Page 32 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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P,I!GE 4 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 7 •.1972 Discovering Washington theater The Washington theater season is currently. of- fering quite a variety in the way of entertainment. "Godspell" now showing at Ford's, and "The Creation of the World, and Other Business" now showing at Kennedy Center's Eisenhower Theatre, reflect two very different approaches to Biblical history. . For the Old 'I'estment buff, there is "The Creation ..." by Arthur Miller. An inconclusive blend of heave Millerian drama and excellent situation comedy, it deals with the events surrounding the banishment of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Lucifer, as portrayed by Hal Holbrook, is a smartmouth hood, complete with black leather jacket and tight jeans. His attempts to take things "Godspell" is now showing at Ford's. The cast of the W.:shington production is pictured here. into his own hands provide much of the comedy for first and second acts, particularly "Creation's" "Third Worlds" focus on liberation when he works his magic on Eve (Susan Bateson) and the profoundly stupid Adam (Bob Dishy). This leaves little for God tStenhen Elliot) to do, the On November 17, IB, and 19, at B:15 p.m., the will move through various areas of Alumni Hall. In result being a sort of standard situation comedy of Department of Dramatic Art will present THIRD each area the focus will be on one of the liberation the 50's, where the father is more stupid that the WORLDS: A LIBERATION PIECE in Alumni groups and the variety of stereotyping within that rest of the family put together. Left as such, the Hall. Third Worlds .- an original production com- group. The emphasis in this' half is on the either/ or play moves well. Miller displays an unexpected piled and improvised by the actors -- focuses on the of the stereotyping. This has been approached very sense of COI,:~C flair (you never heard lines like this conditions, dreams, and actions central to certain simplistically--in most cases, the audience will in The Crucible) which is executed especially well liberation movements of the 70's - black, red, view it straight on, as a guerrilla theatre ex- by BQb Dishy in the difficult role.of.Adam. His brown, female, gay, deaf. perience. broad Brooklyn accent, coupled with a face which The production contends that in our march The second half of the evening legitimizes the slightly resembles a rubber mask, is almost too towards a greater society we have nol tended to position of the third world in relation to the great a talent for the role. Susan Bateson is a value the whole person; instead we have defined liberation units. The focus, placed within the passionate and sensual Eve. Miller. ge_ts into individuals by their sex roles, color roles, and race context of a primitive initiation rite, is on the few trouble, however in the third act. Traditionally, this roles. This tendeccy has led us to define people as who work towards liberation from their particular has been the act where he socks the audience with a either black or white, either male or female, either unit. Simultaneously, as each member moves heavy finish. He doesnot disappoint them here. The a hearer or a non-hearer, etc., proceeding from an toward liberation, the primitive unit is re-enacting only difference is that there has been no previous assumption of only two worlds. But Third Worlds is a part of the initiation rite, and the progression of intimation that "Creation ..." is to be anything else proclaiming that there is a third world must be these people is shown to be anaJagous to the central but a light comedy. When the powerful climax allowed to proceed toward the attainment of its own moments of the primitive r-itual. The end of the rite comes, it is an intrusion rather than a culmination. integrity. is a celebration of the few who have gained The audience is left with a sense "Ofloss, and In order to help attain this legitimacy, the various Hberatton-and a reminder of those who have displacement. It appears that Miller, who is still units have collected and compiled previously remained in the two-world stereotype. rewriting the play, should keep working until he written material and have improvised other The six indi vidual units are responsible for their figures out what it is supposed to be. material, into dramatic form. Putting together. this own costumes, make-up. and sets. The units have Across town at Ford's, however, is a little gem of material has been a process of becoming familiar been assisted by the Technical Production class. a musical, "Godspell". It does cast a delightful with the issues within each liberation group. The set and the masks for the Primitive unit have spell over the audience thanks to its joyous music, In the first half of the production, the audience been designed by John Van Hart, and the costumes youthfully exuberant cast, and semblance of for the Primitive unit have been designed and spontenaeity. Based on the Gospel According to St. What can you do executed by Rebecca Weinfeld. Lighting designer by Matthew, as "Jesus Christ Superstar" but wit a treats much of the same "Godspell" assisted is Don Ehman, and stage manager material Steve Judd. Bill Tribby is the director. Where ."Superstar" with a 21 year old Richard Bayly, Tom Blair, Deborah Buck, Janice distinctly sweeter flavor. of the Christian message The cast includes: Deb Barnes, Michael Basile, grinks, "Godspell" smooths. The emphasis on love, joy, and the universality girl who hates Cornell, John Crooms, Dale Denny, Harvey Doster, surpasses any kind of pseudo-religious attempts to Barb Drummond, Ric Durlty, Sandy Fargo, Jan convert. Indeed, "Godspell" has very little to do Harrington, David Hay, Linda Hirsch, Ed Hogan, with religion; rather, it deals with the importance spinach? Conni Hutson, David Iverson, Chris Landskroener. master of ceremonies to the comedy-drama taking as a sort of Steve Judd, Jeff on human contact. appears Jesus Karr, Barbara Kristiansen, Larry Lazopoulos, Scott McCreary, Jerry place through the Biblical parables being por- McGaugh ran, Jo Miner, Derek Neal, Bev Penn, trayed. His speeches are comprised almost totally Nancy Phoebus, Debbey Radcliffe, Sherrin Roby, of scripture; but the effect is so subtle so as not to Carol Sandhofer, Bonnie Seidel, Patti Taylor, Suzan imply a sermon. attemp_t. "Godspell" does no Van Laningham, and Tom Yingling. moralizejnstead of telling people how. they ought Informal dress is advised. Tickets, at one dollar, to behave, it demonstrates the joy of living. The will be on sale in the college bookstore beginning simplistic sets, mustcal crchestretion and Monday, November 13, and prior to each per- costumes are designed as unobtrusive augmentation formance. by Larry lazopoulos of the real message. The cast itself expends enough energy in-one performance to light Washington for a week. They are all young, enthusiastic, and totally committed to giving their all at every spills over into performance. Their effervescence The world's best pizzo. ~t.\1thEANc. the audience, which is usually singing by the end of the first act. All in all, "Godspell" is an experience not to be missed. It has something of value whether you are Christian or not. Discover it. by Cathy Nelson $1.00 off on all pizzas with presentation of advertisement. featuring: ~_ Donuts, Fancy Pastries, Offer ends on November 30. -CARROll COUNTY I~;~:~~Cones, .ib~.- Assorted Beverages, (0 ~ E1ARPET RT. 140 VILLAGE Westminster, Md. Sundaes and \ _, 848 . 0007 Banana Splits. 'n 6567 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE Rugs and Rug Remnants Catonsville, Md. Canoll Pbza.Shopping Center 788 - 8070 OPEN ~4 HOURS A OAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Westminster, Maryland 21157
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