Page 15 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 15
OCTOBER4,1971 ~ Io)~ ~~ ~ C.onLt'l'l\: 4:he ~ OW\ m8\fI ~"\; d.o\l)T\~"..u'l\(?)-t'ne One. W~~ B-t!. La.6t ~~i~S'j~e. newesf dl~lS~ ~I~se.$ .f ~e IWI<>$+ r~d;tqlou.s~ \'oCJ l'n'ce.s iH,e. Y\e~b-t cotkc.bod ot fireS; {\''L 10 tile.II; iI) c.e.f\ se . hf~~~~~~~rsadjust to country, campus ~ rfr)J ~~rou.\-a~50l ~om~ students on the campus have a hard time '" fWle.f\"c: o~ t_:~V\ci~ltS· a~l. adjusting to the college community. Of those. the \\'ol·k.ed. Hel.· favorite past-times are painting, ('oo~ltIg. eating. sports, and sleeping. Now that are the ~ne~ that have the biggest problem she IS here s.he sa~s ~he can play football, bowl," ~~ .SSort~ ~~\\'5\.it- Ioreign sluden!s. Not only do they have to adjust nnd dance folkloristic dances. is a to the college life. but they also have to adjust to 1\11'. Tt'dd~' theu. Lily Chen's brother, w~ \~dud6""u.1 ~heA!11eri.canway of life. which to munv of them Freshman and also came here to achieve a . IS quite different .and confusing. If he returns to his country, he education. higher .So as to acquaint every student and faculty ~f.. "0\\''''3 .$icVl~, ~~, ~vlththese students. a brief write-up of each was plans t.omake good use of this education; but he to to his country a~out returning is not sure In order. 'l~".r5(ro\\;"'j 'm;~) I\liss Lil.~'Chen. from Rangoon. Burma. came sd.tle, .IIe enjoys soccer, tennis, badminton, sWlmll"!lng. ping-pong. listening to music, and to the l!nrted States to pursue further studies. l'Oll('~tlllg stamps. Playing football, surfing, and Just pr~or to her coming in this country, she D06.j lIil) a \:&.le 'b~~ of stayed m England for over a year where she howling nrc some of the sports he will now. practice iQ.w~i ~-k,(!.tc.)~o Oil the Ulll~edStates. Miss Ing:a I'riden. a Freshman Ikc;_~useshe received a scholarship to study in r1'OmLIn~oping. Sweden, will be' staying in this CP-6. So ~("-\I....-I.o)e.1\ IiIIj country lor at least one year. Upon returning in homl'. she ma.y enter a Swedish university ordt'r to. work In a.n cmba~sy in the future. Her w'\jl-t"'~\s"'or) is n'cr.{'atlo!lal actIvities. rnclude .swimJTIing, readmg. sewing, plaYI~g, ~ancmg, ~oi'j\~ ~ 'be. o~4 0'1 and Irsteillng to mUSIC.She mentioned that she rl'cently tried archery but dropped it. A Freshman rrom Binatang: Sarawak, frl~ "~\e~t\. 1'2:00 I\blilysia. 1\11' . .JOSI'llh(;and(lll is here for three .v{'al·sto study. Before he left his country, he was ,I h'mporary teacher; and when he I'eturns he hopes to work in a government development bet.~I1~ t-~e('e. I'S ([('p,lrtment or in a business firm. He is a II()~;~ ~\sc...1... ell) ,.. "\~l sWlml,?er. a photographer, and he 'enjoys traveling. Now that he is in the United States, he w;rnts to go fishing. go on picnics. and to see the w~-h,;."s-b-.:so iQ 'Jd returns to his. homeland in Nigeria. Currently 'Ilk t.o .....e_ 0", do....~ Poet Roc! Jellema will be at Western Maryland ;1 Freshman. he IShere to get a higher education; ~lI1d;~sof yet he is not sure how long he will stay on Monday and Tuesday. October 4 and 5. !l1 thiS co.untry. lIis past-times include playing will lead a discussion ~(l*V\ ~ ~OWle.. f'eco./s students and the Western Maryland between, pmg-pong, and tennis, and listening to The poet College musIc. lie slated lhat he wishes to play football r:nglish etta s~()O-t it.'C.. "i~:t. Tuesday at4:00p.m. on Monday afternoon. On now Unlike some of the others, 1\-11'. lIakan .Jonsson faculty in Memorial Hall 106he will H~lJt fl NiCot' P'''' hold a reading of his poetry. The public is invited i~in the United States to see what the country is to the poetry reading. hke. (!f course, he is also here to study, but the of the creative writing ,Jellema is director -z.:2, w· Ifh;fl sW program at the University of Maryland and American people is what attracted him. After he returns home to Langas, Sweden, he will con- 8'18- \'*OQ rounder and director of the Annual Maryland lin.ue hi~ stu.dies. Hakan likes swimmit:lg and Poetry. Conference on Contemporary He con- vened the Washington Poets Workshop and was bemg With friends and during his stay here, he "Poet-in-the-Schools" in Montgomery county wClnts to see the United States under the auspices of the Maryland Arts CounciL 1\11'. Anthony Quinn Kedal. from Song, Soon to be released is a collection of his poems, Sarawack, Malaysia, plans to stay in this Pregnant? Something: Tugging the Line, and Poetry and the country for three years in order to study at Western .Maryland College. Before coming here, :\'ational Conscience for which he was editor. Need Help? The poet has been published in Poetry North- ~e studied at Tanjong Lobang College in S~rawak; and when he returns to Malaysia, he Nimrod. Etc., west. Motive. New Renaissance, W" "iii h.elp In, "omen ,oglrdlon Bl'Ioit Poetr)' Journal, Dryad, Harvard Ad- Willbec0'!l~ a government economist or he may 01 ,ece, roligion.lg. orl,n.neler vocate. Southern Poetry 'Review, Washington enter pol~tJcs. Anthony is a badminton player .'elul. We do nol morllile. bul Stal' Sunday Magazine. Chesapeake Review. St. and he WIshes to know someone that plays this me,el, help "omen obllin (fuI,lilied game Ooelors lor Ibortlonl. " Ihll .. i\ndrews Review, Field. Choice, and Mill what Ihe~ desire. Please do nOI ;\Iountain Heview. He has recorded one hour of The director of the French House, l\-1iss dell~, In oa,l, .borlion is mOle simple and less eo.try. Ind can be his poetry for the Archives of Recorded Poetry at Marcelle Pignot comes from Amboise, France. pe,formed on In oul plli"nl bati. Before she came, she was a student in English, the Library of Congress. Jeilema, who was born in Holland, Michigan, and when she returns to France she will coritinue received his M.A. and Ph.D degrees at Edin- studying. English so as to become an English 215 878·5800 burgh, Scotland. He has received two grants teacher III the future. Her favorite sport is fen- Women. from the Maryland Creative and Performing cing and her past-times are reading and playing MedlCII A.II.'lnce cards. She now wants to ride horses. Arts Board, two resident fellowships at Yaddo, I\1r. Edward UnfortunatelY, 8 AM·10 PM-7 DAYS and an award from the National Endowment for sophomore from Mbala, Zambia, Bwalya, Odd a Mr. A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION the Arts. Dr. Jellema was editor of 30 critical Haugen. a sophomore from Trondheim, Norway, booklets of the series Contemporary Writers in Christian Perspective. He is author or editor of and Mr. Claudeo Ariel. a Freshman from other booklets and essays and of a film script for Argentina, were not present for the interview. the National Institute of Mental Health.
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