Page 18 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 18
ยท PAGETWO THE GOLD BUG HAH highlights. law On Monday, October 25 at 4:00 p.m. in Harrison Alumni House the first Career In- formation Program for this year will be held. In an attempt to provide information about various careers to the undergraduates. the Un- dergraduate Relations Committee is co.ntinuing this year its program of bringing alumni back to campus to discuss with undergraduates the careers in which they have spent time since graduation. Reported in the first edition of the (;OI.D Bl'C; this year. profession is going to be highlighted for the benefit of the undergraduates. Mr. William B. Dulany '50 \\:ill be at Harrison House to discuss with those 111- terested undergraduates the profession of law ~s d career toward which they may direct their Otto Eberspacher excels in landscapes such as the one above, showing a tugboat pulling out of port. efforts. Mr. Dulany is an active alumnus ana a prominent attorney in Westminster, but whose legal reputation has spread throughout the state. The program is open to all undergraduates; Art lovers find tranquility however. invitations will be directed specifically to those major departments which seem to have a strong affinity for this profession. We in the Alumni Office hope that those students thinking B,VCindy Thayer One place to find variety on our campus IS me about law as a career will be able to be with us to gallery in the Fine Arts Building, where the techniques he has studied. His paintings have a benefit from Mr. Dulany's experience. Students smooth. almost glossy surface, which tempts the are encouraged to direct questions to Mr. Dulany works of various artists are displayed viewer to run his finger across them. His color concerning either his remarks or other aspects throughout the year. The first exhibit this fall schemes and lines are so realistic that the scenes of his work. More about this program will be was by Mr. C. Roy Fender and Mr. Wasyl come to life in the viewer's eye. forthcoming in future issues. PoJijczuk. both of whom are instructors of art The artist's favorite subjects are landscapes Beginning with last month Harrison Alumni here at Western Maryland. and horses. His horses seem to be alive, gentle, by Otto Eberspacber This month, paintings House will be open on the morning of each home are on exhibit. Mr. Eberspacher is originally and content. while his landscapes convey .th.e football game. It is believed that since so many tranquility of nature to his audience. The exhibit people come to campus for the football games it from Germany. but has been in the United States also includes a few portraits, seemingly out of would be a service to alumni, students, faculty since 1928. He studied at the Maryland Institute place among the peaceful landscapes. But ~o teachers such as and with private and friends of the College to have the House open Luciano matter what the subject matter is, each of ~IS and coffee available for those who choose to lpollito. a German expressionist, Robert Brown, paintings conveys its own character and emotion come by. As in past years there will .be and Melven Miller, both of whom are realistic to the audience is a world traveler, painters. Mr. Eberspacher significant activities associated WIth and has sold his paintings both in this country The opening of Mr. Eberspacher's exhibit was Homecoming, October 16, in addition to those and in Europe. He is a member of the Baltimore october :1, and it will remain at Western being provided on other Saturdays. All are in- Maryland through October 29. So, i.f. you're vited to stop in between the hours of 10:30 a.m. Charcoal Club. one of the oldest art clubs in the looking for a few moments of tranqUlhty,. (or and 1:30 any Saturday when the football United States. paints in the style of the even if you're not), visit the gallery to appreciate at home. Mr. Eberspacher the works of a good artist. German. Flemish, arid Italian masters whose News Briefs e The College Choir, directed by Oliver K. el'nrcnts' 1),IY on Octoberau will begin at eight Spangler. and the Women's Glee Club, directed o'clock in the morning with parent registration by Mrs. Neal Hering, will combine to present a The parents will then proceed to visit faculty musical vesper service on Sunday, October 31, at members in their classes, which will be followed 7:15 in Baker Memorial Chapel. The public is , bv .1 reception with donuts and coffee. An assembly will be held in Alumni for in~!~:diJ'ogram includes: Chcir-vf'ather, Thy the parents of freshmen studerits. The speakers Holy Spirit Send." M. Franck: "Lord, for Thy at the assembly will include Dr. James Lightner, Tender Mercies' Sake," Farrant; "Now God be who will deliver an address about the January Praised," vulpius ; "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in term. and its philosophies; and Dr. William Thy word." Buxtehude; "Kyrie (Mass in C),." Miller, who will speak on student dilemmas, Beethoven; "Sing Praise To God (St. Cecilia concentrating on freshmen problems. Mass)", Haydn; "Four Chorlaes (St. Pauli." Parents Day will continue with lunch, Mendelssohn. Choir and Glee Club--"Gloria followed by a home football game against (12th Mass) Mozart; Glee Club--"Thy Light Is Randolph-Macon. It will end with the movie, Come." Jean Berger. Mrs. Julia Hitchcock will "The lteivers." at 8 in Decker auditorium. be the Glee Club's soprano soloist. Also planned for Parents' Day is a bake sale held by the Delts and a bull-roast held by the Preachers. "Twelfth Night" opens ~,On Oc~ber 28, 1971at eleven o'clock in Room 106 Memorial Hall, Dr. Leslie M. Alperstein will lecture on "Economics and the Stock Market". h.\' Pete .Inhnsrin Dean. Sherrin Roby, and Chuck Young. There Dr. Alperstein graduated as an economics are five members of the cast that are making major from Western Maryland College in 1963. Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night or What their first appearance in a major theatrical lie received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the ""II Will be seeing on Alumni Hall Mainstage production at WMC. The production is directed University of Pittsburgh. October 22.23 and 24. is a (ather improbable, but bv Tim Weinfeld, with the set by John Van Hart From H~5 to 1967Dr. Alperstein served as an highly entertaining collage of wit, slapstick, and his Tech Prod classes of ill repute; the economist in the banking section of the Federal tronv. sensuous romance, skillful swordplay, and colorful costuming of 17th century England is by Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, D. just' plain filth. It's the story of a eunuch and Rebecca Weinfeld and the entire production will C. During this time he was also involved in the bov who loved it -- and the woman who loves take place under the stars of Tom Barnes. research dealing with the re-evaluation .of the them ~-and the man who loves her -- and her This play will represent Western Maryland in discount mechanism. uncle and his daffy friend who love strong dr-ink-. the American College Theatre Festival, and While completing his military service from and the man who loves himself .- and the clown there is hope that the production will be selected 1967 to 1969Captain Alperstein worked on cost who makes fun of the whole crazy pack of them -- to represent this region at the Kennedy Center analysis problems at the Pentagon in the Office and many others !!! Giving life to this funny next Spring. Tickets are a mere pittance ($1.00) of the Army. rantasv will be: Tom Blair, Bobbi Krtstianson, and are on sale at the bookstore beginning Oc- Since 1969 he has been with Legg-Mason and .Janice Cornell. Harvey Doster, Don Ehman, tober 18th. and at the Box Office at 7:30 on nights Company as an economist and securities Sandy Fargo. Dan Green, Dave Iverson, Pete of the performance. So grab a couple of frosty analyst. In this capacity the economist has .Johnson. Larry Lazopoulos, Derek Neal, Beth tankards at your favorite Tavern and come to frequently appeared on television . Trott. Kathy Van Dyke, Jim Wilberger, and Tom Alumni Hall by B: 15. Rating is 0 ---Only those Dr. Price urges everyone who is interested to Yingyang as the Beaver. Original music, written willing to join in an hilarious farce will be ad- attend the lecture. by Carl Dietrich. will be performed by Sharon mitted!"!
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