRPC is a changes done on the library? What additional makes up much of the vast "silent majority" dream. "W_ewere dreamers-we can only hope we functions should the library have? Is there enough that elected Nixon in 1968. They are still silent, were practical dreamers," he said, explaining that study space? and they are still voting. So are their sons the LRPC only dreams and that it is up to the and daughters: the Silent Majority, Jrs. These Trustees, President, and the administrative staff to Letters to the students have had at least a small dose of implement the ideas in the report, if they so desire. conservatism if only in money matters. It is Presently, there are many committees on Editor too much to expect that they can become campus--some of which become redundant as a idealistic about something as close to money result of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on as political idealism. committees. The committee devised a structure of Dear Editor, Second, there is the chronological organizations that rearranges some committee Iregret that Iwas unable to respond to the article placement of WMC's present students. We are functions. This report provides for an All-College "The Truth about Athletic Scholarships" in time for the heart of the "baby boom" that followed Council, for example, which if adopted by the the last Goldbug issue. Because of the importance World War II. Many of our fathers (some student body would incorporate the present func- of the matter involved I do believe it necessary to mothers!) fought in that war. This, too, does tions of the SGA, and the Student Life Council. The submit this letter to you. not lead to too much political liberalism members of the council would include an elected My primary purpose in writing is to make a few regardless of who the candidate is. The student president and vice-president, four elected points of clarification and to hopefully clear up any patriotic vein is still in us, sometimes to the students from each class, six faculty members misunderstandings regarding financial aid. There elected by the entire faculty, and the Student is a real and basic difference between an "athletic point of jingoism where we find it hard to Deans. The student body will vote on the for- scholarship" and "aid to athletes" and that dif- believe anything bad about American ideals. mation of this council some time this school year. ference transcends semantics. Nixon's historical strategy has been to play on The Ad Hoc Committee also proposed a Faculty An athletic scholarship is a grant made to an this, and we are a product of that strategy. We Council whose duties would include advising the (1) irrespective of financial need, in can't overcome it. athlete, President and the Dean of the Faculty, conferring Finally, let's get down to the here and now. and! or of athletic accomplishment with representatives of the All-College Council, and recognition Western Maryland awards no aid to Why should we expect Western Maryland potential. keeping the faculty informed of issues pertinent to students who do not have attested need. College, a small conservative college in a its jurisdiction. The members of the Faculty All aid at Western Maryland is allocated small conservative community, to broader (2) c..oun~i1shall be the President, the Dean of Faculty, through the financial aid office and the Financial the outlook we have gained from the cause~ and eight professors. AidCommittee under guidelines established by that outlined above? For that matter, why should The Ad Hoc Committee in its report on "Faculty Committee. The Committee is composed of faculty and Student Governance Bodies and Committee members, adminstrative staff and students. this college manifest characteristics com Structure" also proposed nine standing faculty pletely different from the general trend of the committees each of which has a different function. (3) Departments may recommend incoming or country? If, indeed, we are in touch with the to the students for con- Committee present Since the faculty has approved them, the new sideration. outside world, shouldn't we behave like th committee structure will be implemented next (4). Many athletes are helped because of academic outside world? My bet is that we will. The tim year, with some committees already being formed ability. These students would have received aid if has not yet come when a generation can b this year. they had no athletic potential whatsoever. completelv free from the influences of it Long Range Planning Committee (5) We do not give financial aid to anyone who does parents, and make a completely autonomou The Long Range Planning Committee report is not in the judgement of the Admissions Committee decision. It may never come. Even the 1 entitled "A. Plan for the Seventies, with Goals for have the potential to graduate from W.M.C. year-old vote can't have a full impact until th the Next Five Years." The report lists numerous (6) As stated in Miss Arrington's article, Western next generation learns to use it as a new voice recommendations which should improve many Maryland follows two premises for aid allocation: not an echo. aspects of the college and college life.' Under the a. We attempt to meet the demonstrable ~eading "Most Urgent Problems", four entries are financial need of the best potential students, as listed. They are, In order of importance: raising the determined by aptitude and achievement. JJl~JiQ!~wsM~zgg student to faculty ratio through an increase in b. We then attempt to meet the demonstrable stud~nt enrollment; improving student personnel financial need of those we feel will make some services; establishing dimensions of need for a additional contributions to W.M.C. beyond VOLUME 49. NUMBER 13 capital ru~ds drive and the planning of the drive; academics. This category contains aid to foreign NOVEMBER 7, 1972 and planning for campus site and basic facilities. students, to disadvantaged students, and' to The LRPC foresees a rise in operating costs for students with unusual ability in public performance EditarĀ·in-Chief CathvNelson the college within the next years. In order to meet of all kinds. Some few athletes are included in this Associate Editar Francois Deeasse these rising costs and in order to minimize the rise last group. N.C.A.A. regulations an athletic News Editor Nellie Chip Arrington Bob Ramsden Edito,s Rause, Under Spons in tuition, the committee suggests increasing the (7) Photography Editar Dave Karbonits student to faculty ratio from a present level of 13 to scholarship may be withdrawn at the end of the Art Editor JimS<">lle-ts a level of .15. This ratio would imply a student body school year provided the student is notified by July H,,rd W~'k: RtI!!9ie Lee, Dona Herbst, Chil,lie Englemiel'", of 1,250 With the same number of faculty. According 1, Lack of participation or even unsatisfactory Clndv 0 Neal, Lmda Pa_lI, Brvson Papham, Linda ~ the re~rt, a ratio of 15 is still low, since some performance could be the motive for terminating Chenaweth. lilrrv uzopoutas, SUI! Stiltker BeckV high quality undergraduate Institutions have ratios such an award. Students at Western Maryland who WiUiams, Richard Etliott ' as high as 18. have received grants in financial aid with the Special thilnks to Ms Nancy Lee Winkelman are not discontinued assurance of participation In the area of student personnel, the committee even if they do not engage in the activity which farp,essreteases. feels additional functions are needed. The Student Entered at theWestminst81, Per~onnel Office, for example, should give at- motivated the award. There obligation is no more Milrvland as second office, ctilss'material Secand class postage post 21157. tention ~o areas not now covered such as personal binding than their conscience dictates. paid at Westminster. Published bV and fa' the counseling, and placement in jobs. I hope that this attempt at clarification has ac- students af Western Milrylilnd College. The opinions nece-ssarilv not .Increasing ~he student body population, as complished its purpose . expressed in this paperda of the college. reflect thaS8 of the administratian dis~ussed .~.rher, would mean expanding certain Most Sincerely, baSIC facilities. New housing facilities may be Greg Getty Address all mail to Bol( 3, Western Marvland College, needed and the cafeteria eating area should be Admissions and 'Financial Aid Westminster, Marviand 21157.
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