Page 38 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 21, 1972 Faculty approves new government· Reflections The Faculty on October 5 by affirmative vote Council may have a steering committee composed adopted The Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on of the officers of the Council and as many other Committees. This ru-aft sets the substantive por- members as the Council would decide. Its duties tions of the model described in Report in statute may include arranging agenda, acting as a Decision affects form together with the distribution of committee nominating committee for the Council's Standing responsibilities. . Committees, recommending to the Faculty Council future of WMC Part I potential faculty nominees for the -All-College THE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Council, and acting as liaison with the Faculty The College Governance chart shows the Council. organizational relationships of the Faculty, its 6.0 Standing Committees of the College In case anyone hasn't noticed, Western Executive Council. its standing Committees. the All Standing Committees shall be available to Maryland is golnglng through a period of All-College Council, and the Long-Range Planning both the Faculty and the All-College Council (or widespread change: a new president, an Committee in the total governance of the College." SGA) for information}. and discusssion of issues approaching new dean of the faculty, a new - Items on the Governance Chart are numbered which may come before these bodies. However, as corresponding to the following descriptive sections: shown in th chart, Standing Committees are "ad- and varied January term. Another event in 1.0 Long-Range Planning Committee: visory" to the All-College Council (or SGA). They this period of transition is the possible advent The LRPC is a Trustee-appointed Committee are the creation of, elected by, and responsible to of a new type of governmental structure on composed of Trustees, administrative staff, tM Faculty, and as such, they shall bring to the the Western Mary-landcampus. It is vital that faculty, alumni and students. The committee Faculty those matters requiring policy approval; those of us at- WMC right now become in- studies issues in the long range development of the on other matters they shall report all completed terested in it, since what we do about it will College and recommends to the President and the action. influence future activities here. Our present Board of Trustees. " ~~I!~e~~~~e:~i~I:~O'itio~ns"/ Board 01 Trustees' responsibility is a great one, so it is our duty to 2.0 Faculty Mfairs Committee: The Faculty Affairs Committee is a standing Posilions/ be well informed. Milford Sprecher, S.G.A. committee of the Faculty with a separate statute. president, submitted the proposal to Gold Bug The current prohibition of faculty serving con- with this notation, "The following is a con- currently on the Administrative Advisory Council is densation of the Committee_on Committees hereby removed. (The present functions of the AAC report that has been voted on and approved by is absorbed by the Faculty Council of the Faculty as the faculty and now awaits the approval of the described in 3.4. on page 5.) The F ACreports to the student body. It has been reproduced here for Dean of the Faculty and the President. 3.0 Faculty: ',Faculty AfiairsCommltteel you so you will be familiar with the plan as it will be voted on sometime next semester. I The Faculty is defined with a specifically en- franchised membership. (The President, Dean of advise you to keep this article so you will be the Faculty & all full time Faculty.) . able to refer back to it when it is argued in 3.4The Faculty Council: The Faculty Council of ~;.:::.":~' ''"''"''0' further issues of Gold Bug. It is of the utmost the Faculty includes in addition to the President importance that you be familiar with this and the Dean of Faculty, the following elected ~~~H'" proposal. The Faculty has accepted and will faculty: three professors, three associate I'''"~ adopt the proposed plan except for the area J:kofessors, and two assistant professors. pertaining to activities of the student body. We 4.0 Student Body: will have to decide whether we will want to The Student Body includes all regularly enrolled (S'tindlngCOmmiUees undergraduates eligible to vote in class and student "The chart of College Governance refers only to the adopt the proposal as it stands, or whether we elections. participation of Faculty and students. Some ad- want to keep the present. S.G.A., or else 5.0 The All-College Council: ministrative officers and staff, who report directly reorganize it in anyway." The All-College Council if and when adopted by to the President, do not appear on it; such ad- the students may incorporate the present functions ministrative officers and the areas for which they of the SGA, and the Student Life Council. are responsible are included in a total College Hopefully. there can be much debate during 5.1 Membership and Franchise: .The en- organization chart. the next few months over these changes. We franchised membership shall be an annually need as many opinions as can possibly be elected student president and vice president, four expressed, so that we can present all points of students elected annually from each class, six Honor System view. Wehave a chance to do something really faculty (serving staggered terms of three years) worthwhile for this institution, so let's not elected by the Faculty, and the Student Deans, the may change louse it up with apathy. What we decide af- latter serving ex officio. Elected faculty serving on the Faculty Council are not eligible to serve on the fects pot only us, but also the future of Western All-College Council. by Chip Wright Maryland College. 5.2Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of the Council- Proposed changes to the Honor System at CARE. -delegated by the Faculty---may include the Western Maryland are subject to the approval of CCN present powers of the SGA, and the advisory func- the faculty and the student body. This system, tions of the Student Life Council. Other jurisdictions intended to emphasize the merits of honor and In- tegrity, has produced several changes in the past, ~risid~nta~~of~!etol?:g:haend~e~~r~~n'~~~~lt~~ the including a new constitituion and various amend- Dean Mowbray 5.3 Organization: The All-College Council may ments. These changes have resulted in a more write its own constitution and by-laws and deter- workable and fairer system. On Wednesday, mine its own sub-committee structure necessary to November 29th, a proposed change in the Honor bakes a cake. carry out its jurisdiction. System Constitution will be presented to the student 5.4 Steering Committee: The All-College body for a referendum. The present constitution states that "all changes of substance in the Honor System will become ef- by Dave Romer fective by an affirmative vote of the faculty and 75% HINGE has some upcoming events that should be of the student votes cast." Upon review and of interest to everyone. Last week you had your discussion of other constitutions, including the chance to play Jimmy the Greek before the WMC - United States Constitution, which call for a 2/ 3 Johns Hopkins football game. HINGE, in need of a VOLUME 49. NUM~ER 14 majority of the votes cast for a change, the Honor financial boost, has decided to hold a bake sale NOVEMBER 21, 1972 ~ Court is proposing a change in the Honor System following Thanksgiving vacation. This will be no whereby the change will become effective by a 2/ 3· Cathy Nelson ordinary bake sale, as it will feature a cake baked Associate Editor Franc-ois Derasse majority of the votes cast. The new portion of the by our beloved Dean Mowbray and other N_s EditOl"" Nellie Arrington constitution will read: "All changes of substance in distinguished faculty members. HINGE would Sports Editors Chip Rousa, Bob Ramsdell the Honor System will become effective by an af- appreciate your support of this event, as the group Photography EditOl"" Dave Korbenits Art Editor Jim SoUers firmative vote of the faculty and 2/ 3 of the student can only be as effective as our budget allows. votes cast. Hard Work: Reggie lite, Dona Herbst, Charlie Englemier,' In essense, a vote FOR on the referendum is in Cindy O'Neal, Linda Powell, Bryson Popham, Linda favor of lowering the majority needed to 2( 3; a The members of HINGE would like to thank all Chenoweth, Larry LazOPOUI05, Sue Stalker, Becky those students on campus who helped make our Williams, Richard Elliott vote AGAINST on the referendum is in favor of annual Halloween Party a night to remember for retaining the 75% majority. the young people of Westminster. To all those Special thanks to Ms Nanc:v Lee Winkelman Voting will be held in the Grille from 9:00 A.M. fer press releases. handing out trick or treat candy, I only hope t~at until 4:30P.M. and in the cafeteria during dinner on you enjoyed the experience as much as the kids did. Entered as second class material at the Westminster, November 29th. To the members of the Art Department who worked Maryland post office, 21157. second class postage Other constitutions and voting bodies require a long hours assembling the Haunted House, the paid at Westminster. Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions 2/ 3 majority or less for passing proposed changes. reactions of both kids and tutors were enough to tell expressud in this pap&rdo not necessarilyl"9fl9ctthose While still a substantial majority voice, a 2/ 3 you that those long hours of work were well worth of the administration of the college. majority is also much easier to attain than a 75% it! The best thanks anyone can receive is seeing a "Address all mail to Box 3, Western Maryland ColJege, majority, making the change and improvement happy face, and thanks to the students there were Westminster, Maryland 21157. process easier. many of these this Halloween night.
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