Page 26 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 26
PAGESIX THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER24,1972 Prof. "IDs- Two young housemothers grace WMC dorms this year. PROFI LES salutes Zepp continued from page 2 Linda Northcraft L and Susan p:age.· Northcraft ·"To just be human" desperationhasbeendescribedbyoneobserveras --Julie Mullen upholds abortions but denounces sterilization of if "the last night of summer camp were being held co~~~:ri~e C~~:ff~~~~::~~tes~ts;:a~~~s,t:~~i:pe~:e~~~?:ltri~t!~:S~~r~c~~~~'"tennis, watching ini: ~~;~~~!d r~fn~~ef~~~nit~~ flip-flop fro~ Frostburg State lee-shirt certainly isn't the pro-football and baseball (especially the Redsktns drugs in the Jesus Freaks to the ascetic communes ~~t~~i::~;O~~he:C~\l::S~~~~e~~rfsl~n~e?~~~~~=;:Ci~:~~~~~~stPil~~i;t~h~~~~S;a~~:;~~n~n~a:~~ng~~:~~~~shid:~~u~fc~~~a:~~~~~~~ ~~~\W~:!'I~~~; S~~~~~~~E~t~~as~~~!n~:f~t~;:~~~~~~~rE:!~~j~~~~~;:!~~~~it~a~i~~~h;\:n~u~~:~~;;:~~~:l£~~~;~~~~~ut~fi;omi~~d~::Pl~~a~~: with her jeans on and watches along with numerous is explained in her feelings on life which was defin- periencepersonallytherealityofGod' participate in students the conclusion of "Love Story" on by Eric Fromm as he stated " ...that people should the ecstatic dimension of life; to take seriously television. When asked what approach she believes like themselves in order to have ability to love commitment and dedication to Jesus; to know what :~~;cli~t~l~~oa~u~?~~t~ul:is/~111h~~a~~~~e~I~~; another person or :~t~nco~~~~~Jtbfyhri~~~~I~~th~~~ fi~~!!~~:!~~~~ with maintaining the existing rules, she believes it society and to share in the intimacy of a close- knit is necessary for everyone to be treated equally and community.· for her to always be available to the students who On the other hand, questions may be raised about': have any problems. the movement's elitism and self-righteousness (us Previously from Cumberland, Maryland, Miss and them syndrome); its anti-intellectualism (the Northcraft acquired her Bachelors of Science repetition of biblical verses which amount to non- degree in History Education at Frostburg State answers); its tendency to program the Holy Spirit College and continued graduate work in Library (someone once said: "The Spirit blows where it Science at Clarion State College in Pennsylvania. wills"): its covert anti-semitism (all those "Jesus: She is currently attending graduate courses on One Way" signs) and an advocacy of a private campus for her masters in library science. Bef -re salvation which often results in an a-political stance. coming to Western Maryland College, she taught I want to say "yes" to this beginning; but my one year at S1. Patrick's in Cumberland, preceded concern is that Jesus people move from a cult of by four years as a librarian at Alleghany High Jesus to a more comprehensive Christian theology School. Her opinion on the advantages of a student centering around God's reconciling love for all attending a small, private college such as WMC, people in Christ. This could allow them to move rather than a large, public supported college is, from the letter of the law to the Spirit of the law, basically, having a smaller ratio between the from law to gospel, from bondage to "spiritual student and faculty. The faculty in a liberal arts laws" to freedom in God's grace. college tends to have graduated from the better Sociologists and historians of American religion schools in the area; therefore, the quality of see reflected in the Jesus Movement our propensity education is usually better, the students' welfare for revivalism and have noted how regularly we taking higher prestige. Also in a liberal arts tend to cycle, I suppose we cannot bear for long the college, a student is exposed to a more varied intensity of too much activism or too much curriculum than in a state school. spirituality. G:~~~N~~~~~:~~s avso~e~~o~;s~e~~~~:t ~~~~i~!~~ Pog e-_....oth 1°ng ·-----W-EL-C-O-M-E-B-A-C-=-R-,---- Nixon. Her opinion on Nixon's administration is I~ WESTt:RN MARYLA.ND COLLEGE very negative towards his stand on the economic th ltl ) STUDENTS! pointmentstotheSupr-emeCourt,etc.,etc..etc...- wor wrl Ingo NEW PIZZA! The Baby Pizza, (for the mini mouth) busing, his ap- policy, bombing of Cambodia, She feels that in order to have our P.O.W.s released SPECIALFORMONTHOF OcTOBER: we should unconditionally surrender our forces to .. Debbie Day FAEE Baby Cheese Pizza with purchase North Vietnam. T"There's nothing about me that's worth writing!" o(any regular pizza (snow 10 card) Concerning Women's Liberation--"I'm all for it." The new "student" you might find sitting in She believes aU types of employment should be Whiteford's office is really the new housemother, The Patio Sandwich Shop open to women and that "sex is no stand for Susan Page. Full of energy, hamming up the dorm 848 - 5860 segregation." Miss Northcraft feels also that intercom, and hanging up the telephone with an ps: Game Room now open!) housewives across the nation should receive exasperated "Is this an answering service?", Miss government compensation for watching their Page is working on her Master's in Guidance and children instead of the establishment of Day Care Counseling here at WMC in addition to being head Centers. In view of twenty-four hours open dorms, resident at Whiteford. her belief is that there should exist permanent key A 1966graduate of Pennsbury Senior High School privileges whereby the students, with parental in Yardley, Pennsylvania, and a 1971 graduate of Permission, could be issued a key to open the Muhienburg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, dorm's front door. In a similar method, a key is Miss Page was involved in a number of activities. issued to the student for her room with periodical She played the flute in her high school band, was a checks to insure that the keys have not been lost. member of the local chapters of the National Honor Also, she would like to see the non-existence of the Society and Future Teachers of America, and pin board. She definitely believes in population served on the World Affairs Council. At Muhlen- control and her answer is having government in- burg she was a member of the chapel choir and .tervention through taxes-whereby the number of concert band, in which she played the flute--"Of exemptions would not exist in a family depending course, is there any other instrument?" She also on its size and thus discouraging large families. She served on the college's Junior-Senior Council which she prefers to call "Lots of Hard Work because no one wanted to do it." After graduation from college with a B.A. in. English, Miss Page was an unemployed teacher for three months. She then worked as a bookkeeper in a Means never having bank for a year and a half while taking night-school graduate courses at Rider College in Trenton, New to say you're hungry. Jersey. as good at it as she'd like to be. She is currently The world's best pizzo. In her spare time, Miss Page enjoys sewing, knitting, and crocheting. She loves tennis but isn't hunting for a lousy tennis-lover with whom she might play. She also enjoys, reading and writing ~:%:~~::n~~;~nePIZZA poetry and plays. "I've almost perfected the art of letter-writing, too." Every month she grabs lllJT" Cosmopolitan magazine because "fifty per cent of ".e'nrhe. my horoscope always comes true." She practices the art of building figures out of candle wax on a wax-covered table, a project she calls her candle ® "1 table. ® Looking to the future, Miss Page hopes to com- AT. 140 VILLAGE Westminster, Md. plete her Master's degree in Guidance and work in 848 . 0007 the guidance department of a community college. 6567 BALTIMORE NATIONAL PIKE "I'm going to enter a convent next year, since I've Catonsville, Md. already been here a year," she jokes. "But there's 788·8070 nothing about me that's worth writing."
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