Page 40 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 40
'AGE 4 THE GOLD BUG • Booters win last five by Charles Englemier After losing six of their first seven games, the they encountered the Terrors. Western Maryland soccer team rallied to win their In the final game of the season the soccer team last five contests. Their final 1972'record was five hosted arch-rival Johns Hopkins. The Terrors wins, six losses and one tie. The Terrors finished in scored first on the Blue Jays early in the first half the middle of the pack in the Middle Atlantic when Mark Wilcock booted one in the goal, asisted Conference race. One of the highlights of the season by- Dick Hall. Thirty seconds later Western occurred last week when the Terrors upset Maryland's Bob Buchannan scored assisted by previously undefeated Franklin & Marshall by the Paul Phelps to make it 2-0. Hopkins tallied once in score 3-{).Western Maryland closed out the season the first half, the half ending in favor of Western by edging Johns Hopkins, 2-1. Maryland 2-1. Offensively, Hopkins con- At Franklin & Marshall the first half was trolled the second half, but they couldn't score' on scoreless due to a great save by Terror goalie Chris the sparkling Terror defense, The Blue Jays Hannaby on a penalty trick. Inspired by this play, threatened to score several times but Western Western Maryland broke the game wide open in the Maryland held on and finally won, 2-l. second half by scoring three goals. Mark Wilcock, The team finished string with five straight vic- Remi Illupeju and Charlie Keil scored for Western tories. Tied for the team lead in scoring, (goals a~d . Maryland. Franklin & Marshall was previously assists combined) was Mark Wilcock and Charhe unbeaten in Midd1e Atlantic Conference play until Keil. Finishing out a fine season were seniors Dick Hall, Bob Buchannan, Jerry McGaughran, Greg Green Terrors Hare and Mark Wilcock. each of us must take "a peek Ploy from page 1 The people must not stand resemble actual human beings." fall to Hopkins energetic bunch of actors and actresses who have represented by members of the put a lot of work into their production. Each group expressed the comment, "We 'thought of the ideas for their own set and were not our own identities. We are still allowed to view each other's sets until the entire set coalition." The brown group by a 27-9 score. was finished. Walking through this section, basic drained" after their performance to that did evolve were very evident. similarities "It's a good drain." blacks expressed, When I talked with the groups, I became more Each group was asked to prepare their own aware of the great enthusiasm for the production using material they felt expressed the causes by Donna Herbst they were to perform. The goals they wished to wished to convey. The three groups each had In the last and most emotionally heated contest of accomplish were 'varied. The brown group, minutes apiece for their performance which the 1972season, the Green Terror football team fell represented by Steve Judd and Scott McCreary, felt too short a time to convey . to Johns Hopkins, 27-9. stressed the importance of "indicating awareness blacks responded that it was very The Terrors were plagued by fumbles and in- of the various movements" throughout their limit their material because they also complete passes. In first quarter action an at- group's performance. Important to them was the dense all their emotion into a very tempted punt fake failed, and the Blue Jays took fact that this is not a political play, however, it is minutes. They felt that they could more over the ball at the WMC fifteen yard line. Hopkins trying to make one more aware of the human project this emctiveness because they quarterback Jack Thomas ran the ball in for a content where personal identity is important. The whereas the brown and red groups 'had touchdown, and then kicked the extra point. black group, represented by J. W. Crooms Jr., what material would most equivocate the Western Maryland was forced to punt on the next termed the production "more of a people play." of the Mexicans and Indians respectively. J. series of downs, but the defense successfully held He was interested in making people aware -of the Crooms Jr. of the black group summarized the Blue Jay line, and the quarter ended, 7-0. stereotypes pasted on these different groups. The feelings very nicely as he said, "1 welcome Mike Bricker passed to left end Andy Keefer red group, represented by Jeff Karr, remarked that opportunity to show what I feel as a black early in second quarter action to put the Terrors on tile three groups were placed in the same location, "If you are offended, we want you to be," the scoreboard, but an attempt to run a two-point serving to bind them together into a close-knit closely-knit group. They felt themselves conversion was blocked. Odd Haugen later kicked a community. He stressed the fact that by creating to expressing most severely the human 26yard field goal, and the half-time score stood at 9- stereotypes and labelling people, the majority playTheir liberation would come from 7. enforces a passivity over the minorities which culture, not outside it. John Hopkins bounced back in the second half with attempts to placate the consciences of the majority. mitment to the ideals of their distir ret cuttur e. two touchdowns, with only one extra point good. Jeff also stressed the "individuality" content or want to share a 'sense of community. The Mike Coons intercepted a Blue Jay pass at their 27 "integrity concept" written about by Mr. pointedly replied, "It helped us to learn yard line, but the Terrors lost yardage and fumbled Lazopoulos in the November 7th issue of the Gold ourselves and our liberation." at the JH 23. Hopkins dominated the ball in the Bug. This struggle to attain integrity or personal The deaf group was represented fourth quarter. Andy Keefer recovered a fumble.on and individual pride are the common elements in Radcliffe and Linda Hirsch. Their the Jay's 20 yard line after WMC had punted to all the "movements;" those which try to elevate putting on the production was to show Hopkins, but opponent safety Les Matthews in- the positions of the groups in our American society people are when they stereotype a tercepted the ball four plays later at the Western today. The black group summarized this attempt in think is that deaf people can't hear." Maryland 25 yard line. Hopkins scored again to two ideas. He says that "either the individual repels that they ran into was that of finish the game 27-9. the situation or looks at it objectively, and trys to empathize, but really COUldn't Randolph Macon College defeated Hampton- help work it out." people because none of them are deaf. ' Sydney on Saturday, ending the Terrors hopes of The brown and red groups claimed that "they hit you visually, everybody else can hit clinching the Mason-Dixon conference cham- have never been taken seriously, and that their sounds. Our society today is geared pionship. The team ended the season with a 3-6-1 causes must be brought to light if the culture is to be hearing and not the deaf person," record. saved." Steve Judd of the brown group said that stressed. Chris Landskroener, a member of the cast, feels that if the production ' audience hard, there wouldn't be today's world. "Camino pointed out d.,,,",'itv·-.hl. points out what the upper middle class on," he says. The whole play meant its cast after they saw each other's ritual stopped being automatic," like to see it, myself in it. People are the issues." Dale Denny, who soprano music throughout the . are no stars in this play. "No one knocks anybody's ideas. I who suggested what,and it doesn't points out- Each cast member feels very about his or her particular role. "I feel as a Dale remarks. "My singing is omnipotent." doing a very personal service." Chris says. The play was one of the most original and bending productions to come out of the department in four short weeks. It remembered that most of the cast their particular segments four times each of the four nights of performance. ' the most amazing experiences I've director Bill Tribby declares. "Really a . held a meaning within that was there for the And to have taken it was to have taken it hard.
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