Page 14 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 14
THE GOLD BUG . OCTOBER4,1971 The HVault" of Amontilladot by Francois Derasse shelves are filing cabinets containing all the Ever single student at Western Maryland is minutes of all the meetings held in the college probably wondering what is the little rectangle ever since its foundation. Finally, directly to the called "vault" on the library's blueprints. First right. resting along the wall are three shovels of all it is not a vault as the college archivist Dr. which were used to break the ground for Samuel Schofield pointed out, but rather an previous buildings such as the Yingling Gym- "archives room" As the. name implies, the nasium, which was built in 1889where Lewis Hall archives room, located on the first Iloor of the now stands. library building, contains much of the historical Dr. Schofield is currently researching all the knowledge and artifacts of the college's past. material and reconstructing, in detail, the entire Walking through the metal door, on the left can college history. He is also making a copy of all be seen an old black student desk 'estimated to the student record cards of all students that have W~en you know it's for keeps date -hack to approximately 1871."Further in, attended Western Maryland College so a copy next to the desk; are tables on which an assort- can be safely stored in the archives room -- there Happily, all your special moments together will ment of objects are .exhibited. There are be symbo1ized forever by your engagement and. are more than twelve thousand cards. It takes a wedding rings. lithe name, Keepsake, is in the scrapbooks -which have become yellow~d and lot of patience and perseverance to be an ar- ring and on the tag, you are assured of fine quality brtttled with- age. Compiled by 'past presidents, chivist and to unveil and preserve the past. "iii'ld lasting satisfaction. The engagement diamond these scrapbooks contain new.spaper -clippings The moey to' build the room was raised by the is perfect. ot euperb color. and precise cut. Your concerning college events, past students, .and the Keepsake Jeweler has a selection 01 many lovely class of 1919 to which Dr. Schofield was the styles. H:~Sin the yellow pages under "Jewelers.'.'. college life -. Medals! _which were. given as elected president. In order to keep its contents awards.. are also displayed on the_ tables; .the safe from damage, the archives room is ~!%~oI?~:::~.'7.. first Bates' Prize, the first Mary Ward Lewis fireproof, theft proof, and smokeproof. Prize,' and the first John A. Alexander Medal are Much of the historical material found today in fJ some of the most significant of- these medals the room was originally gathered by Dr. William R. McDaniel, the vice-president of the college for (these awards are still bestowed to deserving students each year). _ " , many years. The materials were then stored in Other objects arrayed on the tables 'include what is now the Fine Arts Building, and when Indian .Clubs used by Dr. William Roberts Mc- this building was overtaken by the library, the Daniel; and a class cane offered by the class ?f materials were scattered. Finally, most of it was 1893--each Senior Class president would place his gathered again and placed in the present class pin on the black cane just below the gold library; and in 1969, the archives room was pommel, and hand it to his successor who would completed and the college's history was safely in turn do the same
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