Page 23 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 23
uare dancing that square Chip Rouse Square dancing is really not all that square--just ask any member 9£ the folk dancing class, and they'll gladly attest to the hilarious hijinks that accompany the "promenades" and "do-si-dos" that resound throughout Blanche Ward Gym. Joan Weyers, who teaches the course, lets her own enthusiasm diffuse throughout the class, and in doing so, makes even the most apathetic student come alive. The course is officially called "Folk, Square and Social dancing", and though at this writing only folk and square dancing have been touched upon, it is easy to-project what the outcome of the course shall be. It is unfortunate that few people know about this 'course, for it is certain that if they did, they would "all profit from it, in both areas of skill and fun. The course began with· folk 'dancing.. including circle dances with names like "Goodnight, ladies" and the "Swiss May Dance", square folk 'dances (one was a Swedish drinking song called "Gustav's Skoal," in which the dancers sang along), and the ever-popular Irish lilt or jig. For those of us who "Circle rig~t!" is the call as square dancers execute ~ standard variation on the "Texas Star." A aren't fairy-footed, or at least as nimble as we'd lovely setting and a relaxed .atmosphere surround this session of one of the more unusual classes. to be, these dances are surprisingly easy to and perform, and even more surprising, One Jan. Term still in transition not look silly doing them. Even during the High- Schouisch, a jig of certain complexity, few ~ stumbled and most everyone enjoyed it. by Francois Derasse This, in fact, is the attitude of most of the pupils in "What is January Term?" cording to Dr ..Lightner, this would depend upon the the class: though there were guffaws from some of "It's a great idea." course and the individual student--the student gets the boys, everyone joined in and no one hesitated to "It's a worthwhile experience." out of the January Term what he puts into it. He run overtime. On to square dancing, and here's "It's a chance to relax and take something you stated that if these are valid statements, then it is where the action is. The size of the class is ideal, for are interested in without the pressure of other an indictment of the faculty. there are enough people for 3 squares (for you who subjects." "Basically, it's a great idea, although I hope it have not been initiated into square dancing, a "It gives everybody the chance to enjoy the at- doesn't stabalize at a certain number and kind of consists of 4 couples), and the length of the mosphere of Western Maryland without worrying courses-I hope the teachers keep on being 40 minutes-- is condusive to the ex- about grades." . creative." "I do too," exclaimed Dr. Lightner. He All the "calls" are explained in These opinions expressed by Western Maryland said, though, that tfie January Term " is not squares have walked through students about the January Term match Dr. James stabalizing since not many of the courses are being the music begins and the Lightner's philosophy on the purpose of the mini- repeated. As far as the teachers being creative, he mounts. semester. Dr. Lightner, who coordinates the said that students can also propose ideas for dif- Undoubtedly throughout the campus there January Term, seems satisfield with the over-all ferent courses to the various departments. many such classes.classes that few know about accomplishments of the program. Recently, he has "You should be able to take requiremen courses-. enjoyed by those who do. Try to imagine a even expanded the program so that students from it would ease the load." Dr. Lightner is against this you'd look forward to, one in which you can let Western Maryland can go to other colleges to take idea. He explained that January courses are not your frustrations and have a good time in doing it; mini-semester courses there--and it is not too late to supposed to do the job of regular semester courses. it may be that folk dancing is for you. do so fer this coming term. Mini-semester courses have a much more narrow Students from other schools have in the past or specific approach, while semester courses have years attended some of Western Maryland January students would much prefer taking a course which a broader approach. Dr. Lightner also stated that J.~w~J?'Q!~tJ~"J.g Under this exchange would meet a requirement rather than take a Term courses and Dr. Lightner explained that it would now be possible for students here to go to other colleges in exchange. they would like and enjoy course Term. program, tuition is waved in the host and sending alleviating the purpose of the January taking-thus OCTOBER 24,1972 VOLUME 49, NUMBER 12 schools. The only possible cost would be room and "You should be allowed to take two courses." Dr. board; but since Western Maryland refunds $75.00 Lightner commented that one course in one month Editor-in-Chief Cathy Nelson for January, this cost would be minimal. should approximately equal four courses in about Some of the schools which are sending students Associate "Editor Francois Dera~ here this year include Queen's College, N. C.; Wake four months; therefore one course should be plenty. He added that since many courses involve field Copy Editor Nellie Arrington Forest University, N. C.; Lenoir Rhyne College, N. trips, much of the flexibility and freedom in Sports Editon Chip Rouse, C.; Eckard College, Fla.; and New England scheduling would be hampered with two courses. c_ Bob Ramsdell IN' r.~~ n Photography Editor Oave Korbonits ~~;~I~~~he~~ ;~~~~IS~~~::;;st~:~r~~~~t~oc:n h:~r_"I:.:W:::O:::u:::ld~m:::is:::s.::it:.::if:..:w:.:eo:di:::·dn:::'.:.t:.::ha:.:v.::.e:.:it.:..."-,. Art Editor Jim Solien there this year or next year. ~~ o-. Lightner explained that this opportunity is especially appealing to students who want to take featuri til Hard Work: Debbie Day, Julie Mullen, Pam courses which are not offered here, students who Clark, Judy Gardner, Charlie Englmier, Sue are interested in seeing and working in different Stalker, Cindy O'Neal, Sallie Remsen, Donna colleges, and those that may wish to live closer to Culotta, Richard Tucker, Richard Elliot, Bob home. He mentioned that some of the exchange eatunna.: Sklar, Linda Powell, Chip Wright, Linda Wells students from other colleges are from Westminster Donuts, Fancy pastr.ies, ., Special thanks. to Miss Nancy Lee Winkleman and thus they live at home. Ice Cream Cones. forpressreleues; Since there is still time to sign up in this exchange Coffee, ~ .~. _ teiial It the Westminster, e:~::'a~n!:~s~esd r:!~it~~t~~~~~~in;e~O ~~ Assorted Beverages, \ 0 ~ 57. Second cllss postage colleges already mentioned, or others which have a Sundaes and ~ , Ind for the stude.~ Banana Splits. n of Weste e opinions expressed ~i:~t~e~~~:~yai~~~.a~r~ t~~t~::~~~i~3:~~~~~ in this piper do notnetClSSlr.ily reflect .those of students that they may not always obtain their first ·the ~dministl'ltion_ choice at other colleges since already attending OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY, ~EV~N OA YS A WEEK Address III mailto Box 3, Western .Mlryland College, students will have first pick. The January Term may appear as a great idea W~i~er 'Marvllnd 21157: which everyone should be pleased with, yet some VOSBURGH " CARRlll, C•• n students are dissatisfied. Dr. Lightner was asked to PAINT & HARDWARE, INC, comment on some of these dissatisfactions: "Jan. Term is great if they could have some Paint COfIsullant courses which are really different. " Dr. Lightner I:ARPET different since no course in the January Term VARNISHES 27 WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER said he did not know what the student meant by PhOft.:148.7852 ENAMElS catalog is offered in the regular semester. He added] ALKYD FLATS Rugs and Rug Remnants ~~:~~~tS;~~~~\sh~r~aW~k~~~kf~nat~f~:~~:/tYle of iii' Wii:A6;NiiiTEm;D"-, ::ooilllle=..=stu:::d;::'n=t7to:-:w:::O""k:-:..=rt=t;-m.:-.:-'""7""-~ "It's advantageous as far as the social aspect, but helper,_Daylighthours. Contact Gilben Reese,374 Carroll PIu.a,Sboppina C~ter WestnUnater, Muylitld 21157 as far as the educational aspect, it stinks!" and ,_.ft_'_'5_PM_, __j "It's a lazy way of picking up three hours." Ac- ~i. '
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