Page 27 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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OCTOBER 24,1972 THE GOLD BUG PAGE SEVEN· SUN MON lUES WED lHURS FRI SAl October 22 Jr.ClnsMeeling·M 106 8:00 Film-"Mutinyonthe Sounly"·Oeckcr_7:30 By-laws, contests, and summ-er travel plans Ttousands of paying student jobs are again accomplished photographer and famed en- Faculty Club. The public is welcome to hear the available in Europe for this winter and next tertainer, Sammy Davis Jr.: Pulitzer Prize winner, director summer. Winter jobs are available now in Swiss, Eddie Adams; professional photographer, Doris Mr. Culman's topic will be "Why the Arts, German, Austrian, and French ski resorts, Pinney; photographic editor, Jack Deschin; Theatre in Particular?" restaurants and hotels. jobs for next summer are Newsweek photographer, Bernard Gotfryd; and available throughout Europe in resorts, UPI's Harold Blumenfeld. restaurants, hotels, hospitals, factories, offices, Entry blanks and contest information are shops and on farms for those who like outdoor work. available at all participating camera stores m~~~~el~n:~a~~r:tSWes~!~~st~n:ryr:~~eSC~~eg~~ Most of the jobs are located in Switzerland, France, throughout the U.S. Deadline for entries is has been elected president of the Cumberland Germany and Spain, but selected positions are November 30, 1972. All black and white or color Valley Chapter, Ailiance Francaise. available in other countries. Standard wages are prints, or cardboard mounted slides are eligible. Mr. Derasse, a native of France, will hold the always paid, and free room and board are provided presidency for a one-year term. He has been a with most of the jobs. Men's Council by-laws were accepted as changed member a member of the Western Maryland This simply means that any college student faculty since 1963. on October 9, according to Council President Dave ' willing to work can earn a trip to Europe. A few Petrucci. weeks work at a paying job in Europe more than The main change in the articles is summarized in pays for the new round-trip winter youth fare to the Purpose clause: "The Men's Council shall have Hinge is sponsoring a "trick-or-treat" night for Europe and a few more weeks on the job earns youngsters on Tuesday, October 31. The plan is to more than enough money for ravelling around the authority to insure that the male students at take the children on a prescribed route around the Europe. The Student Overseas Services OS), a Western Maryland College conduct themselves in a campus, stopping at various trick-or-treat stations. college men. It shall specifically Luxembourg student organization, will obtain a manner befitting with mainte~ance, discipline, and Anyone wishing to donate their room or club room be concerned job, a work permit, visa, and any other necessary generally well-organized living and study con- is asked to contact either Steve Kettells or Adele working papers required for any college student di tions 10 the men's residence areas." Moorman before Tuesday. Help is needed, so please who applies early enough. give a little; remember how much fun you had? It's Any student may obtain appncatton forms, JOb Petrucci noted the.switch to a new emphasis on listings and descriptions, and the SOS Handbook on i,:"proving men's living conditions instead of still fun. earning a trip to Europe by sending their name, disciplinary action by the Council has already had address, educational institution, and $1 (for ad- tangible results in the installation of candy machines in two sections of ANW and one section of dressing, handling and postage) to either MeLea. The Council members are now working on Placement Office, Student Overseas Services, 22 putting lights on the sides of the end sections of the ART BUILDING Ave. de la Liberte, Luxembourg-Europe, or to SOS, two older dorms and providing volleyball equip- Box 5173, Santa Barbara, California 93108. Ap- ment for the men's quad in the spring. plications for winter jobs in Europe should be sent He said Dean Mowbray feels men do not take immediately, and all job applications should be advantage of facilities such as the laundry sent early enough to allow the SOS Placement equipment in Rouzer because they do not read the Office ample time to process job arrangements and college handbook or catalog. working papers_. _ Dave suggested that any male student with problems or suggestions should go to his Council With a wealth of striking photo possibilities for representative who will relay the information to the this exciting election year, and an array of prizes-- group. Council members are President Dave including a 1973American Motors Gremlin, a 15-day Petrucci, ANW 342, Secretary Andy Mitchell trip to Istanbul, Dubrovnik and Athens; a tropical McLea A25.Representatives Rouzer: Bob Robison- island vacation to Hawaii or the Caribbean; a 101, Ron Baldwin-211, Jim Massey-305, Mark Konica Autoreflex-T Camera; a complete Simmon Colangelo-428; McLea: Larry Matthews-B12, Art Om-ega darkroom outfit; and a dazzling covey of Robitaille-C23, Randy Nurman-Diz ; Albert Norman other prizes-the Newsweek." Konica photo contest Ward: Jack Tracy-2I6, Jack Stahl-32l, Bernie Westminster-Art Club officials admitted today promises to be an - exciting contest for Leitch-333, and Mike McDearmon-142. that the Art Building on the Western Maryland photographers everywhere. The events thus far in campus contains supernatural phenomena which Campaign '72 mark this as another highly visual cannot be explained. An Art Club official announ- election year. Peter W. Culman of Center Stage will speak at ced that interested persons will be asked to enter Open to any photographer, professional or Western Maryland College Thursday, October 26, the building on Halloween night and investigate amateur, the contest entries may record any aspect at 11:30 a.rn. as best they can the "strange sounds," "voices," of the electoral process-people, places, issues or Mr. Culmen, producing director of Center Stage and "things that lurk in the dark." The Club events, on the local or national level. in Baltimore, will speak in 106 Memorial Hall. His member added that a fee of 25 cents will be The en~:i~s ~ill be judged by such notables as the appearance on the campus is sponsored bv the charged in case the terror is overwhelming and next of kin must be notified.
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