Page 115 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 115
page 12 the gold bug May 11, 1970 Thoughts on the march: "big brother lettin' 'em do their thing around the armory" by J,?eI Kehm Chapel: 6:30 talk Gestalt: talk background, singing thing around armory. past the pool hall, past Bee-Gees climb the tree skip the rope LOOK AT ME ... marchers speeches, reennes 1igure "The four students kUled «poe sharks" bulgIng muscles spares chin whiskers, quiet solemn, purposeful intent. Chapel again, silent at Kent ARE Martyrs •• cambodia, n1xon administra- greased hair, apathettc, sell-interested ... mar qnars prayer. talking aga1n'Ge~talt\baCkground norse, emo- tion "Come on people now, smUe on your brother, too ••• selt-actualizatIon? chrIst, buddaa .v.dharthaoj tions, unity ... figure glrl-grlend, boy-friend, companion everybody get together try and love one another right gandhi, seU-commItment first, group unit second and my coke at the girl. term paper, test, bullshit in dorm. now." "The four students should not be made into marchers too: down main street to pennsylvania avenue marcher alone. futUe. martyrs by us here tonight •••all the small confllcting. bad machines go by, screecmg of tires 'oO sail the shtp, groups on WMC campus are united ton1te against a common cause; listening tustrocrar moment on cam- pus. "I cUg the this rally it's very meaningful to me, the campus, the community, the nation, our parents ••• Four preachers playing lacrosse on the grass along Survey shows decrease in chapel aHendance side 01 the chapel (oblivIous) indignant to what Is hap- pening Alumnl--line formed, everybody standtng butter- rues In the stomach, Images of shot-guns aimed ran- dcmty out of townies second ncor windows, college by Charley Moore campus rendition of easy rIder; maybe ME this time. During this semester, Dr. Griswold's Methods 01 preferred for chapel services, 46% preferred the present Nations people waiting for Gotot •..nere we are candles Social Research class has conducted a study of the re- ready •••our weapon, name on. Solemn. Enthusiastic, lIgious Hfe of students on campus. Sunday evening chapel schedule; however, 39% Indicated renecting eXpecting antfcfpattnghoplngpr aytng relyIng The study Is being made at the request of the Chapel that they would lIke the time moved to Sunday morn1ngs. on the divine, demanding, marchers quietly start their Committee, whIch is chaired by Dr. Robert Hartman. most 5) When asked as to the content of ehape l services, expressed students a preference for folk-type trek down main street. "what the hell are they doing A total of 851 resident students, or 77 percent %, services. Services relating religious beliefs to the now •.• get those people out of the way I'll be late for . responded to a questionnaire which laid emphasis on com temporary world were second In line of preference. why most they hold up trernce anyway. "Hey faggots . proposed changes In the present Chapel Program. Over of the students expressed an interest In In- kill them all ... turn em loose and let em burn down the A preliminary report of the findings reveals several cluding half well known religious speakers in assembly untverstty, let 'em pay for this goddamn existence 'oO significant facts: programs rather than In chapel services. all a put-on ... no sense In. No reaction from the mar- 1) 44% of the student population never attends church 6) chers, quietly shuffle of feet HghtIng of candles was or chapel during the school year. Indicated Approximately one-quarter of the respondents in chapel ser- a willingness to participate dripping into opened Palms, burnt fingers, warm hands, 2) For juniors and sen1ors, there has been a sig- vices, with the greatest degree 01 Interest shown by cold heart, plastic tears. Hit home? mayhe. dean nificantly greater decrease in chapel attendance over freshmen and sophmores. rnowbray, westminster police, mayor, yellow armbands ... the past several years than in lecture and assembly It should be remembered that these are broad gan- "stay closer together now, move up the ranks" very attendance. eranzanons from which a detailed analysis is now being ordered very controlled, big brother lettIng em do their 3) The frequency of total church attendance both made. The final report will be forwarded to Dr. Hart- during the school year and the summer months also man's committee within a week. shows a decrease. 4) In response to a question concerning the time Grille gets fantastic face/ift - more to come by Kathy Bryant New paint, In colors of red, whUe, and blue, adorns the should be more of that kind of stuff. I! we're going to Only $75 was spent and this came as a gift from the rens of the Grille as a contribution of the Freshman live In these buildIngs, we have to like what we see." Freshman class. The money was used to purchase the Curtains will soon be hung. They are not up yet because ~ Why did It take so long? Jan attributes .ne rods have not come I;. Hopes lor the future include to two causes, First, there were personal the time span red paint and small Implements. the Grille. However, Se- reasons. cleans Presently, one custodian nstaUment of all-weather carpeting and new furn1ture :hrough the student government. Jan Weldo, Freshman cond, they had to figure out what they actually wanted. Fin- Jan feels students should take more of tills responsi- don't take care "Students themselves. ally they decided paint would be the best method to cover bility He says, crass president, tried to get a jukebox for the Grille that the walls. Dean Mowbray advised them and helped get the of it. students would not directly have to pay for, but he called paint so that they saved money. If we're going to have stulf we've got to take care -:wo companies and they would not Install one. He hopes Twelve students helped paint the Grille on Saturday of It." :hat next year someone wUl find a company that will. April 25, Jan said more thaD.twelve would have been t~ • Asked what nis reaction to the "new" Grille was, I'here would be a stereo In there now, If someone had Bob Morris replied, "Patrlotically mecbantzed, not stolen 1t. last summer. many because the painters would have gotten In' each way, other's The patntmg project originated In November, according. for the color scheme. reason There was no specter 110 Jan, when he "lookedatthose colors and thought It was At first only blue and white were available. Jan and the Freaky follies next week ·ugly." He referred to the green and brown previously on deSigners, MIdge and Lynn Wright, then decided to add the walis. Remarking on the new colors, he said. "There red. They felt these made a good color combination. The Junior Follies Is one of WMC's traditional rites of spring, and this year will be no exception. However, the upcoming classes will have a hard act to ronow. Certainly, this year's cast will be the largest ever. In addition to the regular troupe with regular parts In the script, there will be Harold Baker's band, a prectslon Chorus Line, and a squad of Improvisors who will quickly disabuse thaaudt- ence or any notion that they are attending a play; AS th.e folhes open1r.g night, May 14, approaches, rehear- sals become more and more feverish. co-author Glenn Hopkins, as director and cruefchoreographer,growswear- rer, His collaborator, Jerry Hopple, serving as script girl, occasionally allows aworried looktowrinkle his fore· head. Everyone has learned his lines; the problem now Is to get the ,-,
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