Page 22 - TheGoldBug1972-73
P. 22
THE GOLD BUG 1972 Reflections 110 in the cold Dean The Jesus Zepp movement I sat home instead of going to the concert apathy), having meaningful dialogues about Saturday night because I didn't get my ticket the issues, and then taking action takes The most visible and publicized current ex- in. time. Because I didn't know that Wed- dedication, courage, and simple hard work. pression of the youth culture's spiritual . nesday was the cutoff date. Because I thought The WMC community has been notable in Jesus Movement. Like most socic-relieious I. there was a ticket somewhere with my name the past for its indifference. Will the Com- movements, it is exceedingly more complex on it. mittee for Social Concern be just another well- envisioned by most observers. It is not easily typed. Never mind whose fault it was. An- meaning organization that dies out for lack of The movement (some call it a fad) began in nouncements were made, committees formed,' support? The Committee for Social Concern California about five years ago and has grown signs posted. But the fact was that I never got needs people (students, faculty, other mem- rapidly since. There are at least four groups of the message and neither did several of my bers of the WMC community) who feel the people found under the aegis of the Jesus friends. We all wanted to go. None of us did. necessity for social issues to be discussed and Movement. Why didn't we know? As GOLD BUG editor, acted upon, who have the courage to be out- 1. Jesus Freaks Technically, these people are I wasn't informed of the Wednesday cutoff spoken, who have the time and dedication for almost exclusively ex-drug addicts. Rather than point. Maybe if I had been, a few less 'students hard work. being "freaked-out" on acid, they are "freaked- out" on Jesus. They are stoned on the Lord would have been shut out. Maybe if more than Although the Committee for Social Concern they say, "Jesus is the ultimate trip." one set of announcements was made during comes under the auspices of the Religious Life pushing heroin, they are now pushing each of the meals, more people would Council, it is not religious in outlook. It is the often just as aggressively. Ph"rrrlac"utical. remember. There is no way that the entire responsibility of the citizen of the secular mysticism did not work and this i student body can be present in the cafeteria at world, be he Christian or otherwise, to be have a more natural high. a given moment, so the practice of having only concerned with the problems that affect him It appears that the conversion from drugs one set of announcements is not only and his neighbor. Jesus has resulted in a disciplined, rigid life ridiculously optimistic, but stupid. Realizing Any member of the WMC community who is ~"nvs~~~~t~:go~~ii~~e~~et~;pi~~~o~}r~~~rr' ,p'm h.,' ••• d that there are those in the administration who willing to accept the challenge presented by former life. consider the whole business of mealtime the Committee for Social Concern should However, something has happened to these ad- announcements a "crutch" they nevertheless contact Gary Kilbourne in Rouzer 201 as soon dicts and the credit is given to Jesus and the Holy are the students' most effective means of as possible. Spirit, much to the amazement of medical communication. They should be utilized by Gary Kilbourne authorities who have found it virtually impossible organizations, and students' ears. Maybe if I to help addicts kick their habits. had listened a little better, I might have heard 2. Children of God. This is the most radical ex- the concert. pression of the movement,. Now numbering There were 990 tickets available. There are iJetters to the 3000 members, they live in communes scattp,-prl .• 1100 students. Even if all had gone perfectly, throughout the United States and . commune is as close as Union 110students wouldn't have been able to go. 990 Editor is the magic number because that's all old miles from Westminster. The sect was founded by evanzehst Davtrt Alumni will hold. Now, when we pay our Dear Editor, 1968. Wooing youth away students activity fee for WMC, we are sup- On behalf of myself and the Bookstore staff, we school, it takes seriously posed to get some type of guarantee that this wish to thank the students for their fine cooperation as "Take no thought for the money will reserve each of us a ticket for the during the past book sale. At best, it is a hectic employed and live by free homecoming concert. I suggest that each of operation trying to serve the needs of all the "Whoever loves father and mother more the (at least) 110 people ask for their money students in a relatively short period of time. This not worthy of me" (a group of parents have would not have been possible without your patience back. and understanding. Best of luck to a great student a group to free their children from the All right, maybe that's a little extreme. But God (FREECOG). is this supposed to happen every body. William P. Rudrow, Manager They are fundamentalist in theology, the Children of homecoming? When the enrollment at Bookstore most fundamentalists, American the "corrupt demn Western Maryland increased so sharply in capitalism, public education, etc. In 1968, new facilities were opened. Now it's time Dear Edi tor, them have left the United States for to increase those facilities again. We need a In reference to one of the articles that was Europe because they feel America's new type of performing arts center more than published in the last issue of the Gold Bug, namely hardened and soon will be harshly j we need a new gym, or another set of tennis the one headlined "Freshmen recipe: end of the 3. Campus Crusade. This is one courts. It's ridiculous to hold graduation off line." I have a few thoughts I would like to direct to growing segments of the Jesus campus, and it's ridiculous that 110 students its authoresses university campuses. It is an are deprived of their guaranteed privilege to To come to college with preconceived ideas of establishment-oriented attend homecoming simply because there what you want it to be is not only a very stifling The latter will even talk to college isn't room for them. I can tell you this; I'm not attitude but more important, it is also a direct The Crusade's program centers around adjustment to one's living hazard to dorm sitting in the dorm next year. I hope 109 others study and zealous witnessing within the aren't either. CCN specifically and generally to life itself. Living in "four spiritual laws." l. God loves you and close contact with twenty or more people can un- wonderful plan for your life. 2. Man is sinful At this point, I turn the soapbox over to Gary doubtedly be trying if you have not learned to give a separated from God. 3. Jesus Christ is Kilbourne. His is a point well worth makinq- little and mold your own expectations and desires provision for man's sin. 4. We must around theirs. Snobbishness is ill-becoming of recei ve Jesus Christ as Savior and Once again, a new organization has popped someone who has suddenly been placed in com- with these laws and appropriately up on the WMC campus with high ideas and pletely new surroundings; for though it can be scriptural texts, Campus Crusade "reach every person in North America for recognized as a defense mechanism, it nevertheless good intentions. A new branch of the Religious alienates the snob from the snubbed. by 1976. life Council has been born-the Committee for And as for your complaints of water battles and Converts to this group have not usually Social Concern. The aims of this new group is serenades, I can only pity you, for it is of these perienced the nightmare of drugs, typical of twofold: (1) to present contemporary social things which one day you'll wish you had memories. freaks. They are mostly miqdle class kids who have issues to the WMC community for education, You won't want to remember how you studied four been convinced that Jesus'·is the answer to their for consideration, and for action; (2) to take hours for a freshman biology class test nor will you brokenness and ernptiness'by a reasoning process up in the sphere of social projects where S.O.S. recall an insignificant conversation you had with a that is, given certain key premises, logical and left off. For those members of the WMC friend. For my friends and I, (who were involved, Biblical. community who are new or who never realized coincidentally, on one of the waterbattles of which 4. Winsome Conservatives An that S.O.S. died last summer, the Student you spoke) seranades and such plain foolery make- number of very appealing, sincere young Opportunities Services was- WMC's version of up most of the memories you'll recall from your who cannot be subsumed easily under the the Peace Corps, carrying out projects years here. And those "loveable upperclassmen ... three categories are nevertheless a part of to be dean, movement. They wou!d generally find their who have taken it upon themselves throughout the word in search of human housemother and proctoras far as rules and church and religious training deficient at relationships. The new Committee for Social regulations are concerned" are really not as strategic points, i.e., inadequate authority, Concern is attempting to step into the vacuum overbearing as you've painted them to be. To of personal experience and a lack of close vacated by S.O.S. distinguish between guidance, constructive fellowship. They study their Bible, say their Most new groups do begin with high ideals criticism and destructive tearing down is not so prayers and seek out like-minded peers to praise am good intentions. Most groups fizzle out as difficult a task-could it be you've closed your the Lord. In the circles in which we travel, we are their members become disinterested and minds to the fact that another person's experience apt to meet this example of the movement. disillusioned. As trite as it may sound, the can be helpful to you? No one ever bas-or will-- This is an attempt to suggest that the complete their education of life and it is my hope Committee for Social Concern will only be as that growth can accelerate throughout the coIlege Movement is multi-faceted with would . the former Among differences. good. as the WMC community is willing to years, for there is so much we can learn-from those biblicism, penteccstalism, . make it. Presenting social issues (many of older (yes, and quite possibly wiser) than us. (Jesus is coming soon) and an which may be highly divisive by nature while Very sincerely, they are right. This combination of emotion others may be so self-evident as to instigate Chip Rouse ~_~"""'-'~~~." ~....~_.... r-uuinued cn oane 3
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