Page 34 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 7, 1972 Kersch ner to study Stevens to research by linda Powell A sabbatical term, which slips into. the lives of many WMC profs at various times during their For theuast two years Dr. Ray Stevens has taken teaching careers, will claim the attention of Dr. groups of Western Maryland students to England Jean Kerschner second semester. She will use the during January Term. This year he will be going time to increase her knowledge of the topics she alone ...Or. Stevens will be on sabbatical leave from teaches at WMC. , WMC during January Term and second semester. Remaining in Westminster during the interval, Dr. Stevens will spend his time doing research Dr. Kerschner will commute to Johns Hopkins mainly in the Library of Congress in Washington. Medical School where she will lake a class in However, during Jan. Term, he will do his human genetics, taught by Dr. Victor A. McKusick, researching at the British Museum in London. who is considered the dean of the. study of human During his stay in London, he plans on spending his genetics in the United States. According to Dr. days in the library and his nights in the theatre. Kerschner, Dr. McKusick "has done an awful lot of Dr. Stevens is working on a John Galsworthy work with educating the public about birth defects bibliography for the Northern Illinois University of genetic origin." This course will aid Dr. Ker- Press Annotated Second Bibliography Series. He is schner later when she teaches a January term a co-editor of this volume. John Galsworthy was a human genetics course. twentieth century novelist and playwright who won In addition to her studies at Johns Hopkins, Dr. the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1933. His most Kerschner plans to work in a lab at the J.F.K. In- famous work was The Forsythe Saga. Dr. Steven's stitute For The Rehabilitation Of The Mentally And research will make it much easier for interested Physically Handicapped Child. She wants to learn students to find information on some of the techniques in human chromosome Besides working on the bibliography, Ga'sworthy. Dr. Stevens studies as well as some of the biochemical diseases will also be collecting data for an article on Joseph caused by gene mutation. Head of the genetic Conrad. section at the institute is Dr. George H. Thomas, a Dr. Stevens and Dr. Dietrich of the Music graduate of Western Maryland. He is particularly Department are hoping to take a group of WMC interested in enzymatic deficiency which causes students to New OrleansnextJanuaryTerm in order gene mutations such as mental retardation or to study the cultural and literary aspects of life physical handicaps. Though cures have not yet been there. They will be visiting the French Quarter and discovered for these disabilities, research is being the Cagun and Creole areas of the city. done. The purpose of this lab is to connect various deficiencies with certain diseases or handicaps. Dr. Kerschner would like to incorporate the results of her lab study into her cytology class. Asked about her anticipation of the sabbatical, Dr. Kerschner said, "I think it will be very nice. I Harrison House fights blues haven't had a sabbatical since 1961, and this is a kind of recharging of batteries. I can catch up on what's new, and get out of the old rut." by Linda Chenoweth There must be some way them a chance to meet and talk with former That I can lose these Lonesome blues Western Maryland graduates. Students attacked Forget about my past and brunches. On a rotating basis, students are invited Harrison House also sponsors coffee Sunday Find someone new I've thought of everything from A to Z over to the alumni house to share in coffee and Oh Lonesome Me. doughnuts, read the Sunday papers, and to just "Oh Lonesome Me" by Don Gibson spend a casual Sunday morning away from the by Linda Powell Students finding that there doesn't seem to be dorms. What evil lurks in the heart of the Art Club? Four anything to do or anyone who cares about them, A series of career information programs are also hundred fifty people found out on Halloween night might be surprised to find they have friends in being offered. Students are encouraged to come an.'! when they visited the Art Club's Haunted House. Harrison Alumni House. The Undergraduate listen to returning' alumni talk about their I was one of those people. Winding through the Relations Committee wants to cure your professions. If a student is interested i~ a certain darkened rooms, clutching to the string that led me, "Lonesome blues." field, he should inform a representative of the I was attacked or assailed from all sides by Established in the spring of 1970, the purpose of Alumni Association of his interest, and a guest subhuman apparitions of what once were Western the Undergraduate Relations Committee is: 1) to speaker in that field will be provided. Md. Students. Iwas attacked by a falling bookshelf, foster on th part of undegraduates, knowledge of The Undergraduate Relations Committee also a boa constrictor and Count Dracula who arose the alumni association and 2) to provide services holds a program for welcoming freshmen through from his coffin for his evening meal of blood. As I for students not provided by some other the presentation of a coffee mug. Undergraduate tried to avoid the boa constrictor and the clutches of organization of the college. members of the committee are: Patti Herold, Bill raving women, I was attacked from behind by This year the Alumni Association is initiating a McCormick, Michael Bricker, Katherine Parker, Frankenstein whose iron grip was broken only summer job program for undergraduates. It will Bill Thomas and Beth McWilliams. Students are when he spotted his next victim. I was also nearly provide students with a list of summer jobs encouraged to talk with these representatives and run over by Roy Fender and his motorcycle. available in their hometowns. inform them of what they would like to see im- Throughout the visit I had several opportunities to The Undergraduate Relations Committee is also proved or started on campus. die and on the whole it was a very haunting ex- sponsoring "Dinner for Strangers." Local alumni The alumni house is open to students to come and perience. will host dinners in their homes for groups of un- visit. It is on campus to serve the student. Utilizing dergraduate students. These dinners will enable Harrison Huse is a good way to lose those Benn's students to have a home-cooked meal and give "Lonesome blues." Tape World MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR also now has t~.~ Latest Albums TUX RENTALs $5.98 list: $4.49 Westminster Shopping Center WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE BEST PRICE IN TOWN STUDENTS! SPECIAL FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER !!! 1 CENT SALE !!! Free Poster A coke for a penny with purchase of with purchase of any sub or pizza 3Z3 E, Main St. wesrmmster. Md Tape-Album The Patio Sandwich Shop BLANK 8·TRACKS 848 -5860 - *SANVO PS: Game Room now open!) AUTO TAPE PLAYERS QUANTITY DISCOUNTS ~._~ _ ...... _.~._ ~·~D ~_~
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