Page 19 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 19
GOLD BUG PAGE 3 Schofield organizes history of Whimsee by Kathy Bryant One of WMC's most active veterans, Dr. Samuel this committee on the historical material, I was pleased to Schofield. holds the little known position of archivist of the . be one of them," the archivist explained. college. As chairman, he currently heads a committee of Mrs. A graduate of the Class of 1919, Dr. Schofield was Lowell Ensor; Mrs. Dorothy McDaniel, '18 Trustee; Mrs. elected president of his class his sophomore year Manahan, '23, retired Registrar; Miss Cora Virginia Reelected president his junior and senior year, this office Perry, '36, the present Registrar; and Dr. Theodore M. will "carry over until death" Whitfield, Professor of History. His senior year he was editor of the Western Maryland Pre~iously all the historical material was collected by College Monthly. He has been active at the college since Dr. William R. McDaniel, a Professor of Math, and Vice September 1914 and has attended every canmencement President and Treasurer of the college. The material WID since 1915. In 1966, he retired from the Chemistry largely connected with the Treasurer's office in the Department after 47 years as a professor here. Recorded original library. which is now the art buildng. When the in the July 1966 issue ci "The Hill" is a 1966 graduate's building was completely overtaken by the library in 1910, statement that "It was he who gave us an historical the ?1aterials wer.e scattered from the moving of the perspective" administrative clflce. Later, an attempt was made to "I was invited back here to teach in September 1914 and gather the materials. and they were placed in one of the continued until retirement in. June 1966, except for three smaller rooms of the present library. Since they were not and a half years of graduate study in Chemistry at toosecurerrom fire and theft. and idea was raised to build Princeton University from September 219:3\ to February a fireproof. smokeproof. and theftproof room. "Several of 1928. I actually was the first chairman of the Department the Class of 1919 decided to try to raise money to take care of Chemistry. I have held the administrative offices of o.fthe materials," ~emarked Dr. Schofi~ld. "The job was Dean of Men, Dean of the College (later changed to Dean finished in the sprmg of 1969, and dedicated at the 50th of the Faculty), and Dean of Administration With all that I did get a very vital interest in the wbole historical :~;i~h: o:~~ ~~~s :v~~II:d.~t that time the plaque out- Dr. Samuel Schofield background of the college. When President Ensor set up The archives room, located on the first floor of the library behind the stacks, now contains alll the available SGA selects committee students historical material. Some of the material has always been of with the college. and much of it was given I:1y Alumni. The the diary includes collection President of the first Western Maryland. James T. Ward, covertrg 1866 to 1886. Monday night the SGA appointed students to the various and budgets the women's athletic program. Three students This is a daily diary and one of the most valuable sources positions open on the student-faculty committees. rather than two are serving this year: Gloria Phillips, a of information on the early history of Ute college. Also The appointments are as follows: selected by the ad- senior, Fran McCabe, junior, and Nancy Dashiells. senior contained are all programs from 1886 to 1930 bound, and missions committee personally are seniors Tom Beam The athletic council, admits two students as the the Irving Literary Gazette which was the first student and Pat Calbeck. Requirements for this position curriculum committee does', one junior and a continuing publication. Complete collections of the Western include senior status with a 1.5 GPA. The admissions senior. Chosen this year is Bernie Pfeiffer, junior, and Maryla,[ld Co~lege Monthly and catalogues are there along committee screens applicants, proposes standards coming back to serve is Johnson Bowie. Ray Brown and WI!b other historical material Except for the 1969 and of academic achievement and enforces approved Gary Hanna are the approved choices for the library 1970 issues of the Aloha, there is a complete collection of standards. committee, an executive entity concerned with the im- the yearbook, also. A complete file of the Gddbug is at the front desk. Cathy Shultz, a senior, and Kevin Montgomer, junior provement of the library. Almost any aflemoon one can find Dr. Schofield are the students chosen for the curriculum commiltee. working in the archives room organizing all this material. Students here serve a two year term starting as a junior Appointed are a junior, Sue Tustin, and last year's He welcomes all students who are interested to stop in for with a 1.5 GPA and continuing through the senior year. student member, Glen' Hopkins, to the examination a visit The committee is mainly involved with general super- committee which concerns itself with overall supervision vision of the college curriculum. of senior comprehensive exams. Students chosen as mainly involved with general supervision of the college juniors again serve through their senior year. The curriculum. concert committee receives Greg Barnes as a new Hinge bus rolls again The calendar and schedule committee fixes the member and Mike Weinblatt, a senior, as a continuing academic, class and exam schedules. Sophomores with a member. 1.0 are eligible and chosen this year are Sandy Fargo, a The appointments for the foreign student committee are junior and Clare Euker. Women's athletics coordinates still undecided due to lack of applicants. Hinge is a tutorial program fd. Westminster elemen- tary school children. run by Western Maryland students. There are about 50 college students; participating in this SOS ressurects summer program program, who tutor twice a week from 4-5 p.m John Hinge's Woody Merkle, officers are John Skinner, Crooms, and Peggy Jones. Dr. Griswold is their faculty advisor As it has every year since 1962, SOS, the Student Op- opportunity I had." The program which is independent of the school portunities Service, will again attempt to make possible Past project sites have been Puerto Rico, Mississippi, system has been well received by the community. The for Western Maryland students a summer experience of the Phillipines, Appalachia, in western U.S. with the tutors work predominantly with black children and hope living and working within a different culture, an op- Plains Indians, and others. Past accomplishments will be to enlarge community participation. Through the sale of portunity to learn through service. explained and illustrated at an assembly on Tuesday, sodas at football games and a bakesale held by the Sponsored by Dr. L. Earl Griswold, chairman of the October 20 at 6:30 p.m. in Decker auditorium Methodist Student Movement, Hinge was able to pur- Sociology Department and Dean Ira G. Zepp, and guided SOS's work during the school year focuses on chase a bus which will transport the tutors. by the past experiences of juniors Dave Newkirk and establishing contacts and making arrangements with Aside from tutoring, Hinge members hold a Christmas Dick Douglas, SOS is ready to go wherever interested project sites for the summer. In the past, SOS has set up party, and have planned a picnic in the Spring. They were students want to take it. As Dave Newkirk expressed, libraries in the various communities to which they have recently asked to give assistance to the Westminster Day "The reason I'm in it is to give other students the same gone. Care Center Instant Cold Turkey is gonna get you! by Bi!1 Candee LSD has filled its share of mental clinics. give aid to the most severe cases of mental and physical One common theme running through the mass media, Assuming we want a drug free society why do we want addiction. For the less dependent or occasional user there adult conversations, and especially the 1970 elections is it? If it is in the interest of national health and better would be new recreational programs to help a person find the attack on the "drug culture." This attack is directed living, then yes, we should get rid of all the hard drugs, productive uses for their leisure time. There could also be primarily against students and their cultural values and is pot. and alcohol but what about the lesser drugs such as educational services that could give everyone the known led by public figures who believe that the entire problem tobacco. Tobacco, coffee, NcrDoz.J!.nd the rest of "Mama's facts about all drugs as well as where to seek help iT a can be blamed on the youth. If the drug problem is to be little helpers" do not directly warp a person's mind or problem with drugs arises. solved then society as a whole will have to look at the body or at least not to the point where the person loses his Of course this is not a complete list of what can be done problem realistically and answer some hard Questions self control. They do, however cause many people to to gain a drug free SOCiety but it does illustrate the honestly. direction in which SOCiety would have to move in order to First of all, do we really want a drug free society, why, !;~:~:s~f~li~oFd~:~llo,daeJ:ro~e~J ~~ :~~iai~ ~~~~ solve our drug problem. Today SOCiety rightfully con- and what price are we willing to pay. It is not just a other ailments such as lung cancer. Do we get rid of all siders mentally ill people and alcoholics in need of matter of electing district attorneys who will go after the these drugs, except those prescribed by a doctor? If we do medical attention. Yet a century ago these peopre were people who use drugs because this is not the Question we will have a healthier society. considered criminals and were imprisoned. The rates of The question is will America young and old, black and How much are we willing to pay for our new drug free mental illness and alcoholism did not decrease until these white, liberal and conservative give up all of their drugs society? It is here that constructive solutions and ilIneesses were identified and treated.· If we look at drug legal and illegal? We should realize that the group of imaginative programs will be used. Society will not ac- use the same way, we can solve that problem as well. adults sipping cocktails, the group of students smoking cept a "law and order" approach because not only will Drug users are not criminals, communist con- pot, and the group of Negroes popping goof balls have the people be prosecuted under the narcotics laws but adults spirators, or anything else. Sometimes the drug user may .same thing in common. They are all using dangerous will be prosecuted under prohibition and the Volstead Act. be completely addicted to a drug or he may be an drugs to gain physical and mental senations. It does not Our already overcrowded prisons could not stand the occasional user who wants to expand his awareness of make sense to argue whether or not pot is more dangerous onrushing tI1Ot'lSl1.I¥m!t1t'
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