Page 16 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 16
PAGE'EIGhT WMC booters have solid talent nucleus This year's varsity soccer team, led' by co- captains Ron Athey and Dick Hall, seems headed for a fine season with a good chance of finishing high in the standings of both the Middle Atlantic and Mason-Dixon Conferences. A large number of returning veterans from last year's team, including All-Star selections Ron Athey, Ed Bwalya and Bill Eberhgrt, provides a solid nucleus of talent around which to build. Add to this a fine crop of rookies, highlighted by Vernon Mummert, and you have what promises to be one great soccer learn. Preseason workouts have indicated the presence of good potential scorers on both the front line and in the halfback poslfloiis" In the area of defense, the fullbacks are experienced and the goalies are learning quicKly. - - -"'~' ". The W.M.C. bcoters will open the season with an away game at Washington on October 2. This year promises to be a repeat of last year's convincing 4-1 win. The Terrors will initiate the home schedule against Haverford on October 9. This will be the first time the two teams have met since 1946and Freddy Kiemle (No. 78) stands ready to take on all comers, as an unidentified W.M.e. container moves it appears that it will be a well-contested battle. in for seconds. Said Coach Homer Earll, "We expect it to be a tough game but the home field advantage should student body will continue to support us as well bYToJ!~m has potential: needs confidence provide us with a good incentive. I hope the as it has in past years." Western Maryland kicked-off its 1971gridiron both personnel and formational changes will season Saturday, September 25, with a 20-13loss help improve the team's chances. to Bridgewater College of Virginia. Enthusiastic. Conscientious. These are the Mike Bricker, Western Maryland's sophomore adjectives used by Coach Ron Jones when quarterback, led the team with 97 yards rushing describing the 1971Green Terror football team. and completed three of ten passes for 36 yards. Quarterbacking this year's eleven will be Mike Western Maryland kicked-off to Bridgewater Bricker. a sophomore from Bermudian Springs, who drove 38 yards to the Green Terror 35 and ._Pa. Mike spearheaded only three losing attempts then was forced to punt. in his entire high school career. Backing him up Western Maryland could not generate any will be another sophomore, Andy Keefer, from offense so the ball went back to Bridgewater who Delone Catholic high school in Hanover, Pa. drove 53 yards with Neil Hudson scoring on a 20 Three senior linemen, Fred Kiemle, Ken yard pass from Mike Arnette. Bowman. and Larry Garro, will be the captains. ~oe Brockmeyer, a junior, took' the Sixty-one members make up this year's Green Bridgewater kickoff and raced 94 yards for the Terrors. There are twenty-five returning let- first Green Terror score. The try for the extra termen. Coach Jones feels that more freshmen point failed. Last year, Brockmeyer averaged are needed to add depth to the team in the future 40.8 yards in thirteen returns. He missed being as there are only sixteen freshmen on the squad. firstin the nation because of a ruling requiring 14 Enthusiasm is a big part of any athletic team. returns for eligibility. Coach Jones believes' that our gridiron team has There was no other scoring in the first half so more potential than past Western Maryland the half ended with a 6-6 tie. teams. This year's squad is smaller than those of Western Maryland took the second half kickoff previous years but all the men appear to have a on their own and pushed to the Bridgewater genuine desire to play football. three where junior Tom Botts plunged across the There is a thin line which distinguishes a goal-line with 9':33 left in the third quarter. Odd winning team from a losing team. Desire helps a lJaugen added the extra point making the score team cross that line. Western Maryland's team 13-6. has potential. Coach Jones believes that 'once the Robin Fomicula fights opponents for the ball as the As the third quarter came to a close, offense perks up and the defense becomes more varsity went down 1 - 0 to tough U. of Delaware on Bridgewater's Bruce Cowan added their second experienced the team will cross that line. In his Thursday, September 30. tally with a five yard run. Cowan also kicked the words. "We need confidence. Once the team extra point to knot the score at 13each. becomes confident the wins will come." We hope The Green Terrors took the kickoff but failed he's right. WMC Hockey to score and were forced to turn the ball over. Small cross country With 9: J51eft in the game Cowan came through with the final Bridgewater score on a one-yard plunge. Cowan kicked the extra point to bring the squad hopeful total to 20-13, where it stood at the end of the game. ,Jpff Hf'1I DATE OPPONENT The Western Maryland offense generated a th 'This is it. This is the year of the Cross Country total of 233 yards compared to 372 yards by the Team at Western Maryland College. It has been Bridgewater eleven. four years in preparation. The people who have Ocl.4 Catonsville Community According to Coach Ron Jones. too many had the guts to stick it out should reap a harvest turnovers. three on interceptions and two Ocl.6 Goucher fumbles, and poor defense were the primary of victories. Bernie (The General: Pfeiffer once again leads the charge. He should be followed '0<1.9 U.M.B.C. causes of the Green Terror defeat. He hopes that closely by Calvin Plitt. Both runners are back for the fourth time. Glenn Scheib is expected to be Ocl.12 Towson the next in line. Joining the team for the first time is Jim (The Fly) Zucco, a hurdler from the Ocl.18 Essex Rifle team promising track team who beat Plitt by ten yards in the opening practice at two miles. Brian (Chain Oct. 22 York Starting on October 9 at Mount St. Mary's, the Man) Chaney returns to the team this year after W.M.C. rifle team will be shooting at the goal of havi ng run his freshman year. The other Oct. 27 Lebanon Valley improving on last year's 4-3 mark. members of the team are Gary Clark and Bill Co-captains Ned Rhodes and Tom' Resau will McCormick. both returning to the team from last be' returning from last year's team 'along with year. Coaching the team for the fourth year is Bruce Lindsay and Daniel Roh. Ten other Dr. Raymond Phillips of the English Depart- shooters, among them two girls, will be vying for ment. Their first year the team won no meets; . the fifth starting position and the alternate their second year they won two meets; their positions. third year they won four meets. This observer .; Major Gordon, coach of the team, says, expects them to have a winning season this year. "Though. we lost our two best shooters of last The team deserves your support. ATTENTION: year, the team should be better this year if we THE CROSS COUNTRY TEAM NEEDS MORE can find some new. people to fill out the squad. RUNNERS. IF INTERESTED, SEE ONE OF We expect that we should have a winning season THE PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS AR- : this year." . ~ TICLE. JOIN A WINNER.
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